Ideas to help jobless sought
People with ideas about how -to help -the unemployed are being invited by the Riccarton employment centre to attend its open days at the Riccarton Town Hall in Clarence Street tomorrow and Monday between 1 p.m'. and 4 p.m. The centre, run by the Labour Department and Ric« carton Borough Council, has been open daily from 9 a.m. until noon for the unemployed and employers. Now the centre is trying to draw on the ideas of people in the community to fight unemployment., ' J , “There are a lot of ideas floating about -in the community, and occasionally one of them is utterly brilliant,” said the council’s community
affairs officer, Mrs. Jtone Mac Lean. ■
The centre was opened on February 9 and had thad a - good ‘ response, she Baldi Job notices were on display stands at’ the centre, which was. manned iby two officers of the 1 department who helped the unemployed find jobs. Mrs Mac Lean said people could go in to 'the centre on either of the two open days between 1 p.m, and 4 p.m. and italic to’ the employment officers, offer * and ask’ questions, ■ An employment committee of, the council’s: community and development committee would consider the matter® raised.- f/XT : -
Ideas to help jobless sought
Press, 18 March 1981, Page 6
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