Gay rights group to pressure N.Z.?
PA . ' - Wellington, An international group of lesbian and homosexual activists may attempt to bring pressure on.. New Zealand'legislators through this country’s trading . partners, according to the National Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand. Mr Kevin Green, the coalition’s co-ordinator, . said yesterday that the International Association of Lesbians and Gay Men was looking at ways of bringingi pressure on the New Zealand Government “through less repressive governments involved in trade negotiations with New Zealand.” New Zealand lesbians ana
Gay men were now receiv- ! ing world-wide support in. itheir fight against the denial of- basic human rights, Mr •Green said. A telegram from the association, which is holding its annual conference in Rome, ’was received at the coalition’s annual meeting in Wellington on Monday, outlining the international support. Mr Green said that two months ago the Minister of Justice (Mr McLay) indicated that lesbians and Gay men needed to mount a concerted political campaign aimed at Parliament if they were to be effective in attaining their rights.
Gay rights group to pressure N.Z.?
Press, 23 April 1981, Page 18
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