SAVOY I CINERAMA I I CARLTON I m VU L no, I CINEMA CFNTReJ Phone 66-994- I Phono 64-412 phon. 68-5W _. All v ,j. n _ | Daily 2,15,8.15 pm I 2 p.m. Daily 8 p.m. p T h E action ‘ NOW in STEREOPHONIC SOUMD ADVENTURE OF THE He leases women WAIT DISNEYS (Featue entire prog.) feeling more alive. The ultimate in sight and MaVll(4 one I Hl <»» Philaaelphia Orchestra. Featuring "Call Me (GY) j (GY) I performed by Blondie Evening reserves »t Iheetre | Evening Reserves at Theatre | Evening reserves at Theatre J Evgiing_rjy (Yes 13 , ,a
RUGBY RUGBY INTERPROVINCIAL CANTERBURY v. MARLBOROUGH RUGBY PARK AT 2 P.M. TODAY ADMISSION - Adults $2.00, Children 30c. WOULD INTENDING PATRONS NOTE THE EARLY STARTING TIME to this game. This has been adjusted to enable the visitors to return home after the game. The match is important as a build-up to the strenuous representative season ahead. The Canterbury “A” team has had, unlike other years, little opportunity to play together and are sure to treat this match in a serious light. It’s not that long ago since Marlborough took the Ranfurlv Shield from us—remember!
Farms for Sale RANGIORA, Fernside district. 27 hectares, pony breeding unit and cropping, 2 titles. Modernised home with 3 bedrooms and sep. lounge. Double garage, tractor sheds and hay sheds, enclosed stalls arid office, stallion yards and stalls, pony I paddocks. This property is 1 only 3 miles out. The buildI ings and yards are in excellent condition and is for sale as a whole or 27 acres with buildings or 40 acres of bare land. AU inquiries to The Canterbury N.Z. Seed Co.. Ltd, MRELNZ. Rangiora 6399. Chch 382-199, a.h. Andy Williams 519-153. XFI2 RANGIORA. First time offered. 76 acres of excellent land with irrigation, well fenced and watered, ample farm buildings, 4 bedroom weatherboard house etc., $168,000. Also 54 acres with. Summerhill stone 3 bedrm house, sleepout. garages, loose boxes, etc. Very handy to town. $llO,OOO. Contact Les Hampton of Devlins Farm Sales. MREINZ. Rangiora Phone 8829, a.h. RANGIORA, 10 miles out 320 acres of good down country with tidy fences and water on. Tills farm has a good weatherboard 3 bdrm house with haybarns, shearing shed, and implement sheds, good cropping and grazing land, $300,000. This farm can be sold in smaller blocks if required, 150 acres and house $160,000, 1001 acres bare land $BO,OOO, 701 acres with shearing shed; and barns $82,000. Contact Les Hampton from Devlins MREINZ, Rangiora Ph. 8829 ; a.h. 8066. XIII2 ; RANGIORA. acre block fully > serviced with underground J wiring, h.p. water and ; sewer, building permit, finance available, no hassles. Details, Brownie Development. Ph. 499-822. ! RANGIORA district, first time! offered 4 acres farmlet complete with very sound home of 3 bdrms, sunroom, large lounge with open- fire, kitchen diningroom, every convenience, dble garage and many outbuildings. Close to school only $47,000. Devlin Rangiora, MREINZ. Ph. 8829 A.H. lan Sibley 7064. 12 TAI TAPU, $73,000 ... 1 acre together with a 4 bdrm ranch style family home offering excellent indoor/ outdoor living with a pool and room for a tennis court. Totally secluded fn a mature tree studded rural atmosphere. The home is built of permanent mats with a modern kitchen, dual hot water plus open lire and 4-car garaging. For inspection phone the owner's agent. Terry Buxton, a.h. 293-553 or 62-624. Janice Quiglev Real Estate, MREINZ. ’ STWI2 TEMPLETON. An established horse holding 11 loose boxes, holding yards, holding paddocks, a 21 furlong training track, beautifully sheltered & newly fenced. An older style home structurally sound, in need of minor redecoration. For genuine sale at $50,000. Ph. Gordon Freeman. 66-917, a.h. 858-803. Mercer Real Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z. SMWI2 TEMPLETON, 5 acres of a beautifully presented horse establishment, 11 loose boxes, holding yards and paddocks, a 2J ’ furlong training track, an older style home in well maintained condition. For genuine sale at $501)00. Ph. Gordon Freeman 66-917 858-803 Mercer Real Estate MREINZ. WSMTIS WIGRAM. 25 acres in asparagus available on low deposit to approved purchaser, excellent potential for export and local market, modern packing shed, finance can be arranged $74,000 0.n.0. David Murray Real Estate, 556-102. a.h. R00ke5..559-810, MREINZ. 9f
Page 38 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 38
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