Farm ballot entry relaxed
PA Wellingtonj Th* criteria for entry to' ballots for Lands and Survey Department farm blocks has been relaxed, according to the Minister of Lands (Mr V. S. Young). It had been decided to relax existing policy requir-| ing applicants for farm bal-i lots to have been principally; engaged in the appropriate| farming activity in the pre-' vious 12 months, Mr Young said. ‘ This has meant , for; example, .that persons with ai sheeptarming background! who had gone sharemilking; in mder to raise the deposit! were disqualified from the! bailor j “The change will allow j such persons to gain entry' for the ballots for sheep! farms provided they can satisfy the local Land Settle-! rtient Committee that they! still possess the knowledge; and skills to successfully' farm such units.” Mr Young said problems! could arise for sharemilkersi applying for sheep farms
jsince such units were taken, lup in February or March; ‘when they wbufd still be in- 1 voiced in sharemilking con-: tracts. t “Successful applicants in; this category will have to; satisfy the local Land Settle-; ment Committee that they lean make suitable arrange- 1 iments regarding possession! •of the units.” j Local committees would! 'probably favour successful! -applicants who could per-; isonally take possession and [make suitable arrangements; ■for the milking of their 'herd. ; Mr Young said that beicause sheep units had already been advertised, late .applications would bej [accepted until December 2 in [areas where the closing date [was before this date. i “Other changes to the criIteria for farm ballots have • been under consideration -by I both a special caucus subi committee and the Land Settlement Board, and these (changes will be announced ; early next year,” Mr Young said.
Farm ballot entry relaxed
Press, 17 November 1980, Page 17
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