1[ CINERAMA I I [CARLTON ] S P J O V °I 6 $Jl 6 c.nima cfntre S *ho° T 6l*? Phon»«4-4li j Phone M-510 LAST 2 DAYS I Daily 2.15 8.15 DAILY Zpm.Spm l Dai | y 2 P . m . 8 p.m.. Da^rp ™.m. “The terror-I* stunnkig’Jlf you loved ".National (F«mr«>ntir» programme) Anima i The mort wanted men in House” and choked up Wakefield prison is the over “Up in Smoke” , Warden. ■l■ Kalh^iVl|l then .you'll scream iJoFlPrf mJVVPWSMI lore more with this iWVrUvI I 1 CHEVY CHASE {RI6) RedfOfd RODNEY DANGERFIELD “nni no » 818 n... RIB | Evening Reserves ot Theatre | Evening Reserves of Theatre Evening Reserves at Theatre Evening Reserves at Theatre »
CENSOR'S CLASSIFICATION G. Approved for general exMbitice C.Y, Approved for general exhibition — recommended ae mere BuhoWe for pereon* 13 year* of age and over. GJL. Approved for general exhrbitiaa* — recommended o« mere »u*oMe for adult*. Approved for exhtbifioa to person* of lhe advertised age and over.
f MARGIE GILLB [solo dance H “Gillis superb leaves viewers limp” —Montreal Gazette ■ “Enthralling” —Calgary Herald H “Gillis screams with eloquence” |j ' — Globe & Mail H “Lady dances the blues” —Macleans I ONE NIGHT ONLY I Monday March 23 at 8 p.tn. I NGAIO MARSH THEATRE | Book now at the Town Hall 0 Price: S7.SO plus booking fee
Properties Wanted INVESTMENT .‘flats ... I have buyers waiting for in vestment flats in most price ranges. Personal, immed. inspection. Remeber, I specialise in ■ Investment type properties. Allan W. Burgess, MREINZ. Ph. 792 856, a.h. 515785. 19 ■ n a ■ MERIVALE Energetic young couple want a character home of 2 to 3 bdrms, pvte setting, between $40,000$60,000 depending on condition and give long possession date. Ph. Maxine Kaz 515-056, Kazukaitis Real Estate, MREINZ. , WF2O MT PLEASANT $70,000 for older style or modern house with drive on access and good views, 3 or 4 bedroom weatherboard or perm. mat. quite suitable. Please phone Neumann Real Estate, 559158 or 60-360. MREINZ. 19 MT PLEASANT/Cannon Hill, areas. Local businessman eager to settle on family home in these areas. 3 or 4 bedrooms, price range to $70,000. If selling or require a ‘no obligation’ market appraisal please phone Geoff. Dickens 792-120, Sherris and R-obertson Ltd, a.h. 33-194 MREINZ. 19 NORTH west to $BO,OOO. Cash buyer urgently requires 3 or 4 bdrm home, either perm, mats or w’board construction with safe back yard area for young family. If you can help please phone Bill Smith. Collins Real Estate. MREINZ, 488784. a.h. 855-133. ‘ 18 NORTH EAST areas preferred. My valued clients whose hove I have ■' sold, wish to purchase a tidy 2 or 3 bdrm perm, mats home on a smaller section. Cash to $35,000. For itnmediate inspection Ph. Barrie Fowler, 67-329, Benson and England Ltd, MREINZ. 276-010 a.h. 18 OUTSKIRTS of Christchurch: 3 bdrm home required with big living areas, pref, with a rural outlook. Finance to $50,000. Ph. T. H. Gibbon 556-081; a.h. Dunbar 526-642. MREINZ. 18 OWNERSHIP flats, $22,500 to $25,000. I have 3 clients, all have sold their homes, 2 want Richmond, Shirley, 1 wants Woolston. If you can assist please ph. Arthur Berry Real Estate, MREINZ, 853-933, any time. OWNERSHIP Flat, Shirley, St Albans, Linwood, urgently required for buyers, from $lB.OOO-$24,000, single story, and small blocks preferred. Please phone Lyn Safi, Cathcart and Ttirnbull Ltd, MREINZ. Ph. 793-414, a.h. 588-371.
B B B ■. O/SHIP FLAT for genuine cash client to $21,000 close Linwood Ave, shopping centre, top end, of Cashel, Gloucester, Worcester Streets. Ph. Joan Harnett of Daniel J. Visser MREINZ Ph. 67-297, a.h. 792-405. OWNERSHIP FLAT Spreydon. IVe have a couple seeking a' unit that offers a larger than usual garage, or somewhere to set up a small workshop. ' Other require-, ments are fairly standard and while they would prefer Lof 2 they will consider all properties up to $35,000 and can arrange possession to suit you. For confidential replies please ph. Wayne Beaton Simes and Co Ltd, MREINZ. Ph. 62-343 or 64347, a.h. 36-639. SWIB PAPANUI. I have a valued Client who wishes to buy a 3 bdrm perm, mats home with large garage up to 534,000. Can be leasehold or freehold. Please phone 794754 any time, Brian Clark, Stephens Real Estate, •MREINZ. . , . XF2I PARKLANDS North Beach. $32 - $35,000. We request on behalf, of our clients perm, mat. 3 bdrm home, if considering selling please ph. Loma :Mac!achlan, New Brighton Estate Agency, ’ 887-077. MREINZ. WS2I PRIVATE cash buyer requires . 3-4 bdrm home up to I $85,000. Ph. 887-456. 31