Lesbian group says report badly flawed
PA Wellington The Lesbian Legal Advisory Committee has ■ petitioned the GovernorGeneral, asking him to remove the present human rights commissioners, and to rule their recent report on gay rights invalid. The” committee said it had presented a legal case, arguing that the report was “inadequately rea-. soned, badly flawed, and based in part on an erroneous interpretation of the Human Rights Commission Act.” It argued that the commission failed to appreciate the issues given to it for consideration and rul-
ing, and that the commission had not defined “status” adequately or legally, in its claim that homosexuality could not be a “status” according to the Shorter Oxford Dictionary. The commission had not disclosed what, if any, research it had done on homosexuality to support any of its conclusions. The committeee ha- also asked, the Minister of Justice'(Mr McLay) to ask his department about, the arguments in the petition and to say whether he agreed with the committee’s comments and analysis.
Lesbian group says report badly flawed
Press, 24 February 1981, Page 13
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