'. THE GOI-DSN KIWI ’a SMiiOiW!. TRIPLE DRAW : AUCKLAND CUP Drawer of: D « w * rofc '' COflft tMMa Ist Horss }OUVfUUU istHorsa V 2nd Horse $250,000 2nd Horse SIOQfOQv 3rd Horse slo<M>oo ■ Srcf Hcrse ' SSQfOQO ’ ' 4th Horse $BO,OOO 4th Horse sth Horse $5O/000 . / Sth Horse $25>000 6th Horse $4O/000 6th Horse $2O/000 7th Horse S3ZOOO 7th Horse M $l7OOO Bth Horse $3lOOO Bth Horse fwne 9th Horse $27000 9th Horse $ll,OOO . . lOthHorse s2sooo . 10th Horsey $lO,OOO Divided equally amongst Divided equally [drawers of other starters:— 540,000 drawers of ether starterss- fllSjivQw ' •Sprinkler •Sprinkler .Prizes-.- 3250,000 s2so/90*3 $1,530,000 $750,000 •SPRINKLER spread equally over both races, total $500,000, divided as follows: PRIZES 5.000 of SlOO, one to each ticket with last 3 digits matching fast 3 digits (in same order) ot any ticket drawing any of the first ten placed horses in either race. whAASrf - PLUS BIG 5205 MARBLE DRAW FOR $720,000 IN PRIZES Ist: 050,000 2nd: 130,000 3rd. 525.000 4th: S10,0005th: 85,000 TWOHUNDREDof 3500, FIVE THOUSAND of StOO. z GRAND TOTAL THREE MILLION DOLLARS! gif \A\ Major prizes distributed in relation to the placing of hones won by ticket ■ B* g \ holders at the draw on the morning of thoraces,Thura. Jan. 1. Radio New 1 Zealand Community Network and Private Radio Stations broadcast winnera r “; f fCrMBBI lof starters from shortly after 10.00 am. Approximately 10 minutes prior to I ■! I the races, stations broadcast the names ot horses and related ticket > ' 1 \ J numbers. This information is telecast by Television One just prior to .■ > V A / televising the races. (Expected starts approximately RACES RUN AT ELLERSLIE, JAN 1,1931. Horses Drawn on race day. - - . Warwick Kiddle. Organiser. New Zealand Lotteries. Box UP. Wtflingtpn. ■■ .106*? iWtllihfltoh District Agency, NZ Lotteries, WELLINGTON, " r» I • Please send mes2o tickets in the Auckland Cup Day S weepstake Lottery. ’ . | j I enclose cheque/postal note (NO CASH PLEASE) for plus STAMPED ADDRESSED 8 . ENVELOPE for reply. MAKE CHEOUES/POSTAL NOTES PAYABLE T 0- W. KIDDLE .. ' ■ I TRUST ACCOUNT CROSSED "NOT NEGOTIABLE A7C PAYEE ONLY:'STAMPS NOT. . I * ACCEPTED AS PAYMENT FOR TICKETS. If tickets In Auckland Cup Day Sweepstake not available,, I please allocate my remittance as follows (tick one box}. i lnvest all In S 1 Golden Kiwi JacM»t tickets, 1 | Oft Send me ticket(s) In the next ma|or (ABOVE ST PER TICKET) Golden Kiwi Lottery. ' | 1 OR: Return my remitt an celntbeself-addressed envelope efictosed. . 1 | HOM DE PLUME (Please Print}! -...' Wf I I kame__ : ' j ADDRESS — —— ...... .. , — I i If ncm de plume used, nama and address not published.MAlL OROER TICKETS ARE J I STAMRED REPLY ENVELOPE ESSENTIAL , I
, we mutt have His help to * msn who had J—nM. tremble.before Wm. t*H "Al IK? UrADeUID" worship as wa should." ftfsJoverr secrst.'Traiorrf ft* rations that God reignsi WUn WVwrfWllr’ j»us *{«, said, "Well, God bayond description He rota* ft. worfct His i: doesn’t, listen to evil mon, end grentiy to be/prslsed. power ran never b*overMeny Christian* raem to their member*. Everything but He has open ear* to jP o ***?/V/ *S” fry*™. **•*«• Mb* aS have considerable difficulty from . "High Church" those who worship Him the gods! For ft* gods of ration* fajrfy. Latth* when they ar* aakad to Liturgies) services to in- and do His will." Th* word . r *" on^._“, r * »»•■**» b* giad, the earth define "worship." They can format praiso session* can worship comes from the idoto, but our God made the rsjorce, let the vestneee describe : what is done provide meaningful worship Angio-Saxon word "worth- hravenel Honor and of the roaring eras demonduring • Sunday morning experience* for Christiana, ship" and means; "to mostly surround Him; strata Hie glory. PraJee Him worship service, but they The attitude of the wor- ascribe worth to, worth!- r *s’ h ****£*• 5 *Wde, foe may not raaly know what shipper, Jesus said, is more nees, repute, respect. His Temple. O Nations* of ft*y dlsptay Hw grratneer, worship-, it. What is important than the outward reverence. Worship is a*- "fy**', confem that Let the trace of the forest worship? They know they form*. To the woman at the cribing holiness, worthiness god *”s* !“•*!• T* sth •’"d**- F< * ‘W* do it, but they're not quits wail In Samaria Jesus M, honor, glory, and power to , •* wy coming again." sure what ft is. Part of this "Th* time I* coming when God - ..and showing H * yaw !f* Vou ltno * f - man.Sa confusion may aria* from wa w» no longer be con- gretitud* for who He ie hnd °*** in S> *” E* ”•***• who can the fact that. th*. New earned about whether to what H* ha* done. Worship * W P "fat. Worship The bow In .htanHfty end Treatinent doesn't pres- worship The Father her* or is praising God for Hi* Lord with the beauty of adoration -that's worship/< crib* exact forma of wor- in Jerarafam, For If* not attribute* and thanking Him *»•» b*««- L<: *• •*’’#» JfMdsy'x Mgarag IhMT ship. For that reason, where w* worship that for-ad Hi* wonderful works. . churchra of dHferant de- cotmts, but how we wor- it he* bean rightiy raid,' . , .r.""”" 11 \ ramtinaticra have freedom ship - i* our worship "Ho man know* himeeff, OPAWA BAPTIST CHURCH - ' to adopt and adept forms apirftraJ and real? Do wo who dew net knew hew VFAnR.WW>M®I UnUHUFI of that are appro- hate Th* Holy Spirit'* ra oornmun* wttt aod." WHaon’a Head Sex 7MI 'Primandmaanfagfel.'to help? Far God le Spirit, und Devfd eaproaera himeeif a* OolHeleaeit. ■'
Page 12 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 17 November 1980, Page 12
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