„ Machinery and Farm Equipment Sell ■ ANDERSON ; EQUIPMENT STATION STREET. JI.F. 168 M.P.P.S. F. Wetbrakes. Excellent tractor. J.H. 574 TA, 3500 hours. .90 p.c. rubber. A good trac- / tor. remotes. Priced right. JIF. 188. 1970 model. 3600 hours. 75 per cent rubber. Showroom condition. $5600. FORD 4000 X. manual. Outstanding order. z D.B. 990, 12-speed, 3400 hours, S frame, 70 per cent rubber. $3300. FORDSON Power Major, very original M.F. 65, M.P.S., coming in. FORDSON Super Dcxta. 3000 hours. Best available. NUFFIELD DM4, live drive, good tractor. $llOO. M.F. 178, M.P.P.S., 3000 hours, 15 x 30 tsres. $3500. POST DRIVERS, new 6001 b monkey, semi auto. Unbeatable value. Under $lOOO. SUPER Mini Bins, trailing ~ P.T.O. spinner. 900 x 20 tvres. New. $1987 M.F. 165, 203 M.P.P.S., 85 per cent, new brakes. $3400. M.F. 178, M.P.P.S., 3000 hours, very original. $3500. MF. 65, power steer. M.P. very tidy. ' T.E.A. 24 h.p., verv tidy. $9OO. 1 NUFFIELD DM4. F.E.L.." out-1 standing order. $1650 CHISEL Plough, Napier, 11T.I 3pt. $275. i TRAILER. hydraulic tipper, all steel, drop sides. $6OO. „ DUNCAN 3F, 14in .late model, as new. $550. FERGUSON Ploughs. 2F and 3F. excellent order. From $3OO. LANDROLLER. new. Bft x Jin plate, water ballast. TRACTOR SPARES Good Range. ANDERSON EQUIPMENT, I Station Street. LEESTON. i Phone 356 Leeston, a.h. 417.! TRACTORS INTERNATIONAL 634 and cab, P/S, remotes, 14 x 34 tyres 60%. Tidy order. INTERNATIONAL 57 4 DA. Remotes. In Excel, order. INTERNATIONAL 766, 105 h.p. tractor and cab. 16-speed. A LEYLAND 384. Very tidy.; Runs well. DAVID BltUuN 1212.- Hydroshift, 2105 hours. S/F, P/S. tyres 80%. Cannot be faulted. MASSEY FERGUSON 185. Cab, 3876 hours, remotes. P/S. M/P. tvres 60%. MASSEY FERGUSON 188. Cab. 4500 hours, remotes. P/S, wet brakes, tyres 60 per cent. CASE 830. 5255 hours, tyres 45%, hydraulic, remotes, P/S. orig.,. good work horse. ’ FIAT 750 Special. 14 speed, tyres 85%, S/F. P/S. excel, cond. CASE 1070 tractor and cab, very tidy. 2200 hours. COMBINES INTERNATIONAL 851. Cab, Murphy. 10ft. INTERNATIONAL 93. BJft, Murphv, scour screen, bulk. INTERNATIONAL 105. 10ft, Bulk and cab. INTERNATIONAL 151, good order. INTERNATIONAL 871, 12ft, tidv cond. CASE 600, verv tidy. CASE A 6. Tow behind; excel. ... clover machine. . BALERS INTERNATIONAL 440. INTERNATIONAL 27. INTERNATIONAL 846. MISCELLANEOUS TAYLOR Bale Buggy. For further particulars con- „ tact: » W. 11. COCHRANE AND CO., LTD. LEESTON. Ph. Leeston 791 or Sptn 78,3, a.h. Leeston 336 or Irwell 803.
b. h: gurdler, • • 30 Belfast Road, Phone Belfast 7084, a.h. 857-677. M.F. 135 Diesel. Next week. M.F. 175. Goes real well. 52500. D.B. 990. White. 12-speed. ’ SlBOO. FORD 4000. Jones loader. s3ooo FORD 5000 X. Verv tidy. 52800. FARMALL Cub Next week. DBBBS. verv good, $4500. NUFFIELD’IO/42. Tidy. SHINGLE Screening Plant. ~' $7OOO. TANDEM Trailer. Very well built. 5350. HOWARD. 70in. Excellent. „■ I.H. 4f Plough. Excellent. ' SPUD Digger. Towed. D 4 Track Chains. $3OO. D.B. Safety Frame. TRACAVATOR 951 C 1973 model. 5000 hours approx. in very good cond. IS cu. yard bucket struck in excel, cond. Finance available to approved purchaser. Mesco McCabe Ltd, Richard Seay 66-329 a.h. 588-584. TRACKGRIP DIGGER MOUNTED on Ford 3303 unit, 6ft drain cleaning bucket, 2£t digging bucket, full cab, 2 c way controls, new tyres, etc. Finance may be available to » approved purchaser. PHONE 66-329. After hours 558-584. CONCRETE SAW 16 h.p. Kohler engine, hydrastatic drive, 18in blade, capacity, water pump etc - Was 53865, reduced to 52854.a0 including sales tax. MESCO McCABE, LTD, Phone Richard Seay_ 66-329, -After hours 588-584. EXCAVATOR ATLAS 1702. 1976'model. 4000 hours, powered by Deutz a evlinder engine, goo dcondition. P.o.a. Finance may be arranged. MESCO McCABE, LTD, Phone Richary Seay 66-329 After hours 588-584. SECOND HAND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE .. GRADALL low hours on digeer unit, reasonable condition. $lO,OOO 0.n.0. RM2S 1976, trackgrip digger, good rubber, 2100 hours mounted on 5 0r «o-°nnn unit, good cond.. $2a,000 HAMiLTON CRANE 5 ton HI petrol motor, $11,500 0.n.0. Two to choose TRACKGRIP RM2O 1975. mounted on Ford 4aaO tractor unit, 1200 hours on tractor, loader/backactor type with telescopic 1 boom, $29,500. TRACKGRIP RM2O •in good cond., backactor. type, $16,500. MESCO McCABE LIMITED, Richard Seay, Ph. €6-329, a.h. 588-584. .