Businesses for Sale WE HAVE TO OFFER A Wide Variety ol Businesses tor Sale: j COUNTRY STORES SUBURBAN GROCERY MIXED BUSINESSES DAIRIES ; FINANCE available to assist:, with purchase. Wc wili prepare a budget and arrange for inspection of bu.-inesses. Contact: — The Manager. J. RATTRAY AND SON, LTD. i 220 Moorhouse Avenue, CHRISTCHURCH. Phone 797-740 Advisory service before and!, after purchase. STC | LIGHT MANUFACTURING! OPFCRTUN'ITY I DUE to freight costs we. require a reliable Christ-f church manufactuici7subcon-| tractor for final assembly of, a well established product : Work involved is spot welding and light assembly. Starting ' September to December. Reply:— THE SALES MANAGER. . P.O. BOX 6515. WELLESLEY ST. i AUCKLAND. SWlO’
HANMER REAL ESTATE GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION SITUATED at Hannier Sorings. The only Garage and Service Station within 20 miles. Excellent petrol turnover to increasing visitor clientele. 3 bedroom accommodation on premises. Leasehold or Freehold available. Full details from the Vendors Sole Agents. Contact: .Jack Harte. Hamner Kcal Estate Ltd, MREINZ Box G2. Phone 7215, HANMER SPRINGS. S\VlO_ WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRITS BUSINESS FOR SALE ' WELLINGTON TURNOVER in excess of 2.5 million dollars. For further details write to: P.O. Box 21081 HENDERSON or Ph. 65-139 Henderson MOTEL FOR SALE COME AND LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN BAY WHERE WE ENJOY ONE OF N.Z.’s BEST CLIMATES WE HAVE FIVE FOUR-STAR UNITS, fully equipped to sleep five or six people, set in spacious grounds with room for additional units, and a comfortable three bedroom family home at one of Nelson’s most popular beaches. This property could easily be operated by a husband and wife team and is in a very pleasant rural seaside locality. School buses at gate for both primary and secondary school, bowling green, golf and yacht club situated within 5 minutes. Good clientele built up over 10 years, with occupancy being improved on each year. Asking price: .$130,000. Further details: TELEPHONE 59-620 TAKAKA. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE LEADING TIMARU BOOK AND STATIONARY BUSINESS THE OWNER genuinely regrets having to relinquish the business which consists of: 1. Downtown premises in busy complex. Large basement for storage and administration, plenty of great selling window display area. Pedestrian traffic-dense area. Stick comprises hard-back, paper-back, large greeting card section (tremendous turnover here) and stationery lines. 2. Suburban Mall premises with large display and walk-abput area. Stocked similar to downtown shop. Saturday trading here. Turnover reflects a very prosperous enterprise. Balance sheet available to genuine inquirers only. Will consider selling both shops together or individually. Apply in first instance to: BOOKSHOP, P.O. BOX 53, TIMARU. WS6 MOTELS - CROMWELL FOUR BLOCK UNITS plus manager’s reisdence on new proposed Lake Dunstan frontage. Complete with all chattels, colour TV, linen, etc. Price has been reduced to $120,000 0.n.0 for urgent sale. Sale due to purchasing another, larger, fulltive seven-day business. Additional adjoining properties can also be purchased if required. Finance available. A reluctant private sale. PHONE CROMWELL, 50-385, OR WRITE P.O. BOX 101, CROMWELL. IWS6R FULLY LICENSED RESTAURANT FOR SALE DUE TO HEALTH REASONS EXCELLENT’ TURNOVER GOOD LEASE PRICE $BO,OOO - PLUS STOCK AT VALUATION. . PHONE 527-678.
Page 45 Advertisements Column 10
Press, 6 June 1981, Page 45
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