ALMOND, Alan Haig, of 189 A Rutland Street, Christchurch 5 — On September 1, 1980. at The Princess Margaret Hospital, dearly loved husband of Kathleen Margaret Almond, and loved father and father-in-law of John and Jan, and Dave and Marilyn, and loved grandpop of Tracey, Jason and Jasmine; in his 63rd year. (Reg. No. 30799, Bth Field Regiment, 2nd N.Z.E.F.) Cut flowers' only, please. The Funeral service will commence at the Canterbury • Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, Tomorrow (Thursday), at 2.15 p.m. G. Barrell and Sons, Ltd. DAVIES, Sylvia' Florence, of 20 Chester Street West—On August 30, 1980, dearly loved wife of John F. Davies, loved sister of Bruce Kirk arid loved aunt of Paul Kirk. Private cremation has been held. Lamb and Hayward Ltd.
EATON, Laura Emily Elian— On September 2,-1980, at Nelson, dearly loved wife of Frank Verdun Eaton, of 3 Baigents Road, Nelson, loved mother and mother-in-law of John and Rosemary (Auckland), Colin and Dianne (Christchurch), Arnold (Melbourne), Ronald and Valerie (Christchurch), Lionel (Auckland), loved grandmother of all her grandchildren. The Funeral service, at Marsden House, 41 Nile Street, Nelson, on' Friday, September 5, at 11 a.m. Marsden House Funeral Directors, F.D.A.N.Z., Nelson.
FITZPATRICK, Harry Peter, of 31 Moreland Avenue, Papanui—On September 2, 1980, at Coronation Hospital, dearly loved husband of Margaret Fitzpatrick. R.I.P. Requiem Mass will- be celebrated at St Gregory’s Catholic . Church, corner Cotswold Avenue and- Colesbury Street, Bishopdale, Tomorrow (Thursday) at 10 a.m. private interment thereafter. Lamb and. Hayward Ltd. FdORD, Ada Maria — On September 1, 1980, at her home, 61 Kent Street, Picton (suddenly), loved sister of Bert and Len Petherbridge, and the late Fred and Clara. No flowers, please. Messages to P.O. Box 26, Picton. Her Funeral service will be held at the Wesley Methodist Church, High Street, Blenheim, This Day (Wednesday), at 11 a.m., thereafter private interment. Gibb Funeral Services, ' Picton. ’ ■
HOUSTON, Reginald Walter, of 36 Barnes Street, Timaru —On September 2, 1980; at Timaru, dearly loved brother and brother-in-law of Dot and Jack (Kairaki Beach), and very special uncle of Owen, lan and Roger Thomas (Oxford), and Vai Burrows (Rangiora); in his 77th year. Garden flowers only, please. The Funeral will leave our chapel, corner. Cass and Victoria Streets, Ashburton, on Friday, September 5, 1980, after a service commencing at 1.30 p.m. for the AshbuG ton New Lawn Cemetery. Baker Bros; and O’Reilly Ltd, Ashburton.
HOUSTON; Reginald Waiter, of 36 Barnes Street, Timaru —On September 2, 1980, at Timaru, dearly -loved son of the late'William and-Jessie Houston, and loved brother of Doug, (Timaru), Eric, Ethel (Mrs Cameron). Dorothy (Mrs Watt), arid the late Cyril, Horace and Clarence; in his 77th year. IRWIN,' Andrew Charles Richard (Dlek), lata of N.Z. Railways, of Flat 3, 17 Muritai Street, Tahunanui — On September 2, 1980 (suddenly), at his home, dearly loved husband of Rita Irwin, and loved father and father-in-law of Draw (Nelson), Marina and Arthur Potter (Halswell), June and Brian Lines (Wakefield), loved brother of George (Dunedin), Susan (Mrs McDougall, Dunedin), and the late Edna, and loved granddad of his six grandchildren. The Funeral cremation service will be held in the chapel of Shone and Shirley, Ltd, 103 Collingwood Street, Nelson, Tomorrow (Thursday), commencing at 2 p.m. Shone and Shirley, Ltd, Nelson.