Random reminder
What a long queue!- This is a note from John Smith, the account is to be a joint account, and mv signature is to . . . What? I have to go to the actual branch? Oh, (delete)! (Ring ring) Linwood Branch? John Smith. Look, my lady will be dropping in with a joint account authority, all right. No problem? Thank you. Actual, as I was passing, I should like to take the card home for her to sign. Difficulty? Yes, I am aware it is a joint account already. This is a different lady, vou numbskull. No, her name is not Smith. I do NOT think the original Mrs Smith would wish to sign here, here and here. For Mrs Smiths own protection? Nonsense. I mav close the account, mayn't I? Right. A stroke of the pen. Neither cheque nor cash, thank vou. Here is a New Account form. Aha. iou have guessed what kind.
Hcrc, darling, take this to the Linwood branch, sign it in front of the manager two J.P.s a Buddhist priest and a Supreme Court judge, and if anyone calls you “Mrs Smith,” hit him. Hey! I must phone them again ... (Ring ring) John Smith. The regular payments — the authorised deductions — half a dozen of them — You have transferred them across already? Good on you. Bye. Hello at last! John-Smiths-and-my-Joint Account. Here’s the papers. No. I am not opening one. It’s open already. Isn’t it? Look — Number So-and-so, Linw ... This is EAST Linwood Branch? Linwood Branch is 3 km back that way? Aaagh'.lßing ring) Mr Smith! Argyle Finance speaking. We don't seem to have received this months regular .. .
Random reminder
Press, 6 June 1981, Page 24
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