r Public Notices REMOVAL OF WEIGHT LIMITS ON BRIDGES HEAVY MOTOR VEHICLE REGULATIONS 1974 REGULATION 11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974, the National Roads Board has removed the weight limits previously in force for heavy motor vehicles and combinations including a heavy motor vehicle on the bridge described hereunder: Name of Road— S.H. 73, CHRISTCHURCH-KUMARA. Name of Bridge— GOAT CREEK. The weight limits now applying are those set by the road classification. M. R. LANCASTER; Acting District Commissioner of Ministry of Works Works, and Development, Christchurch, Date issued: July 4, 1980. WSI2 HIGH ADVENTURE A NEW ZEALAND FIRST LIVE DEER CAPTURE AND SEA FISHING HOLIDAYS TO DUSKY SOUND, FIORDLAND JOIN US on our luxury cruise vessel “Waverley” for 10 days (approx.) of high adventure, capturing deer alive and sea fishing in the calm tranquillity of Dusky Sound in winter. We don’t mind if you’re 16 or 60 as long as you’re in good health, interested in our great outdoors and prepared to give a hand with odd jobs around the ship. We are asking only $2O a day (transport in and out extra) for the privilege of joining our small and happy band (6) on these unique winter cruises. Next cruises to denart July 26, August 11, 1980. Phone or write now:— FIORDLAND CRUISES, Post Office, Manapouri. Phone 609. REMEMBER — You don’t have to be a sailor and we guarantee the comfort. J. B. THOMSON UPHOLSTERER DARFIELD “A” GRADE UPHOLSTERER. Specialty antiques, lounge suites, also kitchen chairs, boat squabs, etc. DELIVERY DATE 1} WEEKS. PHONE 88-282. A.H. 88-394. DARFIELD. WSI2 ARBITRATION COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CONCILIATION COUNCIL FIXTURES JULY 16 - JULY 31, 1980 VENUE for the hearings are at the Conciliation Council Rooms, 4th floor, Newspaper House, 93 Boulcott Street, WELLINGTON, or 2nd floor, Fisher International Building, Waterloo Quadrant, AUCKLAND, or 7th floor, Ibis House, 183 Hereford Street, CHRISTCHURCH, or as otherwise stated, commencing at 10.30 a.m. Public Passenger Transport July 28, 29, 30, Authorities Employees 1980, Wellington. Northern, Wellington, Canterbury and Otago and Southland July 31, Seekers Telephone Answering August 1, Services, Ltd, and Associate 1980, Companies Employees Christchurch. July 30, 31, New Zealand General Drivers August 1, 1980, Wellington. T. M. BROWN, Registrar. s' v, .'.v sM v For security and comprehensive K insurance cover for all storage - J | FREE Quotations, then contact J our representative at 50-682, ’ | ? Christchurch (or collect). 50 682 ■ Cartage ■ Storage ■ Forwarding » || ■ Furniture Removals. & I » I : INCORPORATING ** BRYANS REMOVALS THROUGHOUT N.Z. | li? 70/76 Moorhouse Avenue. Christchurch g | -. v y. ’-O M W» W W ATTENTION HOME DRESSMAKERS STRETCH KNIT FABRICS AT THE LOWEST PRICES YOU’LL EVER SEE TRELANA. Wool Jersey, from $ll metre AQUALANA. Wool Jersey. Plain, from $7 metre. Patterned and striped, from $8 metre. TREVIRA. Plain, from $5 m, Patterned, from $6 m. TRILOBAL. Plain, from $4.50 m. Printed, from $o m. SINGLE KNIT WOOLS, from $5 m. NOW AVAILABLE BY MAIL ORDER. Write to:— ■ DRESSMAKERS HOUSE, 40 Market Street, BLENHEIM, For Free Sample Cards. Please state fabric type required.
Page 39 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 39
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