BECKER, John—On July 8, 1930, at Greymouth, dearly loved husband of the late Laura Catherine Becker, 31 Byron Street, Greymoutn, loved father and fatner-in-iw of Jeane and Mick Fauth (Greymouth), Jim and Nan (Ahaura), loved pop of John Bryant, Jan Coil, and Jack Becker, and a loved grandpop, and loved brother of Harry, Alice Mrs Pugh:, Mae (Mrs Campbell), and the late Jim, Ken, Ernie, Gordon, Win (Mrs Tuck), and Janet (Mrs Smith); in nis 87th year. Flowers respectfully declined. The Funeral service will be held in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Tainui Street, Tomorrow (Thursday), at 2 p.m., thence interment at the Karoro Lawn Cemetery. Westland Funeral Services, Ltd, Greymoucn.
BENSON, Henry Mitchell (Harry) (formerly of Kaiapoi) —On July 7, 1980, at Christchurch, dearly loved husband of the late Eve Benson, loved father and father-in-law of Mavis and Doug Jackson, Barrie and Connie Benson (Westport), Eve and George Mustchin, and Nigia and Colin Smith, and a much loved granddad and greatgranddad; in his 81st year. Messages to 9 Seymour Street, Christchurch 4. No (lowers, please, but donations to the Salvation Army, P.O. Box 887, Christchurch, would be appreciated. The Funeral service will be held in the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, This Day (Wednesday), at 10.30 a.m. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd. BURT, Gordon David James (late of Southbridge)—On July 7. 1980, at Nazareth House, dearly loved husband of the late Mabel Mary Burt, loved father and father-in-law of Selwyn and Shirley (Southbridge), Ron and Betty, Noel and Florence (Chertsey), Rex and Norma (Southbridge), Elaine and Bill Dent (Sydney), and Murray and Dawn, and loved grandfather and great-grandfather of all his grandchildren. R.I.P. No flowers, please. Messages to 177 Innes Road. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated at Nazareth House Chapel, Brougham Street, This Day (Wednesday), at 10, and then to the Waimairi Cemetery. John Rhind, Ltd. CAMERON, Christopher— At Dunedin, on July 8, 1980, beloved husband of the late Christina Jane Cameron, of 40 Tay Street, Mosgiel, loved father and father-in-law of Colin and Janice (Ranfurly), and Naomi and David Hughes (Waikawa Valley), and loved grandfather of his grandchildren; aged 73 years. A service will be held in the Southland Crematorium Chapel, Rockdale Road. Invercargill, Tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 p.m. Messages to Mr D. Hughes, Waikawa Valley. Macdonald and Weston.
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 39
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