I Cars for Sale VALIANT ApJk AUtO 1963. i excel, cond.. lots of extras, I Alpine Motor Court. 447 I Ferry Rd, Ph. 897-418 , LMVD. a.h. 890-692. (VALIANT Ranger Safari S.W. 1973. VJ series, bucket ' seats. 3 speed manual, ! mefallic gold, moderate mileage, warranty $4799. Avenue Autos, 550 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 62-272 a.h. i 858-444. 486-159 LMVD. 8 (VALIANT VH. auto., 1972. 1 ‘ owner, really nice. 53199. I Fitzgerald Ave Car Court, | Phone 66-811. LMVD. (VALIANT VJ, 1973. Bronze,! ! 82,000 km. Value at $3695.| ! Ph. 371-076. ah. 381-314 or) 61-944, Four Cylinder i Centre, 251 Colombo Street. ■ LMVD. I ■ VALIANT Regal, VF, 1969, J ! auto cold WSW tyres 90,000 I miles, heater above aver-) age, $2399, 51440 dcp. Chevron Autos. 9 St John St. Ph j !849-381. LMVD. 8; (VALIANT. VJ auto. 1975, on-| I ward wanted, must be im-l ■ maculate, required for cash! ! client. Phone now. Pauli ’ Chaney Motors Ltd.. Cnr! Dloorhouse Ave and Lancas-' ter St. Ph. 65-889 a.h. 428-; 764. 584-969 LMVD. (VALIANT 165 Hemi Pacer VII 1971. 3 speed floor shift, radials etc., performance for $3299 or $l9BO dep. Mini Car Corner, cnr Fitzgerald Ave and Ferrv Rd. Ph. 66379. a.h. 858-324. 324-7881 MVDI. 8; VALIANT VF Regale coupe. 1970. 318 V 8 auto, all Regal extras, inspect at Caprice Motor Court. 55 Ferrv Rd. Ph. 61-93 S MVDI. VALIANT Utility, 1970, mag wheels, ear new tyres, most attractive condition. $3195 or $lOOO dep. and $90.34 monthly. Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd. Pit. 797-967. a.h. 585-617. VALIANT VJ, auto, 1975, 77,000 km. showroom cond. $5799. Select Autos, 58 Manchester St. (Next to Cokers). Ph. 66-193 a.h. 487773. LMVD. VALIANT, 1974. Hemi, 4-door, twin barrel automatic, spotless condition, mechanically cannot be faulted. $4200 0.n.0. Ph. collect 841-632. VALIANT V J auto, 1974, 60.000 miles, radio, heater, etc., caramel with parchment trim, immac. cond. Value at $4500. Kevin Woods Dlotors. 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742. LMVD. 8 VALIANT APS, goes: real well, $3OO 0.n.0. Ph. 892-780 Sat. night. VANGUARD 6. 1961. 1 owner, genuine 68.000 miles, exceptional cond., drives like new. $lBOO. Murray Costello Cars. ph. 389-161, 305 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. H ■ ■ ■ VAUXHALL Magnum Estate, 1977, only 38,000 km. Finished in Jade green with two-tone trim. 12 months. 10,000 km, warranty. Call Norm Brian 499-144, a.h. 848-650. Blackwell Motors, Hornby, LMVD
VAUXHALL Velow, 1955, genuine, 91,000 miles, radio, heater original cond. $7OO 0.n.0. Ph. Rga 6432. VAUXHALL PAX 1962, reliable motor, new w.0.f., $450 0.n.0. Ph. 858-497. VAUXHALL Velox 1955, 2 owners, genuine. 64,000 miles, excel, cond. Ph. 228152. VAUXHALL PC Cresta 67, Al Cond. New upholstery and paintwork, new w.0.f., $llOO 0.n.0. Ph. 497-426. VAUXHALL Wyvern. 1949, with 1967 101 motor, in excel, cond. Enquiries Ph. 60-042. VAUXHALL PA, 1959, 2 owners, excel, cond., $lOOO. Ph. 830-618. VAUXHALL Viva, 1974, HC, 4 door, very tidy cond., $3150. Ph. Leeston 508. VAUXHALL Super, 1960, very good orig. cond., runs well, $5OO 0.n.0. Ph. 895-998. VAUXHALL Victor S.W. 1962, 4-speed floor change, mechanically good, $290 or will wreck. Ph. 851-880. VAUXHALL Velox 1963 , 2 lady owners, original 65,000 miles, $l5OO. Wayne Timms Motor Court, Ltd, 218 Barbadoes St. Ph. 66-894. VAUXHALL Victor 3.3 1968 mag wheels, air shocks, rec. engine, ex cond. met. green. $2750 0.n.0. Urgent sale. Ph. 885-513. 8 VAUXHALL Magnum Estate 1977, 1 owner, tidy. $3470. Whitaker Dlotors Ltd, cnr Wilsons and Shakespeare Rds, Opawa, LMVD, ph. 61597, a.h. 288-325. 6 VAUXHALL PAX, hew reg., w.0.f.. towbar, heater, good, real good with good exterior $5OO 0.n.0. Ph. 855651. 6 VAUXHALL Viva, 1800 4 door 1975 only 33,000 miles, 55,000 kms. metallic green with tan cioth trim outstanding cond. throughout. $3990. Archibalds, Tuam St Division, 166 Tuam St, Ph. 62-241, a.h. 325-203. LDIVD. VAUXHALL Velox, 1963, mint - conlition, 43,000 miles, Auto Sales, 5 Buckleys Rd. Ph. 894-989, a.h. 889-751. LMVD. VALIANT, 1965, APS, reasonably good order, would be worth $lOOO. with a bit of work. Will sell $BOO 0.n.0. Ph. 525-106. VAUXHALL Viva, 1974, 2-door, 80,000 km, good cond. inside and out. Can view this week-end. $2700. Ph. 428-577. VAUXHALL Victor, SW. 1964, English assembled, 4-speed gearbox, radio, towbar, 3 owners, very economical. good tidy condition. $950. 68 Oriana Crescent, Hornby. Ph. 498-431. VAUXHALL PC, 1969, radio and hater, original condition. $7OO 0.n.0. Ph. 43-613.
VAUXHALL PB, 64, med. miles, green. Value at $695. Four Cylinder Centre, 251 Colombo St. 371-076, a.h. 61944. or 381-314. VAUXHALL Dlagnum. 1800 auto, Dec. 1976, 50,000 km, cloth trim, excel, cond. $3950 0.n.0. Ph. 45-564. VAUXHALL Cresta PC, 1971, 78,000 miles. Must be one of the best available. Dlotor has been o/hauled. Only $2199. Paul Chaney Motors. Ltd. cnr Dloorhouse Ave and Lancaster St. Ph. 65889. a.h. 428-764, 584-969. VAUXHALL Victor 1959, only 70,000 miles, receipts for mech. repairs. An extremely tidv example $995 or terms. Neville Boon Dlotors. Ltd, 500 Dloorhouse Ave., Chch. Ph. 61-285, 790868 a.h. 597-721 LDIVD. VAUXHALL Victor 3.3, 1969. very tidy and original red with black interior $2295. Caprice Motor Court. 55 Ferry Rd. Ph. 61-936 DIVDI. VAUXHALL Cavalier, 2.0, 1978, Engish assembed. only 31.000m15, crystal white, red velour trim, a rare opportunity to purchase, a luxury English car. $7995 or S4BOO dep. John Poelman Dltrs Ltd. 55 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 487-105' a.h. 277-664. LDIVD. VAUXHALL Victor, 1971,2000. 4-speed. Reliable unit. This week’s special. $1990, at Andy Hogg Motors, 59 Ferry Rd. Ph. 68-004, a.h. 842-074. LMVD. VAUXHALL Cresta 1971 PC Tidv 3.3 motor. Great for towing $1599. Alpine Auto Court. 447. Ferry Rd, ph 897-418. LDIVD. VAUXHALL Viva. 68. Blue. $1595, dep. $957. Four Cylinder Centre, 251 Colombo St, LMVD, Phone 371-076. a.h. 381-314 or 61-944. VAUXHALL Viva, 1800 L, auto, 1 owner, only 26.000 km, Dletallic Blue, vinyl roof, body mouldings etc. Extremely tidy 54700. Farmers Toyota, Percival Street, Rangiora. Ph. 5383, a.h. Tony 830-°59 or Robin 2J--073. LMVD. 10 VAUXHALL Viva HB 1969, 4-door, immac. cond., only 31,000 miles since new, 2 owners, finished in pastel green with black interior. Be quick for this one, $2495 at V.W. Sales and Service, 59. Ferry Rd, ph. 50-703, LMVD.