j j Public Notices I;' ? ! ! WAIMAIRI COUNTY COUNCIL ’ ’ SUPPLEMENTARY i ROLL OF ELECTORS NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Local Elections and Polls Act 1976 the Supplementary Roll to be used at the Local I Body Elections to be held commencing on October 6, 1980. and ending on October 11, 1980, will close at 4 p.m. on> Friday, September T2, 1980. County residents are advised that enrolment is compulsory for any person who has: (i) Attained the age of 18 ■years. , ■ (ii) Resided for one year in New Zealand. (Hi) (Resided in the County for not less, than three months immediately preceding the date of the claim for enrolment. Every person whose name is shown in the occupiers column of the Valuation Roll in respect of rateable property or where there is more than - one person’s name shown, the first named, shall have his or her name entered ; automatically on the County Electors Roll. Forms are available from the County Office, corner Jeffreys and Clyde Roads, on which ' to, nominate a member or! officer of a company, firm, dr association occupying rateable property. All persons nossessing qualiffcatldns whether . residential'■ or ratepayer are urged to ensure that their names are on the roll. In particular this applies to those- persons who: (i) Have attained the age of 18 years since the 1977 local '• body elections. (ij Taken up residence in .the County since the 1977 local i body elections. Rolls are open for inspection at the -following places: COUNTY 1 OFFICE, corner Jeffreys and Clyde Roads. CITY RECEIVING ’ OFFICE, 150 Manchester Street. PARKLANDS: OFFICE. Mafrehau Road by Jnwoods Road, i ’ ■ ' . FEND ALTON LIBRARY, Clyde Road. 1 REDWOOD- LIBRARY. Main North Road. BISHOPDALE j LIBRARY, . Bi shop dale. » Enrolment forms are available at these' places. i . : i ’• J. REID, ’. County Clerk. County Office, Fendalton. ! > August 27,! 1980. . , ' , ■ WMB NOTICE cA.jj.TNG FINAL MEETING OF CONTiSbUTORiES IN THE.MATTER of the Companies A<jt 1955 and IN THE MATTER of Australasian Secured Deposits, Ltd (in: voluntary liquida- . tion).' [ NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance to (Section 291 of the Companies) Act 1955, that a final general (meeting of the above-named omp'any will be held at the Miffice of Barr, Burgess and yStewart;'. .chartered accountants, 208 Oxford Tee, P.O. Box 113244. Armagh, Christchurch <Jfi the 23rd day of September i 1980, at 3.45 o’clock in the I afternoon for the purpose of; having an account laid before it show, ing how' the winding up has been conducted! and the property of the company has been disposed pf and to receive any expla nation- thereof by the liquidator. ■Dated this 26th day of August, 1980. i HUGH {BEATTIE, •I Liquidator. Every entiled to attend and vote sit the meet-, ing is entitled' to. appoint a proxy (or,...when.! that is. allowed, one or rriore proxies) to attend and vope instead of him. A proxy nsed not-also be a member. Farms of general and special t proxies are enclosed herewith. Proxies to be used at.the -mleeting must be lodged, with (the. liquidator at 208 Oxford'. Terrace, P.O. Box 13244 Antnagh, Chh. not later than 41 o’clock in the afternoon on i|he’22nd day of September. 19(l>.:''--
HOUSE . PLANT PARIES NOW is the time organise Friends, Relationa, Neighbours (and don’t forget your husband) to gather together for an evening. .Thujtis an opportunity to. learn Y'all about care and maintenance of your, house plants. < ; Ring now for ;*• booking, 384-628 or 382-019. i *- -
opossum) SKINS I ledmondsl I PAY CASH I Top prices paid for quality skins. | Phone ((Collect) Ohoka 638 | EDMONDS GW CONSOLIDATED LTD | Ph. Ghch 893-189 I FACTOR CLEARANCE Final Weeks CLOSING SEPT. 5 • RUGBY JERSEYS I $lO.OO LADIES* LAMBSWOOL MIX CARDIGANS $15.00 KIDS’ T-SHIRTS froqt r i' • ' $2.00 PLUS MANY MORE BARGAINS. 55 WORDSWORTH STREET, 10.00 a.rit<s.bb p.m. and ALADDIRIS CAVE, BRIGHTON. WITH MANY MQRE BARGAINS. -- X-. _ MW FS
Page 30 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 3 September 1980, Page 30
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