Lars<ior bale < LANDROVER, 1967, LWB/Sa- - fart, 90,000. miles, excel, cond A.A.C.; report. , avaUable, minimal off road use . 750/?’3S:/16 ' countrjr tyres, heater, *.950. Ph. 887-996. ■ WS6 LANDROVER — 1974 — Series nr, one owner, only 35,000 tan. Flat deck 5 great value, $5935. N-ZM.Ci Rangiora, - phone -8334 or Chch- Direct /lute - 277-460, f aJi. 87313 Kaiapoi or- 8020, 3217 UfflU LMVD. LANOROVERS. If buying or selling contact Kaiapoi Kar Kourt, 12 North Road. Ph. 6370, a.h. 8698 Kaiapoi. THS MARINA i 1.8 1978. 41,000 km, one owner, as .new. ■ value at $5499, at Neate ’ Mitehell Motors, 138 Victoria St, Ph. 67-391, a.h. 427258, MVDI. . MARINA van, 1976, 2 owners, in excellent cond;. 50,000 miles, $3499, $1167 s deposit. Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd, Ph. 797-967. a.h. 896-698, LMVD MARINA 1.8 1975. One private 1 , owner from new, genuine 43,000 miles, just as new, $3795. Miles Garage, Woodend, Phone 703 Woodend a.h. 7858 Rangiora, LMVD. ■ B B 'J . MARINA 1.8, 1975, only 70,000 miles. A cheap, tidy unit at only $2995. Syden- '.. ham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln Rd and Moot-house Ave, Ph. 799-199. a.h. ’ 299-841. MARINA HD 1800 auto, .19(8, 23.000 km. Red with vinyl roof. Extras. .$5995. 12 months/20,000 tan warranty. Kirk Motors, LMVD. 94 Shands Road, Hornby. Ph. 496-149. XF6 MARINA 1750, 1972, 59,UW, ivory good family motoring, ‘ $2895. Bruce Reid Motors Ltd, Cnr Moorhouse Ave and Selwyn St. Ph. 69-607; a.h. 295-649. LMVD. MAXI 1972, white with brown trim — 5 speed gearbox ■— an ideal family car at ■ the right price, $2495. N.ZM.C. Rangiora, phone 3334 or Chch. Direct line. 277-460, a.h. 8781 'Kaiapoi or 8020, 8217 Rangiora, LMVD. MAXI — 1978 —- one owner, only 22,000 km. Pimento with parchment trim. Radio- — factory H.R.W. Brand new condition : — $6495. ■ N.Z.M.C- Rangiora, phone 8334 or Chch.- Direct ■line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or , 8020, 8217 Rga., 'LMVD. r ' ’ MAZDA RX2 4 Door 1975, facelift version. 60,000 km, Royal Blue. , A true per'formance sedan; Inspection * must, $4OOO. McLaren Motors,' 108 St Asaph St. • Ph. 798-940 a.h. 288-966. (45-967,-288-966. LMVD. 3 MAZDA RX4 : Coupe, 1974, Japanese assembled, with 'all extras, tremendous per- • former, immaculate order just $4995 trade up. now Cashel-Fitzgerald Motors, LMVD. ... .. .4 MAZDA, 808 coupe, 1974, bright red,. 74,000 km, truly immac., only' ' $4990 or $3OOO dep; Carriage Co., 69 . Moorhouse Avenue. Ph. 799- ' 742 a.h. 849-822. , , MAZDA RX3 coupe, 1973. low ■ miles, every option, immac. . Only $3790 or $2280 dep. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742; a.h. 849822. LMVD. 1 -■ MAZDA 929 1977, lovely original cond. 1 . owner only $4995, Alan Ford, 438 Tuam St. LMVD. • i MAZDA 929, 1976. One owner. Immac., radio, etc. 32,000 km, $6650 Ph. 597-307. MAZDA 929 1976, just 43,000 kms. Radio, tow bar.mairoon with brown trim, *,56390. Honda Centre, N.Z.M.C./ 64 Manchester St. Ph. 66-711, a.h. 858-042, 858-635, LMVD.. MAZDA RX7, 1979 Coupe, bronze metallic with ■matching trim, all extras, '.'14,000 km. only. $22,995. Quality Cars, *42 Manches- •■' ter -St. Phone 50-181. a.h. 588-980. 325-756. ' '/; . MAZDA 626 auto., 1979 (Dec.), ■ 14,000 km. all extras. Real ' Lvalue at $9995 or $6OOO dep. Don McNeill Motors. 55’ Ricf carton Rd; Ph. 487-106, a.h. ■ '.- 277,664, LMVD. , "MAZDA RX2, 1975, manual, .burnt orange with matching trim, 48,000 miles, $3495. Marina Motors, 13 Nursery ' Rd- (around cnr. Ferry-Nur- " sery Roads). Ph. 60-666, >- LMVD V-t MERCEDES-BENZ 450 S.E. 1978 (NZ) One owners very ~ low mileage. This car is fitted with- every factory optiOn available. It is absolutely as brand new, and would, be the best luxury car available for sale in N.Z; today. Enquire now; P.O;A. to Quality' Cars,’ 42 Manchester Street. Ph. 50181, a.h. 588-980, 325-756.. MfiRCEDES-Benz 280 “S”. Latest ' VS”' class-. model, 1976, automatic, s power steering, 'electric sunroof,' centre ’ arm-rest ‘ central locking, T/glasa, H.R. screen, stereo •' etc. 29,000 miles and as brand new, $33,995. Quality Cars, 42’Manchester St. Ph. ’ 50-181. a.h. 588-980, 325-756. MERCEDES-Benz 250, 1977, latest W123 series, automatic, p/steer, central lock, T/glass,. H/rests; quad. ; stereo,.’ air conditioning, htd rear window, etc. Appealing in pale Apricot with* brown - M.B. Tex trim, as brand new,. ■ Compare this at $27,995. . Quality Cars, 42 Manchester J 'Street, Ph, 50-181, a.h. 588- . 980, 325-756. MERCEDES-BENZ 280 SE “S” class 1975 Auto. P/steer, electric-' windows, tinted glass, metallic gold, tan M. 8.. Tex trim; A superb ' motorcar, $32,995. Quality .-’• Cars, 42 Manchester Street. Ph. 50-181’ .'a.h. 588-980, ! 325*756. • .
• MGs! Buying or selling! ■ ' Park Lane Motor Co., 85. , Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 795-567, ’■ '■! LMVD! ; ; : ' MINI, 1000,- 1977, clean and < straight, in red, mechanically excellent, $3495. $2lOO ' : dep. Meca Motors, 826 Colombo St Cnr Peterborough. Ph. 799-5T5,-’ a.h. 555-181 LMVD. SW3 MIN! Clubman, 1973, 1275, GT, Dolly. Yellow With Tan Trim-Rostyle ..wheels. Stephen Jones Motors, Ltd, 360 Cashel St. Ph. 66-094, 428-. 722. * MINIS! : Buying or selling • Park Lane Motor Co., 85 Moorhouse-Ave. Ph.- 795-567. LMVD.? . ■ ■ MINI 1000, 1974. 32,000 Glacier ■- White. $3999. Canterbury Cars, 97 Main South Road. Ph. 488-C J3.No, deposit, 5 years to pay. Muance available- A.H. John Hay 584-079. LMVD. MINI 1000, 1975, 47,000 miles, finished in sparkling white with: tan trim,- $2690. Park Lane Motor Co. 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567. MINI 1000, 1976, 65,000 kms bargain at $2,975 Ph. 842- ■ , '.425 ■ ■ !'■ MINI, 1969 van, 73,000 miles - good . condition, : call 29 Derby St.,. .. i „. ’ W . S6 (MINI 1000 — 1977 — Pimento with. Sorrell Trim — 34,000 , miles — Radio — Heater — a little beauty, $3095. NZM.C. ’ Rangiora, phone 8334 or Chch. Direct line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapol .or 802 b, 8217. Rga., LMVD. MINI Clubman 1975, only 25,000 miles, a popular wee : shopping basket, mint condition $3999. Honda Centre, . N-JZJtf.C.,. .64 : “Manchester 4-Street, phone- 66-7ll>-?a.h. 885-042, 858-635, LMVD. ; MINI Deluxe. 1969; A. very ■-tidy wee petrol miser for only sls9s_at Caprice Motor • Court, 55 Ferry Rd-JPh. 61-. ' -936; *.h- 276-298. • MVDI. MlNl’van. 1967, 84,000 miles, ? econo m condition:* J $1299 or SSCO dep4’' i .‘.Trevor Crowe -Sales, 160 *Ferry 797-967. a.h'.'B96-698, LMVD.