M B 2pm TODAY Bpm jy 2pm TODAY Bpm • Prii ■hfflTrßi "THE LONG ■KIOHI IMp#Rfl riders"r.i3 ; GOODBYE irici Uavid Carradine, Keith Carradne, IM I HI-' Robert Carradine, James Keach, * 1 11 ' /gV Bg*** Stacy Keach, Denns Quid, l'» (» fljV »nd "HELLICOPTER AIRBORNE"
Nightly Bpm Lunchtime Daily 12.15 JONATHAN ELSOM Mon 23, Wed 24 WICKHAM PACK and Fri 27 in DARK LADY OF 'Pygamalion' ™ ESON ? ETS H s,J’.»</ by oy George Bernard Tue 24 & Thurs 26 Nightly 8.15 pm THE SONGS OF Richard Huggetts RODGERS & HART HILARIOUS Light lunch will be FIRST NIGHT available $5.00 inclusive I of pygamalion w .i oo ; r :m Th “ tr :.m.‘
Ownership flats A completely sep. Summerh.il stone * 3 bdrm home un:t. Own. entrance and spacious easily kept garden. Roomy single garage. Excel, order throughout. Spacious living area Close shops and bus, Belfast. $29,500. First time offered by sole agcnis. Kevin Whiting, Ltd. MREINZ, 794-096, a.h. Whiting 851-724, 18 ■ ■ a ■ "A little beauty” sunny and clean 2 bdrm o/f close Stanmore Rd shops and on bus route. Ideal widow $19,000. Ph. S/A Joan Harnett of Daniel J. Visser MREINZ, 67-297, a.h. 792405. 8 ■ H ■ AVONHEAD, $42,495, first time offered. 2 brand new 2 bdrm units under construc- . Hon now situated in the W e s t g r o v e .subdivision amongst other quality homes.. Built in perm, mats with full colonial styling. ; Inside features large j. lounges, with feature bay windows, separate dining, extra large party, separate laundry, full deluxe bathroom, built-in 18ft x 10ft garage with"sinternal access. Ph. now for Inspection of plans, 45-189 or a.h. 582-181 or 584-379, Enterprise Homes, Ltd. SWIB AVONHEAD, $55,500, quality two dble bdrm unit, featuring large lounge with magnificent fireplace, fabulous kitchen with wall oven, dishwasher and breakfast bar, sep. handy storage room, and modern bathroom. To Inspect phone Carolyn Hughes, 488-784 a.h. 558- Collins Real Estate MREINZ. AVONSIDE, $17,500, be quick for this very sunny 2 bdrm unit with large.lounge, good kitchen,, handy to shops, buses and park, great value. Ph. Carolyn Spencer-Bower, Barth Real Estate, MREINZ, 517-039, a.h. Ohoka 710. 18 BARBADOES ST, St Albans, •attractive 2 bdrm 2 storey unit, ideal solo parent, great buying at $18,500 0.n.0. Sole agents, Bernard Berry Real Estate, MREINZ, 559- any time. BECKENHAM close to Tennyson St. $29,850. Very spacious 3 bedroom sunny unit, seperate lounge and dining room. Kitchen with eye level oven. Bathroom ■with seperate shower ecabinet. Very private fenced garden area with unobstructed view of hills. Handy ■ to buses and shops. To inspect phone Jones for Homes, 67-436, Joanne WyUie a.h. 893-202. 19 BELFAST, a 2 bdrm rear unit ownership flat, Visor, excel, carpets, a bit of garden for dad, garages in between, 525.750. Further info.rma. tion arid inspection, Trevor Downes, Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ, 66-917, a.h. 841-674. , BELFAST immaculate 3 bdrm perm, mats unit in private garden setting. v Features dble garage plus caravan or boat pad, $34,500. Ph. now 67-329 Benson and England Ltd, MREINZ, 276-010 a.h. 19 BEXLEY, look, rarely available. *3 bdrm rear unit (one of. two) with garage between. Excellent, fittings throughout, priced to sell at ■523,950; Ph. 794-784 any time, Patricia'Van der Bent, Stephens . Real Estate. MREINZ.' ,19
■'.-a ■ b : BISHOPDALE off Greers Rd. Super 2 storey, 3 bdrm, 2 living room townhouse. Beautifully 'sunny, mod. decor, ..walk-in robes, lovely . beige coloured carpet. Pri- , vate garden, $44,950. Urgent sale, vendors on transfer, sole agents. St Albans Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ. Wendy Halliday 799-896- anv time. ■ 19 BRIGHTON (Special) $24,950. An outstanding 4. yr old • unit and ias new. 2 excellent ■bedrooms (sole agents). Large sunny lounge, one of : 2 . — garages' between. Bright kitchen, etc., quality carpets, etc beautiful small ' garden. Details ph. Arthur Cartwright 62-105, (anytime) Beasley Packard and Chamberlain MREINZ. BROMLEY, just of Bayswater Cres., a larger than usual 3 bdrm unit 1 of 2 with garages between on sunny cor. ner section. Attractive kit- .' ehen with eye level oven, spacous lounge, Sep. toilet and internal access to garage. Value here at $26,750. Simes and co., 62-343, a.h. ■ Wayne Beaton 33-639. MREINZ. MWIB ■ ■ ■ ■ BURNSIDE Gardens (new). Front unit in block of 2. Internal access, 2 good . bdrms, nice lounge, spacious kitchen plus dining, only $45,000. Your choice of wallpapers etc. ■> Contact P. Coleman, sole agents, Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ. 555-707, 559097, A.H. 556-660. 19 BY Bealey Ave only $19,900. Delightful road frontage 2 bedroom flat. Large lounge and large kitchen dining. Separate toilet and laundry. Excellent carpets etc. Garage etc. • Phone Murray Beasley 62-105 any time Beasley Packard and Chamberlain MREINZ. CASHEL St (just off) Sunny 4 yr old concrete block 2 bed- ' room flat complete with private courtyard* and carport. High quality natural tone carpet throughout. Only $19,750. Wrightson NMA Ltd, MREINZ, 796-460, a.h. Peter 899-630. COMPLETELY sep. brick home unit.- Own entrance, ..: garden and caravan court. Immac. order. Spacious- J) vjng area, 2. bdrms,; large _• single garage. Neat corner '- site,. ■ Hoon Hay. $40,000. ■‘••’First- time offered by sole agent. Kevin Whiting Ltd. ■ • MREINZ. 794-096, a.h. WhitIng 851-724, ’»