Hats ■s ■ ■ ANY N.W. are* or Papanui, Riccarton, I have clients, who have sold their property wanting to purchase a 3 bdrm property, priced up to $21,000. Redecoration no problem, but house must be in sound order, please contact 'June Downing of Whittle Knight and Boat, wood Ltd, MREINZ, 44-149, aJi. 428-790. XFI2 AVONDALE Bridge (handy to), the most immaculate 3 dble bdrm unit, only 18 months old, beautifully sunny lounge, archway to spacious L shaped kitchen with dining alcove, lovely bathroom, sparkling decor, nice carpets, privately fenced, aluminium windows, excellent garage, a real gem, $26,000. First day offered. Ph. sole agents, Manchester Homes, MREINZ, 60-050, a.h. Tom ’ Gias* 499-709. AVONHEAD, yes only $35,950 for this architectural 3 bdrm home unit, one of two having garages between, white block exterior, aluminium windows, Monier tile roof, attractive sunny lounge with feature boxed window, large kitchen dining, plenty of cupboard and bench space, snack bar, auto range etc, sep. laundry, de luxe bathroom, top quality finish throughout, choose your own colour scheme, complete with paths, drive, and fencing, first home buyers a deposit $2400 plus H.C. finance could nurehase this fine unit. Phone the builder direct 45-189 a.h. 584-379 Enterprise Homes Ltd. SW9 AVONHEAD $48,000 0m.0., new townhouse ready for owner to choose papers etc., situated in exclusive cul-de-sac this home has 2 dble bdrms, sep. dining, lounge with Visor fire, dble garage, further details whittle Knight and Boatwood Ltd, MREINZ 790-410 a.h. Jan Ward 558-896, AVONHEAD. Look! A town house with 5 bdrms! Two large adjoining living rooms with —doors opening out to balcony. Spacious, modern kitchen with walk-in pantry. Impeccable presentation! Around $50,000 will buy it. Phone Brian Heffernan 517-067, Sherris and Robertson, Fendalton, a.h. 328-222, MREINZ. MWFII BARGAIN $4OOO dep. Only 4 years old, delightful 2 dble bdrm unit (front), in block of two with garages between, large kitchen/dining (pantry), plus sep. sunny lounge, sun and privacy are the keynotes, full price only $22,500. Beasley, Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ, Ph. Colin Norton, 62-105 any time. BECKENHAM: Sparkling new 2 bdrm home unit within minutes of buses and local shopping. Pantry in kitchen, sep. shower and bath, very sunny living area with ranch slider to private garden courtyard. Buy now and.select your own colour scheme. New flats in such a sought after position are very rare. $33,500. Phone Robert Syme 517-067; a.h. 227-886.. Sherris and Robertson, Fendalton, MREINZ. SMWFII BECKENHAM, $16,500 superb redecorated unit 2 bdrm sep. lounge lock up garage, ideal for elderly person Or business couple. Ph. Avis McDougall of Daniel J. Visser MREINZ, 67-297 a.h. 584106. BECKENHAM, St Martins, Lower Cashmere, a desperate lady with $32,000, 'urgently wants 2 bdrm Gat in any of the above. Please Ph. Mercer ■ Real Estate
MREINZ, 66-917 a.h. 528-559 Jack, your call is much appreciated. 10 BELFAST workers, here is an opportunity to live in 3 bdrm space and grace galore and the affordable price of $26,950. one of only ' 2 units, completely sep. in every degree, with modern kitchen, 2 toilets, double size garage, excellent garden area and para pool, phone Sole Agent, Jacob Schriek MREINZ 887-077 a.h. 370-681. 10 BISHOPDALE, $34,900. First day offered by sole agents. Absolutely immac. front unit with own exclusive entrance, 2 bdrms, lovely lounge and kitchen/dining with eye level cooker, pantry, etc., quality carpets and drapes, aluminium windows. Handy to bus and shopping complex everything you have wanted In a flat. Phone T. H. Gipbon, 556-081. a.h. Dunbar 526-642, Topp 556-965, MREINZ. 9 BISHOPDALE, Impressive 2 bdrm sh.s. in quiet street handy Mall, sunny aspect with mature trees, shrubs and bar-be-que area, large garage and workshop, sunny lounge excellent kitchen/dining, good carpet and drapes, price $28,000 phone Bob Paton 516-131 Ham Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. BISHOPDALE, $30,950 sole agents, handy Bishopdale Shopping Centre, 1 or 2 facing street with all day sun, lovely lounge and sep. kitchen dinette, 2 bdrms, loads of cupboards, sep. toilet and laundry, quality fittings throughout, garage and sep. entrance. Must be the best available. Ph. Terry Quinn Riccarton Real Estate 487209 a.h. 584-127. „ WFII BRIGHTON, Lonsdale St, Sole Agent, rear 2 bedroom, ownership flat of 4, G.V. $21,300 asking price only $19,500. Joy Doyell .Cunningham ' Real Estate, MREINZ. 266273 a.h. 266-710. 10 I BURNSIDE, Ambleside Drive, I modern 2 dble bdrm, spacious living areas, own road access to garage with internal entry, close to all facilities, choose own decor, ■ $36,950. Contact sole agent I Warwick Moore, Collins j Real Estate MREINZ, 488784 a.h. 518-405. WSI2 1 BURWOOD, Dallington, warm i and sunny, the front unit of I two with a good street j appearance, it has 2 bdrms, i a generous lounge, sep. kit- ' chen-dlnette and laundry. In Al order, it will make for cosy living, priced to sell at $24,600 it’s a must to see, I with sole agent, George I Grant and Co. Ph. 894-697, a.h. 887-124, MREINZ. ! CAMBRIDGE COURT, $26,800. I Walk to work. No transport ! worries, 2 bdrm unit, overi looking the Avon, ideal for business couple. Ph. Ford I and Hadfield, Ltd, MREINZ, .797-830, a.h. Warren Fiebig ; $49-486. 10 I S■ H K CASHMERE HILLS (1600 sq. J ft), luxury town house now ’ under construction. 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining and double garage. Superb out- ' look and above the frost, i Sited on an easily mainI tained 20p. (506 sq. m) seci tion with separate driveI wav. $59,950. For further de- . tails phone Robert Syme. 1 Sherris and Robertson, Fen- ! dalton, 517-067, a.h. 227-886. 1 MREINZ., ....... . MWFII ! FENDALTON builder now . ready to commence exI elusive townhouse in the heart of this desirable area, ' home comprises 3 bdrms (master en suite) sep. di- ! ning, lounge and dream kit- , chen, dble garage plus ! every extra, further details ' Whittle Knight and Boat- '. wood MREINZ 790-410 a.h. I Jan Ward 558-896. * FERNIEHURST St. lower Cashmere, excel. 2 bdrm, ! perm. mat. ownership flat, I nice kit-dining area, large ! lounge, large main bdrm, i sep. laundry, sunny shel- | tered terrace, lovely garden and lawn area, garage. i $30,000 0.n.0. Sole Agents, ' Beattie Real Estate, Cash- ! mere, 3284)68. MREINZ. 11