Maynard supreme
Peter Maynard romped away] with the-O.K. diiighy title in the I fourth and final {teats of the Es-i tuary Pepnants yachting series at | the Estuary yesterday. He sailed,Epic to a fourth con-; secutive win in the series to win! his class with a perfect score of no. deductions. The races were held in- easterly conditions, withthe wind blowing at between 15; and 20 knots, Barry Willcox .and Simon Hander clinched victory in the 470 class with another win in- fhe last heat, and Glen Church was dominant in the . New Zealand Moths. In the Paper Tiger class, Craig Keenan -missed a clean series by sailing inside the distance mark, therefore not starting. The closest contest, was in the P class, when Stephen Mockett won the .final race to tie with his Mount -Pleasant club-mate, (Mark Milburn. Mockett won the.-Seriesl on- the count-back. I Abbreviations used in.,the re-| sults’-are:— .- j . M.P., -Mount Pleasant Yacht j Club; C.Y.M.B.C.', Canterbury : Yacht and Motor Boat Club; C.Y.C, Christchurch Yacht Club; . S. G.,. Stewart’s Gully Sailing Club; P.P.. Pleasant Point Yacht ! Club. Results were:— ■ OIK. dinghies (six start- '. ersl.—Epic (P. Maynard. C.Y.C.) 1 1; Yak (P. Bamford, C.Y.C.), 2; Oki Doki (P. Rhodes, C.Y.C.), 5. i Series results:' Maynard, no 1 points lost. 1; Bamford, six, 2; : Rhodes, 14.4,3. 11
I . Finn . class (three start-! I ei-si.r-Sbmetinn Else iF. Kemp-, Ikers. C.Y.M.8.C.), 1: Victor] I et : Eriiergo (P, ■ Keinpkers, C. Y.i M. B. C.l, 2. Series: Hotshot (F.j (Campbell C-. Y. M. B. C.l, 5.7. 1; > ! P. Kempkers, 19. 2. P class (10 starters).—Barnacle’ (S. Mccke’tt, M. P.f, 1; Conquest! uE. Park. C. V. C.l. 2; Squibb (J. ; Brinkman, M. P.l, 3. Series: I Mockett, 3, on a count-back from Echo (M. Milburn, M. P.l; Park. 24.7, 3. Starling class (14 starters!. — Cornin’ Thru (C. Rosevear, M. P.),' 1; Anything’ll Do <G. Corston, M. P.), 2; Magic Bus (M. Milburn, M. P.l, 3. Series: Cannitt- (D. Kennett, P. P.l, 3,1; Rosevear. 8.7. 2; Normis Boat (11. McGregor, C. Y. M. B. C.l, 19.7, 3. Sunburst class (30 ■ starters).—Arana (H. van der Velden. land A. Blyth, M. P.) 1; Hukarere |(C. and. M. Clark, M. P.l, 2; | Gladja (L. Fraser and J. Douglas, M. P), 3. Series: Fraser and Douglas, 5.7 1; van der Velden and Blyth. 5.7, 2; Sunbeam (A. Britton). 11, 3. Laser class (26 starters).—Light Flight <P. Penney. C. Y. C.). 1; Star (E. Jamie. C. Y. C.). 2; Hot Lips (A. Giffne.v, C. Y. M. 8.C.), 3. Series: Mazurka (B. Cox, M. P.l, 8. 1; Giffnev, 21.4. 2; Laine Beaver (S. Low, C. Y. M. B. C.), 24. 3. Sigrid class (seven starters). —Sigrid (D. and N. Nixon. P. P.l, 1; Bonita (L and D. Bamford, P. P.l, 2; Sirius (R. and I. Frost, P.P.), 3. Series: Nixons, 0,1; i
Bamfords and Frosts,: 11.7, equal ■ Phase Two (six started}: . Apollo (K. Bouwmeester and A, (Stirling, M. P.l, 1; Tumble Two i (R. and M. Brinkman, M. P.), 2; I The Joker (R. Lawrence and p. ; Harding, M. P.). 3. Zephyr class , (nine .startI ers). —Zippy (Miss S. Hines, C. Y. I C.l, I; Hustle tA. Ebert. C. Y. C.J, 12; Ripple (R. Park, C. Y.CJ, 3. Series: Miss Hines. 3. 1; Ebert 20.4. 2; Karen <P. Pascall. M. pi' 23, 3. International Moth class. —Series: Charger (B. Douglass. M. P.). 1 ; .- New Zealand Moth.—Series; Hydrous iG. Church. S. G.), 1. -,■ r A class Catamarans (three starters).—Katrina (C. flenslev. C. Y., M. 8.C.), !. Series: Sock It To Me . (B. Twoomey, C. Y. M. B.CI). 6, 1. Paper Tiger class (nine starters).—Game Cock (A. Nikloff, P. P.)..J; Tu Much (W. Stone, P. P.), 2; Bronze Falcon (G.Falkinghatn, P. P.), 3.-Series: Lady Godiva. (C. Keenan. P. P-). 0,1; Nikloff, 6,2; Flakingham, 14.4.,3. 470 class (five starters)'.—Southern Express (B. Willcox and S. Mander C. Y. C.), 1; Le Boat (J. Sinclair and N. England, M. P.l, 2; G. Mander and J. Mander 3. Series: Willcox and S. Slander, 0. 1. Fireball class.—Series: Gizago (D. Pepprill and J. Douglas), 1. Optlmist class (13 starters).—(G. Wright, S. G.), 1; Tee Jay (T. Chapman, S. G.), 2; Bob a Bout (K. France, C. Y. C.). 3.