HARLEQUIN PLAYERS present a musical adaptation of NOEL COWARDS COMEDY “LOOK AFTER LULU” from Bpm. TONIGHT and until July 12 TOWN HALL RESTAURANT Meal & Show ♦12.50 per person. Book Town Hall Phone 66-651 after spm. Properties Wanted ■ ■ ■ H AVONHEAD, 11am, Burnside, urgently require 3-1 bdrm properties in these areas, 1 have a list of clients who are in a position to buy and will go up to $70,000, providing property • has good living areas and' reasonable sections, it you are considering selling please contact ■ June Downing of Whittle Knight and Boatwood Ltd, MREINZ, 44-149, a.h. 428-790. XIII4 AVONHEAD, Burnside, Bishopdale. Young family need a permanent material home in above areas, must have 3 bdrms, and garage. Finance available to 533.000. Help us to satisfy this genuine voting couple. Ph. T. H. Gibbon. 556-081, a.h. Gavin Topp 536-965. MREINZ. MW9 BBSS AVONHEAD, Ham. Are you considering selling your home? If so, contact your local agents at the Fendalton Mall. We specialise in these areas and require homes from $30,000 to $75,000 to satisfy our many clients. Please phone Robert Syme, Sherris and Robertson. Fendalton, 517-067, a.h. 227-886. MREINZ. MWFII AVONHEAD, Ham, Burnside, any North-West area — We have a number of genuine buyers looking for homes, all types and prices. Perhaps yours could suit — if you are selling why not contact us? For prompt and courteous attention Phone your Local Resident Agents, Lynette and Don Peebles, Manchester Homes, MREINZ. 60-063. A.H. 583-499. SMW9 BISHOPDALE, Burnside. Casebrook. Cash to 355,000 for a modern perm, material home. Quick decision. Ph. 599-275, Bishopdale, MREINZ. 10 BISHOPDALE. Property wtd for public servant on transfer. 535,000-$40.000. For immediate inspection ring Graham 598-137. 597-656. Bishopdale Real Estate, MREINZ. 10 BELOW are just some of a long list of buyers wanting homes. A cash buyer for a modern hill property to $60,000. Another wanting a modern home with style in Ham or Avon head, up to $60,000. Yet another requires nice home between 535.000 and 545.000, any type or area, so long as it’s value for money. Can you help satisfy me of these? Please phone Cathcart and Turnbull, Ltd. MREINZ, 798414, a.h. Lyn 583-371. B H B B BETWEEN S5O-560.000 cash. This is what 3 sep. buyers wliose homes have been sold are willing to pay for a 3 and 4 bdrm home in Fendalton, Harewood and Airport area, please Phone Maxine Kaz, 515-056 Kazukaitis Real Estate MREINZ. SMWFII BRIGHTON South, 3 bdrm home wanted lor genuine casli buver to 535,000. Ph. 887-326 or 888-647. R. 11. Carragher, MREINZ. 11 BRIGHTON area. Clients seek a variety of properties in this vicinity. McNeil and Partners, MREINZ, 67-673 after hours 882-289. fl BRIGHTON. Clients seek a variety of properties in this vicinity, McNeill and Partners. MREINZ, 67-673, a.h. 832-289. BRYNDWR-Burnside: Cash buyer to $45,000 for 3 bdrm perm. mat. home in above areas. Lounge and sep. dining room plus double garage. Our buyer is renting and has the cash now. Ph. Les Dunbar 536-081 at T. 11. Gibbon, a.h. 526-642. MREINZ. SW9 BURWOOD- Hospital . . . (within 3 mile radius) ... up to $40,000. Couple working at the hospital require a home (any condition) on a large section “quarter acre i plus” If your property is i suitable please phone us. , John Ilarridge or Bevan : | Campbell. 62-105 any time, ■I Beasley, Packard and Cham- ! j berlain, MREINZ.
Page 38 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 38
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