CORTINA 1600 L, 1973, genuine 23,000 miles, metallic lime like green with fawn trim, ex deceased estate, as new. $4395. Miles Garages, Phone 703 Woodend, a.h. 7858. Rangiora. LMVD. CORTINA 1600, 1975, just 40,000 miles, 2 lady owners, white with blue trim. $4395. Mile's Garage. Phone 703, Woodend, a.h. 7858 Rangiora. LMVD. CORTINA Mk II .1600, 1970; gen. 55,000 miles, ■ magi wheels/ the very bfest. Carr riage!.'. Co!// 69 Mdorh'dilSe Ave. Phone ' 799-742, a.h. 849-822. CORTINA 2000 GT, 1972, met. paint, 65,000 miles, great performer, only $4190, or $2520 ‘dep. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 799742, a.h. 849-822. CORTINA 2.0 GL stn wagon, special Aust, import with rally pack, etc; Pack rack, tinted glass, monza red. Most appealing 4 cyl. stn wagon available. Onlv 9000 km and almost new. Below replacement at $12,995. Quality Cars. 42 Manchester St, Ph. 50-181, a.h. 588-980, 325-756. CORTINA 1975,' 43,000 km, economical 1.3 motor with loads of space for family ■motoring. Red only $4999. Cqckram Motors, Ltd, .515 Colombo Street. Ph. 62-644 a.h. 497-899 or 557-432 MVDI. B . - B B D CORTINA S.W. 1977, European model, only 55,000 miles, best value at $6895. Sydenham Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln and Moorhouse. - 799-199. a.h. 299-841. CORTINA 2000 station waggon, 1974, Daytona , yellow with tan interior. Versatile vehicle, $4999 at Cockram Motors,' Ltd, 515 Colombo Street. Ph. 62-644 a.h. 497-899 or 557-432. CORTINA 2000 L, 1973, 2 tone paint, a popular car at tilt right price, $2999. Canterbury Cars, 97 Main: South Rd, Ph. 488-043, a.h., John Hay 584-079., No . deposit 5 years to pay. Finance available. LMVD. CORTINA 2000 Estate 1975, medium miles, beautiful metallic blue. AA inspection invited. $4195. Caprice Motor Court, 55 Ferry Rd, Phone 61-936; a.h. 276-298. LMVD. CORTINA 1600 L, 1974, two owners, turquoise with parchment trim, superb condition. $3890 or $2334 dep. Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd. Ph. 797-967. a.h. 896-698. LMVD. CORTINA Mk 3, 1971, recon motor, . superb condition ” $2799. Centrepoint Cars. Ph. 61-374, Lincoln Moorhouse enr, a.h. 557-375. ’ :• CORTINA G.T., 2000, 1972, limelight with tan trim. $3599. Centrepoint Cars Ph. 61-374. Lincoln Moorhouse Cnr, a.h. 557-375. CORTINA Ghia, 1977, late. 47,000 miles. Roman bronze. One private owner automatic. .Really outstanding condition. Compare! $7799. Neate Mitchell Motors 138 Victoria St. 67-391, a.h. 582178,.MVDr. CORTINA 1.6 — 1978 — one owner, only 12,000 km. Burmuda blue, -with parchment trim, brand new condition. $8195 NZMC Rangiora Ph. 8334 or Chch direct line 277460 a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 8020, 8217 Rangiora. LMVD. CORTINA Mk 111, 1600, 1971, high miles but excellent condition. $2750. Kaiapoi ■ Kar Kouft, Ph. 6370. a.h. 8698. ■ CUSTOM Holden panel-van ..‘Dark Knight'. Superb van. Inspection a must. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742. a.h. 849-822. CUSTOM Escort vans, from $1490 dep. Carriage Co. 69 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 799742, all. 327-827. CUSTOM .Transit, “327,” auto., a . real good Tooker, oily $1690 dep. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, alt. 849-822, LMVD. •’ Si ' ■ ■ ■ . fl: ' CUSTOMISED cars and vans a specialty. Buying or selling see Park Lane, Motor Co., 85 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 795-567, LMVD. , , DAIMLER Sovereign, XJ6 4.2 L, 1977, genuine English assembled Daimler, only 19,000 miles. chrome sculptured wheels, tinted electric, glass, HR window etc., a.'rare opportunity to : purchase a late model, low miles, English Daimler, in new condition. $24,500. Quality Cars, 42 Manchester Street. Ph. 50-181 a.h. 588 980, 325-750. DATSUN 1808 SSS. 5-speed, -■1974. Low kms, all options, absolutely as brand new, Carriage, Co. 69-Moorhouse Ave. Phone 799-742, a.h. 849-822.