I Cars for Sale MORRIS Minor 1952, very tidy interior runs well. Sell as is where is $550 0.n.0. Pg. 529961 after 12. MORRIS 1300. 1969. good cond. $l2OO. Ph. 791-986. MORRIS Kimberley 1972, auto, new w.0.f.. generally tidy, $995. Ph, 895-242, HS6 *■■ ■ ’ MORRIS Marina 1.3, 1978, 1 owner, only 20,000 km, $0999. 12 month -20,000 km warranty. Blackwell Motors. Rangiora Ltd. Ph. 8237, LMVD.. a.h. Allan McKenzie 832-751 Chch, Jim Cook 6333, Rga. HST 9 MORRIS 1100 1972. a very tidy and original car, $1995. Whitaker Motors Ltd. cnr Wilsons and Shakespeare Rds, Opawa. LMVD. Ph. 61597. a.h. 288-325. 6 MORRIS 1300 1970, 48,000 mis, dark blue with matching trim, faultless condition throughout. Buy now at only $2499. Select Autos (Mini Centre), cnr Papanui and Office Rds. Merivale. Ph. 555-241. a.h. 842-210, LMVD, 276-491.
■ ■ ■ ■ MORRIS 1800 Mk II 1970, high mileage, but excel, cond. throughout, $l2OO. Ph. 385029. MORRIS 1100, 1964, economical reliable motoring here for only $1095 or $657 dep. Neville Boon Mtrs, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch. Ph. 61-285, 790-868, a.h. 597-721 LMVD. MORRIS Manna Hiline, 1976 (1.8 T.C. M.G.E. G.T. motor), top Marina model, only 34,000 miles. Crystal while. $4990. Warren Rogers Motors, 175 Wainoni Road, Phone 384-248, a.h. 830-451. MORRIS 1100, 1971, blue with bone interior, heater, excellent order, $1595. Smithburn Mts, 27 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 64-057. MORRIS 1100. Trade-in special seling at cost. 1964, 81,000 miles, $695. Four Cylinder Centre, 251 Colombo St, LMVD, Ph. 371-076, a.h. 61-944 or 381-314. LMVD. MORRIS 1800, 1967, 78,000 miles. Very tidy, runs well. $1290. Fitzgerald Ave. Car Court. Ph. 66-811. LMVD. MORRIS, 1300, 1970, 95,000 miles, 4 owners, extensive motor gear box and brake repairs. Very reliable car. $2099. Clark and Queen Motor Services Ltd, MVD 366 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 382-091, MORRIS 1100 Auto, 1963, trade-in special, drives well, $1495. N.Z.M.C., Rangiora. Ph. 8334 or Chch Direct line 277-460. a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 8020, 8217 Rga. LMVD. ■ s ■ ■ MORRIS 1100, 1963. 1 family owner 68,000 mis. imma. cond. $1499 or $9OO dep. and $ll p.w. Carways. Carways Cnr, Ferry Rd, and Barbadoes St, ph. 792-675 a.h. 886-627, LMVD.
MORRIS 1700, brand new for immediate delivery, from $10,300. N.Z.M.C. Rangiora. Ph. 8334 or Chch direct line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 8020, 8217 Rangiora. LMVD. MORRIS Minor van, 1963, good motor, body rough, $5OO 0.n.0. Ph. 486-995, alter 9 a.m. MORRIS 1100 1966, tidy, 71.000 miles, $lOOO 0.n.0. Ph. 555834. Sl3 MORRIS 1000, 1959. good cond inside and out, heater, new battery and w.o.f. good tyres, $llOO. Ph. Rangiora 8514. MORRIS 1300, low mileage, 1970, very good cond. only $1750 0.n.0. Ph. 794-199. MORRIS 1303 1975, just 67,000 km, 2 private owners, faultless, value at $2999 or $lBOO dep. Mini Car Corner cnr Fitzgerald Ave and Ferry Rd. Ph. 66-379, a.h. 858-324, 324-783 MVDI. 8 MORRIS Oxford 1963, floor change, travelled a genuine 78,000 miles, in excellent cond. from top to bottom with only two careful owners. A better than average example of this popular model $1399. O’Connell McKay Motors Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 50-583 a.h. 856-284 LMVD. MORRIS 1300 GT 1974, English ■assembled, 2 owners, immac. order, only $3895. Murray Stuart Ltd, 34 Yaldhurst Rd, ph. 486-926, a.h. 44-445. LMVD. MORRIS 1100, 1965, new re. cond. motor, new paint job, new w.o.f. $1250 0.n.0. Ph. 893-260. MORRIS Minor, 1952, 1000 motor and l box, current w.o.f. needs tidying, $395 •0.n.0. Ph. 857-377 after 9 a.m. MORRIS Marina 1750, 1972, a very tidy car travelled only 60,000 miles, don’t miss this ■one at $2999 or $lBOO dep. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd, ph. 384-964, a.h. 881-081, 583-951, LMVD, open today.B MORRIS van, good little runner, motor needs little attention, $4OO 0.n.0. Ph. 428933 after 9 a.m. MORRIS 1300, 1973. 2 owners, 41,000 miles, $2700 excel, cond. Ph. 516-028. MORRIS 1972 1100, Mk 111, 48,000 miles, immac. cod. $2500. Ph. 516-757. MORRIS 1100 1966, English assembled, 2 owners, absolutely immac. Ph. 63-892. MORRIS 1000 van, 1968, done 10,000 miles on new motor, in very good cond. Ph. Rga 7337. MORRIS Minor 1952 runs well $550 0.n.0. Apply 9 CrosbySt, Sat. after 10 a.m. MORRIS Minor, receipts, for fully recond. motor, tidy order, $750. Ph. 237-202. MORRIS 1100 Mk 11, 1970, excel, cond. no rust. Rees blue. $l6OO. Ph. 385-416. MORRIS Kimberley 1972, excel, appearance, mechanically sound, many extras, fitted by enthusiast including radio and towbar, $1650. Ph. 599-689-MORRIS 1300, 1 owner, 1974, only 67,000kms asnew. arriving Monday. $2895, Smithburn Mtrs, 27 Moorhouse Ave, Ph 64-057, a.h. 35-249. MORRIS 1951, good cond $575. 0.n.0. Ph 892-609. MORRIS Minors, 2,1951, $450. Ph 797 MORRIS Oxford 1162, runs well, good tyres, new w.c f. *475, 0.n.0. 279 Locksley Ave. Ph 851-952. MORRIS 1100 1966. tidy cond. W.O.F. will register $750 or any reasonable offer. Ph 5317. Rga. MORRIS 1100, 1965, white with black trim, tidy cond, radio andheater, drives well. $l2OO 0.n.0. 486-307. MORRIS Marina 1.3 1979 16000kms, 1 owner, Southern Subaru. 514 Moorhouse Ave. Ph 60-214, or 60-213 LMVD. MORRIS Oxford flatdeck, 1960. Excel mechanically anti body. Radio and heater. $975 0.n.0. Ph. 583-776 or 296-861. MORRIS 1300, 1971, 73,000 miles. Please apply Sunday, 20 Blair Ave, or phone Monday. 60-447. Priced to sell at 1650. MUSTANG Mach I, 1971. 351, Ram air auto, power steering, a beautiful example of an American muscle car, $11,995. Inspect at Caprice Motor Court. 55 Ferry Rd, Phone 61-936, a.h. 381-082. LMVD. MUSTANG 351 see Bert Govan’s Block Ad. MUSTANG Capri R.S. Hatchback, 1980, the very latest imported sports coupe with 4.9 V 8 engine, auto, power steering, cruise control, tinted glass, stereo mag wheels, etc. Only 17,000 miles and as new, inquire now $24,995. Paullard Mills. Ltd, for Quality Cars, 42 Manchester St, ph. 50-181, a.h. 588-980, 278-575. NO deposit for your next car. To see if vou qualify. Ph. Dave 745-567. a.h. 857-245, Park Lane Motor Co., Ltd, 85 Moorhouse Ave. NS.U ROBO, 1973 A rare car for the enthusiast at Mecca Motors, 826 Colmobo St. Ph. 799-575, a.h. 555-181. SWIO