Book on playgrounds
A guide to the design and construction of playgrounds has been published in Dunedin by the Christchurch and Dunedin Playground Advisory Committees. The book, “Playgrounds and Play.” has been written by Elizabeth Hanan and George Lucking. j Advocating the importance; of plav for children, the j book says the "adventure' and creative plav need to be! a pattern of life from the; earliest years forming a 1
I foundation for our adult, i lives." "Playgrounds and Play’" ' has many pictures ilhtstra-, ' ting types of equipment fea-i ■tured in play areas and in-* {dudes the case histories of* II both an unsupervised and al i.supervised playground. j l’ As well, the nook has ad-i ivice on play areas for dis-’ labled and blind children. I i Elizabeth Hanan is a| ■member of the International! 'Playground Association and la regional correspondent for;* 'the National Play Unit. She*.
,is a tutor at the UmverMtv lof Otago. i She is a member of the Dunedin Playground Advisory Committee and has been *newsletter editor and chairItnan of the Dunedin Conisumer Association. She has also been a member of the National Executive of the Plunket Society. George Lucking is a partner of Lucking add Vial, a Christchurch firm of architects. He is chairmanof the Christchurch Playground Advisory Committee.
Book on playgrounds
Press, 17 November 1980, Page 4
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