' For Sale HOLLAND blinds. Arrange- , for our representative to! I cal! and give a free no ob-l t ligation quote for your new! I Holland blinds. We have a! i wide range of patterns and ■ finishes to choose from. ' Smiths City Market Carpet ( Dept. Ph. 798-100. WS26 ; "< ■ area ■, „ ; tiee/et place • quit k-actiun • o todav Someone out ' -’■’- ' oi JOHNSON and Counns, sunbl-’ j inds. get y.-tir sunblinds re-i ; covered now. Before the ‘ • summer rush starts, all re-j j covers and sutib.mds order-' ; ed befo:e September 15,; 1980. subject to a discount I i of IV per cent. Johnson ancj I Couz.r.s (S.l.i Ltd. 113-1171 1 Moorhouse Avenue. Ph. 64-■ I 033. SWl2' KEROSENE healer. Valor, latest model, as new, was' , $6950. Sale price, on.y - 549.50. Hutchinson White,: Ltd, 139 Tuam St. ■LA-z-boy chairs. We have! on display over 25 La-z-boy* ; chairs covering 12 styles, I make your selection f.-omi one of the largest La-z-boy-I chair displays in New Zea- ( | land l-a-r.-boy chairs from! ; Smiths City Market La-z-bov ' ' Chair Dept. Ph. 795-100. * ; WS26I LAWNMOWER, Victor Mus- ( tang, rotary, as new, $lBO. i I Phone 852-OS2. 12 I j■B ■ B LA-z-boys from only $249.; Rig cash savings. See our I range. Furniture Land. 103 I Stanmore Rd. bv Glouceter i St. Ph. 891-907.' 31 LAZYBOY rockers, brand' new. $285, Cut price new < lounge suites from 96 Cran-i ford St. 0 ■ LOUNGE suite, $100; wall: unit $l5O. Phone 891-159. I ' LOUNGE suite, rolled arm,.; loose covered, excel, cond.’ ' SSS. Pl:. 423-204. MATTTRESS, double in-! nersprung, $25. Ph. 852-722 | MEGSON loo! and Lqii-p-i ' meet for good used and! ' new trade tools, power.' i tools. garden tools and; ■ equipment etc,, 135 High st ; ■ opp. Hurst and Drakes. Ph. : 65-239 WFS ' .MODERN saddleback lounge; Suite, excellent order. Dark! brown with gold cushions,; j only $295. Hutchinson; ■White Ltd. 189 Tuam St. i (MOTOR mower. 3 years old. I I Morrison Olympic reel >-,-st i ! been set and sharpened,! j $350 0.n.0. Ph. Rangiora ! I 8705. OAK furniture, silver, paint-' ; ings. prin's, china. Royal' ' Doulton, Persian rugs, roll-; ed arin couch, etc. 487 Pa-; panui Rd. Ph. 599-021. I OAK picture frames, black I fleeces, complete set of. 1930-31 National Geogra-1 phics plus many interest- ! ing books. Leeston Old i Stuff, LSN 817, o.h. Irwell i 701. Closed Wednesdays. ONE convertible couch. $55: 0.n.0. Ph. 557-593 before! ! 3.30. ; PAINTING? Remember Gen-i sacol. Covers better, lasts' longer, costs less. 54 Oxford Tee. 792-077. : PANEL heaters $2O eacn. Ph.l . 897-619. WFS2I: (POOL table, 6x3 new, told-: awav, balls and cue, oest' I available $lB7 Ph 516-852. WFS I POOL table, new 7ft x itt v.n. ; foldaway, balls ana cue, best available, $217 Ph. 516852 W FS. RANGES, wide selection of I good clean stoves priced' from $BO to $395 including ‘ Atlas, Montegi o, Dual ; Oven, Champion, Shack-; lock. All stoves installed ■ and guaranteed. Also t?** ; quotes, on gas to electricconversion. Ph. 515-662. WSI2 REFRIGERATORS at whole sale prices, save up to $lOO on your new Atlas refrigerators or fndge/freezers, 5 year warranty, all sizes available, terms available, free delivery. Cashmere TV and Refrigerator Centre,! 129 Waltham Rd. Ph. 66-504.1 late night Thursday Di SAVE $lO per gal. and buy I bettei- paint. Gensacol, the house paint specialists, 54 Oxford Tee, 792-077. SHEEPSKIN car seat covers.; tailored for your car. I N'atura, 70-74 Moorhouse i Ave, Ph. 64-328. MWS • SHOWER cabinet stainless steel floor, glass slides, very good cond., no further use, also vanity unit with i louvre doors also 2 flush j doors, reas. offer accepted. ■ Ph. 855-293. XHI2 SLEE POUTS, all sizes, imme-. diate delivery, terms avail- • able, apply 138 Styx Mill Rd, or ph. 596-702 any! time. STROUD Pianola with 170 roll.s. Offers please. Ph. 500 Picton. STUDENT'S desk, nice order, onlv $39.50. Hutchinson White Ltd, 189 Tuam St. SUNBLINDS, get your sunblind recovered now, before the summer rush starts. Ali recovers and sunblinds ordered before September 15, 1980, subject to a discount of 10 per cent. Johnson and Couzins (5.1.1 Ltd, 113-117 Moorhouse Avenue. Ph. 64-083. SWI2 TARPAULIN, 20 x 20ft. good cond., $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 891280. TAS portable generator model, reg. 800, excellent condition, $250. Tominys Yamaha, 362 St Asaph St. Ph. 65-086. Hi THREE piece lounge suite,' modern design, $235. Ph. 832-002. 12 ; TIMBER: Good used condi-1 tion. most sizes now avail- ‘ ahle. Musgroves, Phone 1 227-922. 101 TOOLS and ■ equipment new; and used for the tradesman : handvman and gardener «;( Megson I'ool and Equip-! merit, 135 High Street, opp' i Hurs: and Drakes. Ph oo l 239 W f-s t TRAMPIN boots, brand new, I size 6, $5O. Ph. 427-005. TYPEWRITER servicing; specialists. Geo. Berryman,] Ltd, 77 Ferry Road Free; parking. D fvi-u-.a TERS Portable! Indus the finest >ai'.ie iei *t only $159, 2 years guaran ■ tee Geo Berrvman l td 77 1 Ferry Rd D; i'vPEWßiicßs imperial nevi and reconditioned with Iti Berrvman i.’d 77 rerrv ; Rd Free osrkme D! TYPEWRITERS Golfball cot 1 reettng Imperial. Geo ’ Herriman I id <7 Ferrv i:>i ! Free oarkins
iiiomiiiiHiiiiaHHiiiimnDnimiiiniiaHiitiiniinanninuimniin TILE IT YOURSELF! FLOOR TILES Armstrong special: PLACE ’n ™'™ ONLY PRESS CENTS No Glue— No Mess Sf EACH PEEL... | PLACE... and PRESS! j MiO \\ H i ; 7-i i 1 X. 1 vZJ I "'7 . - Super Commercial Cork Tiles 99 c each RK CARTON 138 RICCARTON RD SJbKKBSKSK ’OPP. MALLI WW STORES PHONE 43-042 NEW BRIGHTON j PAPANUI 62 BRIGHTON MALL I 11 MAIN NORTHI RD PHONE 884-239 I PHONE 526-381 iiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiioiiiiuioiiiiniiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiinioiiii