Stock cars Canty title to Griffiths
Sixteen cars contested th* firs heat of the Canterbury stpck>ca Championships bpfore a crowd u about ■ 10,000- at. Woodford Glei on Saturday evening. Brucp' Annan, appearing to the first time this season, drev the pole position and never look ed like being beaten. Tgrry Hen drove steadily for second, ant the experienced Gerald Griffith worked hip way through Die fielc from the ten th .grid to finlsl third. . - in the second heat, Griffith; ft-arted from number two on the grid and had (he lead by"thi third lap, He mainlined the lea< to the- finiah Winning froir John Mooar, who came through some heavy traffic after startine from the ninth grid, and Beachy. rhe tension was on.ihe drivers for the final heaL.gfi oply a few mints separatedAhe fop drivers, Beachy drew grid-six, Annan waj off grid nine, and Griffiths started from the tenth grid. The race was spectacular, some ,to ’ Bepchy won/the third race, but Griffiths finished third and hi» consistency earned him enough points to win the phampionahlp from Beachy and . Annan, The
•st|Cltizen watch' award was won. hyp ar‘Eddie Hurst- i of. The present New Zealand! an 'champion;' Peter Woods, made | hjs first appearance for the sea- ’ ■ son In the saloon car races. °J Woods in h|s Pontiac Firebird k and Don Black, of Southland, in hi*. A.G..X. Torans Hatchback, i provided some exciting racing, hs . b , ut , they d, <’- not got t’hings Still their own way, and Alan l)lng. . !?. wall, in Ns first, season of saloon t "♦ driving, hod two fine wins in his ■ ‘Turbo-charged Cortina. He won ! . the Zealand Helmet Factory 1 * “Driver of the Night" *w,rd- ; Results were:— |< m ’• Four-cylinder saloons. — G.> b Keegan 1, P. Brain 8, A, .Coles 3. ig’ Modifed sportsmen: A; Inns 1, B. -Urquhart 2, G. Dodds 3. Hertz ■s Rental six and eight cylinder saw toons: ’ T. Choimondley 1, W, s. -beech 2, K. Leech 3, Goodyear it stoekcars; B, Annan 1, T, Hern 2, (, G," Griffiths 3, Rookies; G, Jnnea ■LT. Delore-8, B- Evans S, Kwie kakopys super-, saloons: A/ Plng--8 t, A. Bradlqy ?, P. Songster i, 3 Four eyjinder saloons: Coles 1.> e| Keegan Z, », Byrne 3, Modified ’sportsman; Sfy. Allan 1, Ki Fergut jon 2, N. McKenzie 3. Six and a eight cylinder saloons; B, Grey J, h? M. Voice 2, W. Leech 3, Seekers p.Communication Services stock eiearsi Grlfflths l, J. Mooar 2, Bea-
ichy 3. SZM ;tup«r »aloon«: J. Bar-/ rym»n 1, p, wood* 2, p. Smith 3. / Rndruat four cylinder x»loon*. ’ !— P. Brain-I, K««gan 2, A. La- ‘ monl 3. Six and alght cjllnsljr ' saloons: W. Leeoh 1, F. Twort 2, ' Chojmondlsy 3. Fletcher M»r- ' clints stock curt: Beachy I, w; Wilding 2, Griffiths 3. Radio } [Avon super saloons: D. Btack 1,/ 'Woods 2, A. Bradley 3. Rooklf*: }- S. Hammond I, fnnes 2, J 1.,. McSaveney 3. Modlflsd spoil*- . man; -.M. Allan 1, Inn* 2, A. . Lunn 3. Star stock car feature: , Afinsn 1, Beschy 2, Moo»r 3. . Coca Cols saloon feature: A. - Dingwall l, Bradley 2, Wood* 3. '