Noon Forecast
General forecast; The southerly airstream flowing over New Zealand is expected to bring- cold, showery weather to Eastern and Southern districts from Gisborne to Fiordland. A few showers are expected in other North Island districts and mainly fine weather in the west of the South Island. South-west winds will predominate in all districts, strong in exposed places especially about the Kaikoura. Canterbury, Otago and Southland coasts. It will be cold in the South Island. District forecasts: Canterbury: Mostly cloudy with scattered light showi ers; cool, moderate vari-
able winds, south-west-erlies gradually prevailing. Nelson: South-west winds, fresh at times in exposed places; fine weather and mild in the afternoon. Marlborough: Cloud increasing about the coast with a few showers; otherwise variable skies but with considerable fine periods in the afternoon; moderate south-westerlies about the coast, light winds inland. Buller, Westland: Cloudy with a few showers but becoming fine; moderate south-westerlies otherwise light winds; mild afternoon. Outlook: Cloudy in the West of the South Island with showers; fine elsewhere.
Observations taken at the Meteorological Office, Christchurch Airport, yesterday. Barometer: 6 p-m. 11 p.m. Millibars .. 1007.6 1011.0 Temperatures: deg Maximum (to 6 p.m.) 11 Rainfall: mm. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m, .. 6 Saturday • •. 0 To date this month .. 40 To date this year - • 606 To date last year .. 666 Average to date .. . 558 Average for Nov. .. 47 Wettest (1952) .. 140 Driest (1947) .. .. 8 Bunshine: hours Yesterday: Bmln Saturday: 4hr 12min To date this month _95 To date this year .. ISIS To date last year ... 1700 Average for Nov. '.. 208 Humidity: < Per cent at noon ... 87 Per cent at 6 p.m. .. 81 Temperatures and rainfall for the 24 hours to 9 a.m. yesterday. —Maximum 15deg. minimum 8 deg. grass Sdeg, rainfall Imm. SUN, MOON, AND TIDES Bun —Todav: Rises, 553 a.m.; sets, 836 p.m. Tomorrow: Rises, 5.52 a.m.; sets, 8.37 ' P- m - ' - Moon —Todav: Rises, 2.10 pan.; sets, 35 ajn. Tomorrow: Rises, 352 p-mj sets, 336. - a.m. “ ' ' I Sigh tide at Lytteltbn.—Today: 12J.2 aan. and 1237 p.m. To-, morrow: 15 '■ a.m- and 1.30 • pun..- -. .
Phases of Moon • Full moon: November 22, 8 p.m. Last quarter: November 29, Il p.m. . New moon: December 8, 4 a.m. I First quarter: December 15, 3 , pan. NOON WEATHER Auckland: 16deg, cloudy, S.W., 18 knots. I Wellington: 14deg, light showers, . S., 7 knots. . . ; Christchurch: 9deg, light rain, E., 7 knots. Danedin: lOdeg, cloudy, S.W., 19 knots. WORLD WEATHER Minimum and maximum temperatures in the main cities of the world in the last 24 hours were:— Amsterdam 7, 12; Athens 15, 25; Bahrain 25, 23; Bangkok 25, 32; Beirut 25, 28; Belgrade 2, 10; Bertin 7, 10: Bogota 6, 18; Brussels 7, 12; Buenos Aires 14, 29; Cairo 16, 32; Caracas 19, 30; Chicago 4,6; Copenhagen 5,6; Dublin 6, 14: Frankfurt .2,4; Geneva —2, □; Helsinki 0, 3;Hong Kong 21, 24; Honolulu 21, 30; Jakarta 25, 32; Jerusalem 12, 24; Johannesburg 9, 21; Kiev —2, 2; Kuala Lumpur 23, 30: Lima 15, 20; Lisbon 6, 16; London 10, 14; Los Angeles 10, 24; Madrid —2, 13; Manila 23, 31; Mexico City 7, 23; Miami 24, 26; Montreal 0,3; Moscow —2, 0; New Delhi 12, 27- New York 9, 20; Nicosia 13, 25: Oslo —6, —1; Paris 7, 13; Rio de Janeiro 16, 25; Rome 6, 11; San Francisco 9, 17; San lju'an 24, 30; Sao Paulo 13, 24; Seoul —l, 10: Singapore 24, 31; Stockholm —2, 2; Taipei 19, 27; ‘Tel Aviv .15. 27; Tokyo 7, 18; IToronto 5,5; Vancouver 3,8; Vienna 0, <.