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I Properties for Sale ' ;] CASHMSRJ, $48,500. New list- • ) ing, character 3 bdrm, 2 lit-. ing room iiome. "'with sum . shine and superb views." situated on lower slope, nestled amongst beautiful assortment ot most attractive trees and shrubs, offers plenty of potential.l I- with generous size sunny rooms throughout, but will i need complete redecoralion. Ph. Andtew Cowdy. of' '! Cowdv and Company.' I' MREINZ. 555-524 any time. s ■ ■ ■ CASHMERE Hill, only $94,500 < (first day offered — an- . other exclusive agency, •, spacious modern '2o't »q ft ' 4 db’e bdrm luxury home. An-liiteciurally designed brand new ;il) x 13 family , games room with ranchsliders to superb !< rtaie. l-ln suite off ms-'.et bdrm '2 bat iu ooms, :: t->i- ; lets; sep. shower room etc.;, ,: Dramatic _ ’a:ge -m’J.e:, with t.per. f’te Cap-, tiva'iing views across !he city highlight this magnifi-' 1 cent modern li.'l! iiome. Quality iiiacels ir.c'.Utie disliniaste:. wasteim.sici etc. Exira large ::9 x 2n gar-i age workshop. A rate find! | un titis soughi-alier hill. Ph.; ;; sole agent, John Packard 62-' I 195 am time. Beasley, Paet;art! and Ci’.ainberlair:, Ltd,l MREINZ. CASHMERE Buyers. A special; fabulous iiome on private tea: section, a little furthe- ! from Cashmere than you had planned, but with quality that fully compensate? Comptising of large 2in:t lounge, sep living room, up , : to rite minute kitchen with j eve level targe. waste-; -] master, dishmaster, papiry 1 cupboard, games room with : large ranch sliders opening i I: to 24 x 12 filtered swim,l ming pool. Eight beautifully , ) planned sunny bedrooms. mastci with ensuite. Double ■ .' garage and carport corn-! i pleie this builder's own home sei on delightfully private double section in two titles. This glorious up to the minute home is obviously unique and is offer- ! ed for sale at $ 120.099. To ; view phone Clarice Latimer.’ 797-829. a.h. 518-622, Mert'ilt . | Beazley Real Estate.' ' .MREINZ. CLOSE to St Andrew’s College - ; (Knowles St.) Magnificent. 2i ; storey. spacious family; ,] home,. comprising 5 bdrms. ; 2 large living rooms, large' ! kitchen, swimming pooli ' with decking surround.' > Sunny, established seeffor,, I a charming home in eveiv ) respect. $75,000 Ph. F E.. Wilson. Mft.-ivaie I’eai Estate. MREINZ. 559.097. a.h. 429-026. MWF23 COALGATE, $23,500. Delightful retirement home only 4 'ears old in as new cond. Every mod. convenience. ail carpets, drapes, washing machine and dryer included. Lovely well planted 32p garden, handy golf, fishing.; I bowling, ski fields and bush] | walks. Magnificent views to' > mountains. . Further adjacent land available. Catli-i ; cart and Co. MREINZ, Ra-; ngiora 7079. WF23; COUNTRY, delightful envi' ; ronracnf in Coalgate. Per . ' feet retirement home only 4 ! years old in as new c.ond.i ; Every mod. convenience, all ; carpets drapes and v as'iihis:machine included. $23,500. Lovely well planted 82p gar-, ] den with further adjacent : land available. Handy golf, > bowling, fishing, ski fields.l and bush walks. Magnifi ' cent views to mountains. Cathcart and Co. MREINZ. Rangiorg 7079. - WF23: ■ a ■ ■ CRACROFT (foot of_ Caxh- | mere hill( only $39,950. Hu-; I runiii Street. (First day offered, another exclusive agency). An outstanding I modern.:! bdrm brick home 1 in a very exclusive sought.) • after locality. Lounge. • -adjoins a sep. dining room Sunny kitchen. Ibvin hand, basins in vanity unit. Sep.' shower. Well established, ! garden. Excellent c-arpeis' . etc. Db’e garage, owner i transferred. Ph. M.'chae): Brown. 62-10.5 any time, Beaslev, Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ, rare op ‘ portunity. DALLINGTON, $22,500. 4 bdrm 2 storey ex State bun- , galovv in excellent condition, large lounge, bath ■ toom. sep. shower. 2 I toilets, large dble garage. 26 perch section. Phone I Dineen, 62-538. a.h. 856-044, Paslev Real Estate. MHF.I NZ. 23 DALLINGTON $22,500. 4 bdrm, I 2 storey ex-state, bungalow: | in excel. cond.. large ; lounge, bathroom, sep. ] shower. 2 toilets, large dble ; garage. 26p section. Pl:. DiI neen 62-533 a.h. 856-044 Pas-, ley Real Estate .MREINZ. 23 DALLINGTON-Shiriev. a real, gem only $27,000 Beau-. tifully presented 2 bdrm) and sunroom bungalow, ■ built for maximum sun on ’ landscaped 24p section. Lovely lounge and kitchen: dinette dual hot water. Ph.) Heather Collie. Manchester) • Homes, MREINZ. 60-050. a.h.. 45-737. tn'JS ; DALLINGTON, $33,000. Very) attractive 3 bdrm plus sun- : ; room perm. mat. .home. Lounge with adjoining. spacious kitchen, dining,: ; small study, easily kept sec-, tiou, quiet street, hard to ■ flaw property, priced to sell. Ph. David Habgood,] 796-550 or a.h- 324-216. Habgood Real Estate MREINZ. ■ DALLINGTON, $27,500. Well ; kept family home, well ; screened from the street and sited on tree studded > section with plenty of lawn) areas. 3 dble bdrms. 16 x 13 lounge with O/i'ire, large ' living'd'ning room also; ! with O/fire and wet back , plus the. usual amenities. Garaging for 2 cars plus, garden shed and fowl i house. Very handy to buses ] and shops. Ph. owners I agents. Wally Cox 50-772, , i a.h. 834-116. buying or sell-' ing see Bo’.stad Reality I first. MREINZ. WF23 DUVAUCHELLES BAY, prime; situation on flat, harbour ’ view, completely self-con-tained modern bach, sleeps 8. $30,000. Ph. 428-746. WFS24 : I ELMWOOD. $28,000. 2 bdrm' ! plus sunroom perm, mats) 1 home on a delightful sec-: • tion. This property has; : recently been redecorated: throughout, has beautifulpanelling, etc. Very handy situation . Pit. -Joan. i McKenzie. Merivale Real Es-; late. MDEINZ. 555-707, 555I 771. a.h. 517-594; 23 ■ ■ ■ ■ FENDALTON, $85,000, Garden Rd. 4 bdrm character style home, beautifully redeco- . rated throughout on a :>4p - tree lined section. -Large j entertaining area, lounge with beautiful . stone openI fire place, formal dining. 2; bathrooms, neutral carpets; ! throughout. First day offer-. : ed by joint sole agent, to I view ph. Joctti McKenzie*’ ' Merivale Real Estate,] : MREINZ, 555-707, 555-771. ; a.h. 517-594. 2" ' FEN DALTON, a 20 yea.- old brick home, approx J7<<9 sq i ft two large dbla bdrms, i large sunroom, plus enter-; taining lounge. 29 perch pri-i . vate section, inspection is »• must. $73,000. Trevor' i Downes. Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ, 66-917 a.h. 341-674. FENDALTON. Family home,; ' sunny location, high 1 acre section in shrubs, trees and , fine garden. Brjek house of 3 bdrms, spacious lounge ! with sliding doors to living-; diningroom. Well carpeted. Garage/workshop 19ft 6>ri x ■ ' 17ft and sep. garden shed. Car port at back door. This ) property is situated in a quiet street end' ye* 's i hand? - to Fendalt?n Mall, t s schools and churches. , 569,500. Private sale. Ph--L 51J-438. 23 1
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Press, 23 January 1981, Page 21
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1,023Page 21 Advertisements Column 6 Press, 23 January 1981, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 6 Press, 23 January 1981, Page 21
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