Cycles, Buy and Sell I A choice of 1000 cycles, for] the largest display of 10 speeds, commuter cycles, imported lightweight tourers, tricycles, tandems, exercycles and BMX scramb. lers. All of these models, available on low deposit and easy terms or 3 months to pay cash price at The Penny Farthing Cycle Shop, 17 Victoria St, opp the Town Hall. Ph. 799-720, Open Sat. 9 ajn. to 5 p.m. Also enr Manchester and Tuam Streets. Ph. 791-520.
ALPHA, lady’s 5 speed, good cond. 3180 0.n.0. Call back flat, 85 Sherborne St, between 9 and 12. BICYCLE suit girl 8 to 12 vears, Raleigh Sports, soo. Ph. 516-830. BICYCLES 2, repainted and overhauled, 545 each. Ph. 385-938. . BIKE stands and bike sheds, Abaas Bros., 740 Halswell Junction Rd., Hornby. Ph. 497-859. SIC BLAIR Stockwell Cycles, open Sat. mornings, 9.30 to 12 noon, 144 High St, ph. 69305.
B.M.X. Maddison Import from Aussie. Excel, cond. $2OO. Apply 55 Boston Ave. B.M.X. cycles available for hire sB’ per day from the Penny Farthing Cycle Sheps, 17 Victoria St. Ph. 799-720 and enr Manchester and Tuam Sts. Ph. 791-520. D BSA heavy' frame, -just finished converting to 10 speed, new parts, tyres, and light, $3OO 0.n.0. Ph. 559-703
BUY 10 speed 23in frame, ph. 327-379. BUY 10 speed cycles ladles and g "ts, at The Penny Farthing Cycle Shop. 17 Victoria St. Also enr Manchester and Tuam Sts, Ph. 791-520. D BUY, sell or trade new, used, reconditioned cycles. Layby now. John Bull Cycles, 149 Manchester St. STC CHILD'S bicycle. Tomahawk, suit 5-10 year old in excel, cond. $75. Ph. 890-516. CRUISER 3 speed 5 months old, like new, $lBO. Ph. 881052. FALCON novice racing or touring cycle, 21'in, Dura ace, 531, TTT, ph. 48 7-023. FOR sale, 22in Falcon road bike Campagmoia cranks, excel, cond. Ph. 89-966 Ash-
burton. GENT'S 10 speed as new, $2OOl 0.n.0. Ph. 525-434. GENTS Healing 10 speed to, sell, new cond., S2OO. Phone 35-590.
GIRL'S bicycle. excel, order, $55. Ph. 885-044. GIRL'S bike, 20in wheels, 3 speed hub gears, carrier, good cond. $7O. Ph. 596-924. GENT'S 10 speed bike, sell, complete with extras, excel, cond. $275. Ph. 888-516. GIRL'S bicycle sell, excel, cond. suit 5 to 8 year old, $6O. Ph. 228-172. GRAND Master Racing Bike with handlebar bag, rear rack, excel, cond. $3OO 0.n.0. Ph. 324-671 after 12. HEALING Lo-line good cond. $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 885-030. HEALING 10 speed MCT2SO top cond. many extras, $220. Ph. 326-712. HEALING MCT, 270 $250. Ph.
892-764. HEALING 19 speed good cond. new tvres, carrier, SlBO. Ph. 45-608. HEALING Cruiser, 3 speed, excel, cond. $llO 0.n.0. Applv flat 1, 46 Hewitts Rd. HEALING 16, excel, cond. $lOO. Ph. 555-074. HEALING 10 speed gent’s cycle, lights and carrier, well maintained, $l6O. Ph. 883-763 or call 940 Avonside Drive. Sun. afternoon onl HEALING 10 speed, 2, 1 lady’s, 1 man’s, near new, $2OO each, also dble bike carrier. Phone 882-695. HEALING Deluxe, 10 speed, all accessories as new, $250 0.n.0. Ph. 555-211. HEALING 10 speed, men’s cvcle. $2OO. Ph 799-710. HEALING 10 speed, gent’s. Excellent ccnd. $2lO 0.n.0. Ph. 837-227.
HIRE a bike at the Penny Farthing Cycle Shops, 17 Victoria St, Opposite the Town Hall and corner of Manchester and Tuam St., Ph. 791-520. Ph. 799-720 tandems, ten speeds, sports cycles. Open Sat. D IT'S foolish to store items vou’ll never use again. Why hot exchange them for cash with a low-cost ad in “The Press” Classified? LADY'S 3 speed cycle, child’s seat, skirt guard, stand, had very little use, $l5O. Ph. 341280. SWI3
T 3 XDXII oyui to, XV. able cond. sell $35. Ph. 381178. LADY’S 26in cycle sao 0.n.0. Ph. 554-342. LADY'S 10 speed Healing, $2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 554-880. LADY'S and Gent’s 26in cycle $65 each. Both in excel, cond. Ph. 889-194. LADY'S Healing 10 speed, blue 3 weeks old, with all accessories. Ph. 797-461. LADY'S single speed, Raleigh cycle, colour red, reasonable cond. very minor repairs needed, has new pedals, brake pads, back
0.n.0. Ph. 510-366. LADY'S Sports cycle, good order, appearance, $45. Ph. 882-617. _ LADY'S 26 in Raleigh Sports, excellent condition, all extras $l3O. Ph. 881-008. LADY'S Raleigh bicycle, 3 soeed gears, immac. cond. 5140. Ph. 34-111. LADY'S 10 speed Healing bike, good cond.. all extras, 5230 0.n.0. Ph. 486-691. LADY'S 3 speed, good cond. carrier and dvnamo, s<o 0.n.0. Ph. 852-452. ( LADY'S MCT 270 Healing, 10 speed, lights carrier, stand, as new, S2BO. Ph. 790-729. LADY'S 28in bicycle, with child’s seat, completely redone up $BO 0.n.0. Call 8 Hercules St, Chch 1.
LE-SPRIT 12 speed, excel, cond. $320 0.n.0. Ph. 798- - 270. MITCHELL Professional road frames, now in stock, J till , onlj’ $316. Blair Stockwell Cycles, 144 High St, ,ph. 69305- „ .. PAINTING. Cycle Trading Co., can stove enamel your cycle frame, hi-gloss finish, 50 colours, lining and contrasting colours to order, our oven can hold a tandem. Ph. 63-760. STC RALEIGH ARena, 10 speed bike, good cond. sl/a. Ph. 584-692. RALEIGH 20 sell, excel, order. Ph. 529-176. RALEIGH 20 sell, $9O. Ph. 499709. . RALEIGH arena. 10 speed, good cond. extras, ph. 09.091- . A RALEIGH 20. 3 speed, s6a 0.n.0. Ph. 841-599. , RALEIGH 29, excel, cond. girl’s, 18 months old, sl2a. Ph. 582-355.