For Sale ABLE- to purchase from Gravestons Household ■ effects all: day Saturday. Ph. 864-939, 454 Colombo St. Syd. Cash, terms, trades. ' / . SWIB ALL worn shafts, bearing ■ journals, components reclaimed -by Metalspraying ' process at fraction of replacement - cost. Exhaust systems aluminium sprayed Metalock 69-705. WS ALUMINIUM sliling door, 2.56 m high, 5.085 m wide rollers fitted. Ph. 227-922 bus. SMWIB ANNA'S at 106 Gloucester St. opp. Haywtrights and 95 Ar. magh St. Ph. 63-793. Unlined raincoats, $39.95. Fully lined raincoats, $59.95. 20 ANTIQUE and furniture restorer, wood carver. Bert Brouwer. 24 Boston Ave. Chch 4. Ph. 499-417. Wl AWTiniIEC HT...1
hogany sideboard. Georgia! mahogany chests, small me hogany dropside table, ant other items, Warwick Todt Antiques, 45 Bealcy Ave opp. Knox Church. ARGON Arc welding of alu minium and stainless parts Call Metalock 69-705. WS ARTHRITIS sufferers. Don't have the wool pulled ovei your eyes. Try a temperature controlled waterbec for those aching Joints.-Cal] at Waterbed World, 27 ManChester Street. Ph. 67-893 or Brighton Pier. Ph. 888-251. SIWFS AT Gravestons, peppers and salts, collectors pieces 100 s to choose at give away prices. 454 Colombo St. Syd. Open 6 days. Ph. 64-939. SWIB iTLAS Caravelle excellent cond. installed and guaranteed $320. Ph: 515-662. kTLAS Chalet electric range, suit bach or caravan $lB5. 16 Kinlock St., St Albans. AUTOMATIC garage door openers, available now at Suttons Industries Ltd, Normans Rd, Bryndwr. Call us for full information and free quote. Ph. 556-149 XTIB SABY'S colonial bassinet, cot and mattress, pushchair, carrycot pram, high chiar, cane bassinet, car seat, walker, trainer, pack, carrvcot, small trike and dolls bassinet. All excel, cond. Ph. 529-125. lAD back? call and try a waterbed for total back support. Waterbed World, 27 Manchester Street. Ph. 67-893 or Brighton Pier. Ph. 888-251. MWFS SAL LET shoes, size 13, brand new, $lO. Ph. 324-706. lARGAINS. Double end single beds, • dressers, • tallboys, tikes, bikes, radios, dolls prams, .many more. Dave’s Market. Ginucpstpr St.
MTWHF [ uEDROOM . suite, dble bed, tallboy and duchesse all in good order, $l6O. Ph. 428204. 18 BEDSPREADS by Millie Jean. Quilted with heavy dacron equivalent to 2-3 wool blankets, complete with frilled pillowcases and cushion. Now available from New Brighton Pier and 449 Colombo St. D BEEF sides of beef from $139 each (free freezer bags) Rowley Ave, Butchery, Ph. • 382-769 ask for Mike. 19 BILLIARD tables and accessories. unbeatable value.'' Drake Ind.- Ph. 50-509. D BLACK and Decker clearance, drills, workmates, saw blades, plus a range of accessories — all at reduced prices. Lucas Service, Hornby, open late night Thursday and Saturday morning. WF2O BUY your Penthouse Forum books, Sara’s Secondhand Books, 181 High St. Next A. J. Whites. WFS2I CALCULATORS. Complete range of pocket, commercial and scientific, sold and serviced at Geo. Berryman, Ltd. 77 Ferry Rd D CANE made to odder at the Vall-auris Collection, upstairs in High St. Arcade. WS CARPET: We are specialists in overlooking and fringing your offcut of carpet with over 100 colours of wool; to rrr-. -
one hour service or will pick up and-deliver. Rose’s Carpets, Ltd, 425 St Asaph St (east of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph. 795-730. D CARPET overlooking and fringing turn your carpet off-cuts into floor rugs. Save the wear and tear on your carpet. 24-hour service. Casswood Textiles Ltd, 348 Tuam St, between Fitz, gerald Ave and Barbadoes St. Ph. 65-500. Late night Thursday until 8 p.m. D CARPET: Used carpets, over 180 to choose from, overlooking and fringing specialists. Top prices paid for used carpets. Room and house lots. Hours 9-5, Sat. 9-12. Ros<?s Carpet Ltd, 425 St Asaph St (east, of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph 795-730. D CARPETS, second-hand, hundreds to choose from in good cond. including rugs and squares. We are New Zealand’s biggest secondhand carpet specialists. Before buying any used carpet compare our prices. Casswood Textiles, Ltd, 348 Tuam St. Ph. 65-500 opposite Testing Station. We also pay top prices for used carpet, room or house lots. Late night Thursday night until 8 p.m. D CLEAN cushion stuffing, dacron, ideal pillows, soft toys, $2 large plastic bag. Ph. 33?64 Chch. 31 CLOTHES dryer, Westinghouse, in good order. $7O 0.n.0. 30 . Cranford St. Ph. 796-689. CLOTHESLINES. Rotary (3) models. Hide-a-Lines (4 and 2 line models), Paraline, 3 Wire Tee Line. Call us for full details now, Suttons Industries Ltd,'l Normans Rd, Bryndwr. Ph.: 556-149. Open Sat. morning. XTIB COLFIX - Bitumen Emulsion for paths and driveways. Sprayers for hire and we can deliver your chip requirements. Phone 497-063. _ WS COLONIAL white painted duchess, 10 drawer, only $l2O. Hutchinson White, 189 Tuam St. ’_ .
■ 3 B H COLOUR TV, Thorn 14in portable, 3 months old, with's year guarantee, $BOO (new price $926). Ph. 889696. COMPLETE sell out of summer fashions. At Anna’s 106 Gloucester St, opp. Haywrights and 95 Armagh St. 20 COMPUTERS System 80, new model now in stock. Micro Processor ■ Services, 1 940 A Colombo St. Hours 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. late night Friday. ,21 CONCRETE premix, $5 per trailer loal or bulk orders delivered. Phone Belfast (23)8179 bus. ‘ WS COT and mattress, good cond. $4O Apply 841-269, CRACKED cylinder heads, blocks or machine parts. Call Metalock for a permanent guaranteed repair. Christchurch 69-705. Dunedin 51-700 ’ WS CRYSTAL Decanters, bowls, vases, glasses etc. at greatly reduced prices in th© sale at Victory Gifts, enr Opp. Wool-worths, Town. SMWIB CYCLONE trailer and truck sides, made to order, smd - standard ' sizes’ in’ stock. Aabaas Bros, 740 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, ph. 497-859/ ' WS DEMOLITION yard, 89 Forfar St. for all. modern building materials and fittings. THS DEMOLITION materials, 300 weatherboards. Hours 9 to 4 week" days and 9‘to middag DEMOLITION. Yard variety of salvaged materials including doors,windows, timber, Oamaru stone, drums of tar, hardwood, Oregon and rimu beams. Timber mouldings. Open 5j days. Musgroves in ■ Voluntary Liquidation, 333 Wigram Rd. ‘ SMWIB DESKS, wide: range students and farmers, from sl2o< George Berryman) Ltd, -77 Ferry Rd. Free parking. D