■■■naaNKMMMi COLOMBO ST • RICCARTON MALL fc g -WQ«IHIANOS * ARMAGH STREET aM««l fcQUlhfiEjWMiMfll ’AMPLE CUSTOMS? PARKING LAY-BY NOW FOR XMAS Secure your new bicycle now while stocks last! Lay-by or buy on our new 5 year plan. From only 10% deposit with payment spread up to 5 years! BBjaSiwMsMl ARENA (Illustrated). SportTcycle with 560 mm frame, 10 speed de railleur gears, cotteriess allow chainset, short guards and pump. All this at only $289 or $1.70 weekly MONARK (Similar above illustration). 10 speed tower with complete lightweight racing equipment including alloy cranksets and "Araya” lightweight ■ WBl P « AS ® *l* year old cycle. Twist grip self- , model with 5 speed Shimanode railleur gwrs.S ° d l u ‘ tin s c <*> stBr bra A e d e a 2?<?« w ±iv ? Usually $279. Our price..., brake. Qur price grjL4£wetkly $255 or $1.50 weekly BERMUDA 560 mm frame. AW 3 speed hub, self-adjusting twist grip gearchange, front and speed trigger control gears, ball-bearing head, back caliper brakes. Our price .... ;. ! chrome carrier. Our price ...; t .'---■ o ( $279 or $1.65 weekly " M " v s2s ° orsl - 45w * ek| y' ■ fctej w» AWb STARFLYER. Pavement style cycle with GRIFTER S° ve Mol °s r< ? s V d ’ k ® w '/* 1 outriggers. Ideal learners bike. Step-through Styrmey Archer AW3 speed hub with twist frame, non-slip pedals, ball bearing crank. Our § r £«^ rols ' . studded Sl^ Usu ? Iy price........ $155 or 90c weekly ' $270. Our price „_ $245 or $1.45 weekly K raiAuvAt MQRRISONRALEK3H cA WE CAI ' Cycle your way to mental and physical well3AKVE I being on a Morrison Exercycle. Features: . Adjustable saddle height and pedal ' resistance, speedometer measuring speed ■ ''lE-^IE E and distance travelled. Quick release lover • '•<[■jH ” < iEjLKl®y WfcEl allows hoodlabor. to slid, to desired J» position. Usually $220. Our special price... §O9 ar $1.05 weekly lli I ' also iB s ?!?F ll ' JBv AVAILABLE IfiCl I’i I ■ B « i AT TUCKERS | KzLIAJ , I B, JS,.i in . | KrffWMWTVBWTRni | ASHBURTON I | •COLOMBO ST •ARMAGH ST •NORTHLANDS •RICCARTON MALL PH: 798-100 PH: 69-857 PH: 526-056 PH: 488-612
Porker Sales & Service FBH ENGRAVING WITH PURCHASE WfifO (1963) no •j '. • . ' r. • . • " - , . • 209 MANCHESTER ST. ph. gmsr Wa / jbetwgen.Herdptd.a ,Worcester Sts)
Page 14 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 17 November 1980, Page 14
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