Car Parts and Access - ■ ■ ■ FALCON XY station waggon, undamaged, all parts. Hurst Car Wreckers. Ph. 45-524 or 45-666.
FALCON XR and XP undamaged. wrecking parts. Auto Salvage. Ph. 66806. a.h. 558-671. FALCON XW 1970 just arrived for wrecking at Everys auto Spares, Ph. 69954 FALCON XW 3.6, undamaged wrecking. Ph. 60-677, Ace Auto, 65 Brisbane St. FALCON XP 1965. wrecking at Every’s Auto Spares, Ph. 69-954. FALCON'S dismantling at Ford Auto Spares. Ph- 842319. ■ ■ . ■ ■ FIAT 125, front damage, three wrecking, most parts. Hurst Car Wreckers. Ph. 45-524 or 45-666. HAT 125, undamaged, recond. engine, now dismantling, SIMU Motor Services, 335 Lincoln Rd. Opn Sat. morninS* FIAT 127 wrecking Autoparts, 43 Tuam St. Ph. 65-968. FIAT 1500, 67, undamaged, excel, body panels, gearbox etc. Auto Salvage. Ph. 66806, a.h. 558-671. FIAT Bambina, 1964/60, sell as is, or will wreck. Compete. but motor dismantled. otherwise very sound, $250 0.n.0. Ph. 114FIAT 127, 128, now dismantling. SIMU Motor. Servi'.es, 335 Lincoln Rd. Open Sat. morning.
■ ■ ■ ■ FIAT 128. 19.73-1976, wrecking all parts. Hurst Car Wreckers. Ph. 45-524 or 45-666. FIAT 1248 C Coupe, 1974, 5 speed, 1600 cc now dismantling, SIMU Motor Services, 335 Lincoln Rd. OpenSat. morning. FOR cheaper parts contact Autorama Wreckers. Ph. 487-692. SW FOR sale, 1964 EH Holden gearbox. Good condition, $9O. Ph. 882-801. FORD gearboxes top loader 3 speed $195. Autoparts, 48 Tuam St. FORD Cleveland, 4 barrel manifold and 1 rear new Holey doube pumper for sale. Also 351 manual pack and pair recond. 390 heads. Ph. 6720 Ashburton between 12 and 2 p.m. FORD 302 and C 4, arriving at Ford Auto Spares, Ph. 842319. FORD Prefect and Anglia 100 E. All parts cheap. Ph. 889-292 FORDS, Cortinas II and 111, Falcons XA, XB. wrecking, 1300, 250. 302 V 8 motors, most parts. Ph 482-428. 6 FORD 315 parts, bonnet, boot lid, discs, suspension legs, 2 100 E doors L.H. and suspension legs 2 SV Ford V 8 rear brate drums and wheel and tyre, Mk II Zepnyr head. Ford 8 head. Ford 10 front axle complete, Fordson front axle complete S.V. Oxford, head, S.V. Snipe gear-box, S.V. Hillman gearbox, J2 van radiator, 2 Minor stubbs with brakes, 1925 500 B.S.A. S.V motor and gear box. — 101 Clarendon Terrace.
FORD Car dismantles, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 6 days. 147 Maces Road, ph 842-319. MWSIO FORD Zephyr MKII, 3.4 now wrecking at Every’s Auto Soares, Ph. 69-954. FORDS, Cortinas H and 111, Falcons XA, XB, wrecking, 1300, 250, 302 V 8 motors, most parts. Ph. 482-425. 6 FUEL pump, Holley high pressure with regulator, suit Drag car. Ph. 486-270. GARAGE equipment, stock and accessories to sell. iWeldlng gear, air compressors, 2, and wheel alignment sets etc. 9 a.m. Saturday June 6, 122 Hazeldean Rd. 6 GEARBOX sale, all makes and models, all guaranteed. Auto Salvage, ph. 66-806 a.h. 558-671. GEARBOX, Zephyr Mk 111 recond. $l2O Mk If $75, guaranteed Auto Salvage, ph. 66806. a.h. 558-671. GEARBOX parts repaired and aluminium castings welded, ph. Trickyweld, 63-537. STC GRANADA- 3 litre V 6 motor, complete with all attachments, motor can be viewed in car and road tested. Genuine reason for selling $750 0.n.0. Ph. 557-995. HAWK 1963-64 wrecking at Everys Auto Spares, Ph. 69954. HERALD, 1964, now wrecking, Rex Russell Ltd, 20 Raymond Rd. Ph. 890-430. H.D. Holden Disc brakes, good gearbox, and body panels. Ph. 499-544. ■ ■ ■ ■ HILLMAN Avengers and Hunters, wrecking all the time. Hurst Car Wreckers, Ph. 45-524 or 45-666. HILLMAN Hunter arrived for wrecking- Ph. 841-131 or 842364, a.h. 830-743. HILLMAN Hunter wrecking, Autoparts, Ph. 65-968. HILLMAN Super Minx, 1963, motor $5O. diff, $2O, body $25. Ph. 796-186 or 33-998 a.h. ' HILLMAN Avenger, 1600, 1975, arrived to wreck at Raycroft Auto Spares, 24 Raycroft St. Ph. 798-427. ' HILLMAN station waggon, 1958 good motor, diff, body tyres etc. Ph. 793-836. HILLMAN, Imp Head, manifold, clutch. Commer misc. parts. $4O the lot Phone 796-186 or 33-998 a.h. .HILLMAN Imp motor needs rings gearbox diff all parts, Sell. Ph. 793-836. HILLMAN Hunter. 1969 wrecking. Ph. 60-677, 65 Brisbane St. HILLMAN Hunter, station waggon, 1978, hard front damage, wrecking at Kaiapoi Car Wreckers. Ph. 6510 Kai. HILLMAN, Superminx 63. All parts cheap. Ph. 899-292. HILLMAN Hunters, always w-recking, most parts, most models, City South Auto, ph. 797-170. HILLMANS and Humbers 1950 to 1966 now wrecking at Everys Auto Spares, Ph. 69954.
■ ■ ■ ■ HOLDENS, Fords, Valiants, wrecking up to 1973, 179, 186, 1300. 1600, 302V8, 245, 318 V 8 motors, most parts. Phone 482-428.MWS HOLDEN HQ ute, arrived for wrecking all parts avail. Ph. 841- 842364, a.h. 830-743. SMWiO HOLDEN HD’s wrecking. Ph. 63-677, 65. Brisbane St. HOLDEN HD. HR, HQ. most parts available. A One Auto wrecking, 61 Gasson St. Ph. 795-719. HOLDEN clutch specialists, 1964 to 1980. $33 labour plus parts. All work guaranteed. Hamilton. Motors, Ph. 45-654, 78 Elizabeth St, Riecarton. off Matipo St.). WS HOLDEN HQ wrecking. Autoparts, 48 Tuam St. Ph. 65968. , « HOLDEN 1977 HX 30S engine with :: T/H4OO Automatic 60,000kms, arriving shortly. Autoparts, Ph. 65-968. HOLDEN Torana, 28505, wrecking. Most parts. Ph. 487-692. HOLDEN 161 motor, excel, cond., heard running. $495. Guaranteed, Auto Salvage, ph. 66-806. a.h. 558-671. HS6 HOLDENS EJ and EH. Wrecking at McPhails. Ph. 61-316. HS6 HOLDEN HD wagon wrecking, good box, all parts. Ph. 41809 HOLDEN HT 1970. undamaged arrived to wreck, excel! 161 motor, good body. Auto Salvage. Ph. 66-806, a.h. 5?3671. HS6 HOLDEN HQ 1974, car. and station waggon undamaged 253 motors, manual and auto. Kaiapoi Car Wreckers. Ph. 6510 Kai. HOLDEN HT arrived ■ for wrecking. Pit. 841-131, ■ or 842- a.h. 830-743. HOLDEN 1965 HD wrecking, good tyres, - etc. AU parts cheap. Ph. 893-429. >'J