Auctions KAIAPOI AUCTION SATURDAY AT 10 a m. ' i (Weather permitting) New location: I SUPER KEYSTORES' CAR , PARK (Next to Kaikanui Tavern) We regret that last Satur- . day’s auction was cancelled due to poor weather conditions. However, this coming Saturday means an extra good auction. Over 100 pieces of china, crystal, silver and fancy cups, pot plants, iron gates, clothes dryer, dressmaker's dummy. ! kerosene heater, plus lots ' more. 1 If you wish to place your (goods for auction, give us n •I call or just drop them down |.bn Saturday morning from 8 ; a.m. AUCTIONEER: ! L. W. WELCH OF i L. W. WELCH AND CO., 154 WILLIAMS STREET. KAIAPOI. i Properties for Sale [RICCARTON. No need for car here. 4 bedroom familv home near Mall, buses and schools. Spacious sound home of character. $28,500. Ph. R. Noordijk 71)6-280. 384-685. H. G. Livingstone. Ltd. MREINZ. RICHMOND. Immac. 2 bedroom bungalow, kitchen off sep. dining, spacious entrance hall, large lounge which adjoins sunny setting room. Both bdrms are large with triple wardrobes. High quality carpets and ! drapes etc. Large garage ] and workshop and garden | shed. A beautifully maln- ! tained home inside and out, ) perfectly sited on small 1 neat section. $26,250. Phone i 62-769. Peake. Binns, Bari her and Keenan Ltd, MRI E;NZ. a.h. 841-233. 10 IST ALBANS. Immaculate 2 ! bedroom brick bungalow on ! 24 perch section. Ideal I first or retirement home. $25,000. Graeme Bolsover, 1 Merivale Rea) Estate MREi INZ, 555-707, or 288-508. I 10 ;ST ALBANS. Spacious modj ern brick bungalow on 35 ; perch section in .good local- ) ity; 3 bdrms, could easily be converted to 4. Large sunny living area facing north with sliding doors between lounge and dining room. Spacious kitchen with bench top cooker, eye level oven. Wastemaster, large dble garage with electric power. Excellent family home $44,000 Phone Max Tait .796-280, a.h. 856-665. 1 G. Livingstone Ltd. MREINZ. ;b& s d ST ALBANS, $48,500 0.n.0. Tons of character! Two storey. First day advertised by sole agent! Three large living rooms, plus 16ft dining room with pot i belly, dual hot water, etc. Four bedrooms upstairs. ; Cosy kitchen with walk-in pantry. Many extras include near new itirniture, freezer, fridge, auto. wash. maCh.. plus drier, new auto, stove, etc. AH llu-se and a lot more on a nri-.ate sunny 37 perch section. What a home. Ph. Henry Vannoort. Chch Real Estate (Bryndwr,), MREINZ, 517159. home 429-501. 11 ST ALBANS, close to primary school, on attractive corner section. Yes, it is an older roughcast home but realistically priced at $20,500. 3 bdrms. 2 living rooms, tidy garden, well established apple trees. For inspection Ph. sole agents, Ford and Hadfield, MREINZ, 797-830. a.h. 894-939. Peter Marshall. MREINZ. MW9;H IS II Hi J, ST ALBANS, . $41,950. Super- 1 .ior situation close Papanuij Rd and Carlton cnr. 4 good bdrms plus study or 5 I edrooms. Fabulous extra spacious family home. Huge living room witli space heater, lovely lounge, (ducted elec. heating), excellent carpets, drapes and auto, washing machine included. 2 bathrooms, one near new, shower cabinet, double block garage plus block earport, very sunny section 721 sq. m (29 perch approx). Tl-.-e home is at present in : 2 flats but merely requires the hallway reopening. Ab-; solulely immaculate i throughout. Inspection will I I convince. Sole agent Neu- ; ; mann heal Estate. MREINZ.! 1 _559-158, or 60-360. 10 ; ;ST ALBANS. Character 2 bed-; | room plus sunroom home) I featuring oak panelling, bav | windows, walk-in pantry,! sited on easy cared for ceryl sunny 508 sq. m section. 1 Ideal investment or family home close to all amenities 1 and city. Price $22,500 0.n.0. 1 M. B. Cook and Co.. MRE-! INZ. Ph. 68-334. a.h. 327-451.! 10 i ST ALBANS, 818.500. Sunny] bungalow. Attractive stream ! setting. 2 bdrms plus sun-j room. Garage. Ph. sole; agent. Carolyn Spencer] Bower. Barth Real Estate,! MREINZ, 524-754 a.h. Ohoka! 710. io l ST ALBANS. Large 4 bed-: room house in mint condi-i tion. Finance available. Ph.! 799-179 or call at 447 Dur-! ham St. SWI2 I ST ALBANS. Only $19.950. 1 Sole agents. Close to large; shopping centre, lovely: home of exceptional charac- 1 ter and appeal, 3 bdrms, separate dining room,;, with open fire. Large l ' kitchen with walk in: pantry, bathroom, laundry,) etc. A delightful bungalow: at a most realistic price.! To inspect please phone.Albert Sprott 799-910 or: a.h. 486-570 Warwick Todd, 1 Ltd. .MREINZ. 1 ST ALBANS. This weather-; board bungalow has panel- ]( led entrance hall, large; lounge 20 x 15 with open | fire. 3 bdrms, familv kit-1 chen with additional) spacious dining area, sep.] toilet. dual iiot water,) garage, car port and work-1 shops. Sited in a popular I area near good schools.) shops and transport. Just I reduced for urgent sale toj 522.000. Ring Stephens Beal! Estate. MRFINZ. 794-784.1 554-561. Mrs Wilkie. SALE Mt Pleasant Road, nice] view, $10,500 0.n.0. Ph. 523021. WS3I !
Page 37 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 37
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