I For Sale MERMAID shower doors, also bath model. Three attractive colours, $9B. We have stock. Door installation service. Ph. 382-053. STC MICROWAVE oven, Sharp, new. $650. Ph. 487-904. MODERN lounge suite, 2 yrs old, in good cond. Ph. 890664. MODERNFOLD fabric folding doors, save heat and space. We have stock. Door installation Service. Ph. MOFFAT Fiesta cooker, 9 months old but hardly used. $lOOO. Ph. 558-255. MOHAIR mats, 1 grey $l5, 1 red $lO, 1 blue $lO. Ph. BS4955. MONSTER sale. Trying to get off gremlins goblins and gargovles. Garage sale, 6/116 Huxley Street. 324-126. MORRISON Olympus 10 speed bicycle, good cond. $l2O 0.n.0. Ph. 559-299, 116 Rugby St. MORRISON multi hoe, $lOO 0.n.0. Two 9x9 Oregon sliding doors, with rails and rollers, $lOO each 0.n.0. Ph. 582-221. MOTOR mowers for sale. For a large selection of recond. mowers at reas. prices and guarantee contact Martyn's, Normans Rd. Also a good selection of new mowers at reduced prices. Ph. 559-323 open Sat. MOTOR mower, lounge suite. Olvmpia typewriter, 2 speed ladv’s Raleigh bike, as new. 39 Vardon Crescent. M. Trading Store buy for cash or trade-in all makes and sizes of TVs up to 5-6 vears old, 574 Colombo St. Ph. 60-904. STC NAPOLEONIC Airfix figures and others. Ph. 486-843. N. cash register. $7.99 total. Excellent condition. $lOO 0.n.0. Phone 799-710. NETBALL goalpost, portable, can dismantle $3O. Sanyo radio cassette as new, $7O 0.n.0. Mahogany cocktail and china cabinet with drawers, as new, $2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 853-545. „ „ „ NIGHTSTORE heater, G.E.C., 1.5 kw, as new cond. SuO. Phone 893-445. NORITAKE 36 pice dinner set. gold and white, nearly new. $l2O. Ph. 44-311.
b a a a NURSERY guards made to fit any fireplace or heater, at wholesale prices. Call W. H. Harris, Ltd, ph. 61-796. STC NURSERY and heater guards, superior quality and design at a price you can afford, ph. 497-729 business h° u^ c NURSERY guard for Juno $2O. Ph. 389-298. OAK extension dining table has been restored, excel, cond, $l4O. Ph. 842-253, after 9 a.m. x ... OAK dining room table, with 4 chairs. Ph. 228-286. OAK bedside cabinets, one pair $25. Ph. 884-955. OAK furniture, including a round extension table ana 4 high back chairs, Secretaire bookcase combination, hall stand, wash-stand, duchesses etc. Amber Traders, corner Idris and Wairakei Rds. Ph. 518-711. Hours: week-days 10 to 5.30, Saturday 10 to 1. 6 OAK dining table and 6 matching chajrs, excel, cond. Ph. 555-145. OAK table, oval with 2 exten. sion leaves, able to seat 8, chairs to match, $3BO 0.n.0. Ph. 585-640. OAK double bdrm suite, 30 years old. Ph. 851-475. OAK .writing desk in nice order $425. Phone 556-457. OLD ironwork (Ornate), suitable fence etc. Demolition Yard, 280 A Lincoln Rd. OLD Oak sideboard, immac. cond. $350. Ph. 487-309. OLD pocket watch and chain (gold) three war medals, German cross, several old tobaco tins, pply to Press 8764. S OLIVETTI portable typewriter, $l9O. Kerosene heater, $lOO. Carmen 18 heated rollers $4O. Swedish chair, $45. Assorted tools, all as new cond. Ph. 889-084. OLD fashioned clothes and linen for sale, cheap at Tamariki School Fair. 10 a.m. Sat. June 13. Many other fantastic bargains, 83 Rutherford St. Woolston. Lunch avail. SW 13 OLYMPIA wall unit, as new, genuine reason for selling, $250 0.n.0. Phone 527-570. ONE Victorian Spindle back, round end, 2 seater, kauri settee in gold brocade, in good cond. $6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 39-091. OPEN today; 9 to 12 noon, Common Market for all your good used furniture and appliances. 41 Rothertham St, .Riccarton. Ph. 488781. „ , OPOSSUM traps, 3 types, Lane Ace, Montgomery, Victor. Ph. 482-521, Jacko Fur Traders. 1398 Blenheim Rd. WS2O OVEN Champion, ideal for flat — offers. Ph 524-313. OREGON flights Stairs approx. 8 to 9 ft stud at demolition yard, 280 A Lincoln Rd. PAINT spray gun, Wagner 240. Ph Belfast 7039. PAINTING easel for sale. As new, in perfect condition. Call Flat 6, top floor, 438 Gloucester St, between (hours 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. . PANELFOLD wood folding doors, ideal room divider. We stock, sell, install. Door Installation Service. Ph. 382-053. STC PASSAP knitting machine, with U7O attachment, never used and still in the box, genuine reason for selling. $653. Ph. 519-595. PAVING slabs, concrete 70 of 16in x Sin x I’in. 25c each. 86 Hereford Street. PERSIAN rugs, genuine hand knitted rugs, various types and sizes. A private collection. Ph. 43-644. PET tidies, painted with brown lid, fits neatly to your washing pole. Pirce $l3 at Suttons Industries Ltd, 1 Normans Road, Bryndwr. Ph. 556-149. Open Sat. morning. 8 PIANOS always a Urge selection at Gravestons. $6O dep. and easy payments. Ph. 64938 open Saturday 94.30 p.m. STH PLAYHOUSE A good size. Well constructed. Iron roof, windows and opening door. $75. .Ph. Bel. 7064. PLUMPING materials, tools and odds and ends. This morning 9-12, 249 Moorehouse Ave. POOL table, as new 7ft x 3ft 6in, with all accessories, $l5O. Valor two burner kerosine heater, modern, $4O. Ph. 517-768. POOL table and accessories, 3 x 6, $l5O. Ph. 368-673. POOL tabic, 8 x 4, snooker and pool accessories, $3OO 0.n.0. Apply 286 Breezes Rd. POOL table, 6x3, cues, balls and triangles $l3O 0.n.0. Ph. 890-450. POOL table, Bx 4, good cond with new’ pool balls, ,$4BO 0.n.0. Ph. 515-327. POOL table 6x3 new, foldaway, bails and cue, best available $209, PhPOOL table, 6x3, foldaway, (new) and accessories, $290 0.n.0. Ph. 499-710. PAIR of mahogany beds, innersprung mattresses, bedspreads, red carpet 14 x 12, Masport 4-way home gardener, all good cond. Ph--596-332. POOL table with ball return and solid legs, $230. Ph. 384. aBO. , , POOL table, Italian slate with bails and cues S6OO. Ph. 384POOL table, new, 7ft x 3ft 6:n, foldaway, balls and cues- Best available. 5239. Ph. 516-852. „ POOL Table, 7 ft x 3. ft 6 in almost new. AU accessories included. 5595 0.n.0. 91 Woodham Road. Ph. 894-978. POOL table, 7 x 3ft 6. Foldaway. Complete with balls and cues. New condition $325 0.n.0- Ph- 498-525. PORTABLE typewriter "Brother Deluxe 800 ’ excel cond, SJSO 0.n.0. Ph 60-S9l.