Tenders BUILDERS, for your . piles and fencing materials ffln phone Wigram Posts, 45-420, $. ■ a.h. 495-431, 13 Green Lane o - dust over Sockburn » bridge)... . WS27 fo'IOAK holes, excavation and - boulders. For complete ser- ' vice. Phone. 227-922. Mus- ,* " groves. . . ■ WS TENDERS- required for 1967 ■ V'C Valiant Utility Reg. No. Hl 3030 automatic, mag i'l* . wheels undaipaged, drive'L ' able, as is where is. High- . . , est or any . tender not ■•■■'.. necessarily accepted. View ' at 281 Ferry Rd. Tenders close 5 p.m. Friday, September 5, 1980. ■ <4 |S'r- —— ONE TON TRUCK . ■ NEW warrant, tyres, motor Al. handy truck for coal and wood. Tenders close 6.9.80. Write: “One Ton handy runabout," 7 ■ C/ T Box 3, //■/■', Grey mouth. 6 •— — Repossessed vehicle FOR SALE BY TENDER • 1977 FORD Fairmont G.X.L. X.C. model, 351 V 8 automatic, power steering, mag wheels, ■6o,oookm. in original condi- < tion. On display at -Murray ‘ Costello Cars, Ltd, 305 Lincoln Rd, Christchurch. ■ 1. All tenders must be in writing, tenders to be accompanied by a cheque for one i hundred dollars, made payable to Murray Costello Cars, Ltd. ' . 2. AU tenders to be forwarded to Murray Costello Cars, Ltd. Tenders close Sep; tember 5, 1980, at 4 p.m. 3. The successful tenderer will be required to pay in full for. the vehicle within aeven days of the tender being accepted. 4. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Unsuccessful tenderers* cheque wiU be returned. ,/ SWB BUILDING FOR REMOVAL TRANSPORTABLE building, /;■ 7.2 m by 4.8 m, weatherboard exterior with pitched iron roof, for tender in as is where Is condition. Subdivided into entrance, office with buUt-in furniture, wash- room and 2 w.c.s. Suit relocatable office, sleepout, workshop etc. To Inspect Phone 50-365 business hours. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders marked . "Building,’’ P.O. Box-1850, Christchurch, close 4 P.m. Thursday. September 11, 1980. gwg TENDERS FOR CULTIVATION TENDERS are invited for cultivation of the following areas bn Coringa Farm Settlement. 7 HA—Ex Barley to be . cultivated and sown to. grass no later than mid-Febru-ary, 1981. - 20.5 HA—Ex Winter Crop, to be cultivated and sown to grass no later than midFebruary, 1981. 25 HA—Ex Green Feed to be cultivated and sown to lucerne as directed by Farm Manager. ,42 HA—Ex Sown permanent / pasture,,-ot be cultivated and sown- to turnips and H.l n0,.-4atbni-aßianA4nid- ■ January; T9BL/ ' . . 4.5 HA—Exi'Sown permanent pasture, to be cultivated and sown to barley no later ..than mid-October, 1980. ■ Interested contractors are requested to submit rates per hectare for the following ■ operations: ' Ploughing. ■ Giant Discing. , .Jfcb . Offset Discing.'.i- fOW Heavy Harrows. ■’•’kW", Heavy Level. -. Vrf . Drilling. Bulldozing on an hourly bdsis. ■ For further information and Inspection of areas-„ please contact the Farm Manager, Mr R. 3- Carmichael, Phone 456 Scargill. " Tenders will close with the Commissioner of . Crown Lands. Department: of Lands and Survey, . , Bag, Christchurch, at 4 p.m. on Friday, Septembmer 12, 1980. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SWI6 /T\ Ministry of Work* xZf and Doyolopmont
CONTRACT HD 1324 Tongariro Power Development ... RANGIPO POWER STATION: Powerhouse Doors. “!, ? Tenders are invited for. th• above work comprising the manufacture nnd delivery jof two powerhouse doors for Rangipo underground power station. - ' . . , Each door consists of two hinged panels 5.4 m high and 2.4 m wide and weigh 600 kg. The panels are made up of Welded R H S frames clad on both sides with ..riveted on double sided aluminium faced plywodd panels. Each door, is fitted with a personnel door. Tenders close with the Secretary, Head Office Tenders Board, Ministry of .Works and Development, P.O. Box 12003, Wellington North, Telegrams: Tenders. Comworks, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 7, 1980. Tender envelopes to be marked “HD 1324.’* Tender documents are available from the above ° {fiCe - , SW3 PLANT, FIXTURES, STOCK ETC. OF MANUFACTURER OF LADIES OUTER WEAR. 2 Mitsubishi plain sewers. Durkopp plain sewers. Columbia plain sewers. ■ Singer safety stitch •. Durkopp Button hole machine Singer Button Sewer AH' machines complete with Bench — Motor Wolf Pacer 8” Cloth Cutter Lightning 4” Circular Cut- ' .ter. ~ ‘ 8 Angle Poise Lamps . Cutting table-4 MX 1.25 M Shop- , Counter, 'Mirrors, Electric Clock, Radio, Tables, Desk, 1 Filing Cabinet, Gas Heaters etc. _ Plus other Sundry Plant, Fixtures etc. ’ . STOCK INCLUDES: ’ . Ladles and Children’s Frocks,' Skirt 5,;,. Peasant Skirts, . Denim -Jackets Blouses, Tops, over .- 500 metres of Fabrics in .various shares and qualities including knits;- woven, prints and plains, buttons and sewing threads, rips, accessories, tapes and elastic. Those interested in viewing the above plant and stock should" contact Hutchison Hull and Co., Chartered Accountants, ’.P.O. . Box , 248, Christchurch. Lowest or anyTendernot necessarily •■.• accepted and Tenders close at 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 15 > -should be addressed to "The Liquidators’* Robertson Fashion Industries Limited. P.O. Box 248, Christchurch.