Fruits, Plants. Produce APPLES, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Red Delicious,' Stunners, Ballarat cookers. W. G. Freeman, 49 Tuckers Rd. Papanui. 11 APPLES: sett service, everyday. Pippingrove, Marshs Rd, Prebbleton MWHS APPLES, Granny Smiths, Sturmers, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Townshends. Lansdowne Valiev, Halswell. 2 ASPARAGUS plants, Mary Washington. avail. Aug., Sent.. Ph. Katapoi. S:>9s. WSI2 BARLEY, high screenings, sprout free. Bright colour, S5O tonne bulk. Ph. 47M Dunsandel. BERRYFRUIT plants. Raspberry, Boysen berry. Goose* berry, Loganberry, Blueberry plants, all now available at Vichams. Amberley Phone 48-553. Open 7 days. SW BERRYFRUIT plants, RaspI berry, Boysenberr-y, Goosei berry, Loganberry, Blue- ' berry plants, all now avail--1 able at Vichams, Amberley, phone 48-553, open 7 days. S W BLACKCURRANT cuttings, Magnus, Goliath, Millist, and Pinelands. Ltd quantities aval:. Ph. Katapoi 8595. WSI2 BUY quantity top qualitv hay. Ph; 227-014. CHICKEN portions, solid pack $4 19 2kg, free flow $4.99 2kg, first grade tender chickens from $1.99 each, al) chickens below wholesale prices Pot roasting fowls, assorted sizes. $1.79 ea. Plenty of turkeys, ducklings. pheasants. gosling, chickens, venison, frozen foods, fresit eggs. Fresh ‘ chickens daily. Cash and ; Carry Poultry Market, Main ; North Road <1 block past Papanui roundabout). Phone ■ 525-372. Open 5j days. TWS : CHIPPEWA potatoes. $2.50 ! bag. Carrots, pumpkins. I silver-beet etc. 586 Harewood Road. 10 CHIPPEWA potatoes, pumpkins and walnuts. 260 Cashmere Rd. 9 GRAPEFRUIT $9.95 bushel .-aiton. Oranges $16.95 tar--1 ton Al. 102 Stanmore Rd. 23 :LEYLAND Cypress, 4 types I available, Vichams Nursery j and Garden Centre. Amber- ; ley. phone 43-553, open 7 ; days. SW : POTATOES, $2.95 s.b. Red I Dakota $3.55 s.b. Grapefruit $9.95 bushel case. Al. 102 i Stanmore Rd. 2i i POTATOES, Rua. Chippewa. I 11am Hardy. 49 Tuckers Rd. I Papanui. II ; POTATOES, Chippewa. 11am Hardv. 673 Cashmere Rd. SWTC .RUA potatoes. $l2 sack, delivered. Ph. 497-254. 12 SHELTER trees available now at Vichams Nursery, Amberlev, phone 43-553 Amberley. SW (SHELTER trees available now i at Viehams Nursery, AmI beriey. Phone 48-553 Am her ley. SW iTREE catalogue, now avail- ) able from Vichams Nursery. I Main North Rd. Amberley ■ phone 48-553, send a 50c I postal note or equivalent in stamps (no envelopes). SU t TREE catalogue now avail- , able from Vichams Nnrserv. I -Main North Rd. Amberley, i Phone 48-553, send a 50c I postal note or equivalent tn I stamps (no envelopes). SW I i REDWOOD ORCHARD GOLDEN' DELICIOUS GRANNY SMITHS STURM ER 45 HAWKINS ROAD ' toff Prestons Road'. OPEN 9 30-5 DAILY. _p V POULTRY FARM TENDER ROASTING HENS UNDER 5 SIZE $1 each. Specials tn other sizes and carton lots. CHICKENS Size 4 each, size 5 $2.30 each, size 6 $2.60 each. EGGS Farm fresh, most grades. DUCKLING AND TURKEYS Last week for under cost specials. 538 MARSHLAND ROAD (just before Spencer Park . turnoffi. OPEN 7 DAYS. WHS FOR SALE TO NURSERYMEN RETAILERS WE are manufacturers of and have in stock FLC.U ER POIS. range 3ln to !2in. Inquiries welcomed. Prices on request. BISHOPDALE POTTERIES, LTD, P.O Box 372, NELSON. Phone 83-039 (office). WTC i Gardening Aids i AI soil, good clean garden i soil, premix and shingle | suoplies Kevin Blatt ConI tractors. Ph. 841-928 Us I CHICKEN manure sell, 10 ' bags $B. Delivered. Phone I 383-860. (COMMERCIAL and domestic top soil supplies, screened : and unscreened. Also pre ■ mix and shingle. U.O.D. Al I Contractors. Ph. 554-021 WS GARDEN soil, screened and unscreened, minimum delivery 2 metres, piemix sand’, shingle supplies. John Burrows Contractor, Ph 489-122 any time. WTC HORSE manure sell, 5 bags $4.10; 10 bags $B. Delivered Phone 383-860. MANURE— for good garden ing. Home delivery. Sheer manure available in 2 differ ent bag sizes. C.O.D. Large $2.50, small SI. Ring 66-53? between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m Ring 795-022 after hours. Mm. RU'j-v •.uitipuat nil j vout own standard ear (tail I er S 5 Truck loads by ar ; rangement Ph 499-310 I) IPAWNG -lam- largest -ar ; tety compare qualitv anti J prices Sydenham Confrere ■! 72 Rvrnr St Ph 66 815 b 'SAWDUST, 10 bags for S 8 de livered. Ph. 555-291. C KINPACK I POWDER SHEEP MANURE ;Kinpack the soil conditioner ; Kinpack's wool free ; Kinpack’s at garden centres Kinpack's at hardware ant I seed shops. - Kinpack’s natural No chemi K cal additives.
i Machinery and Farm Equipment Sell | CAT D7G I WITH CAT RIPPERS, angle and hydraulic U blades. Onions scraper 14 cu yds. Forestry Bedding Ploughs. Cat 25 P.C.U. This machine has done only 3700 hours. Excellent condition and currently "in work ripping and bedding for forestry at Whangarei. This work is available with the ■ above equipment to a suitable purchaser. To negotiate price, terms and contract, contact Peter Boocock, phone Auckland 415-9390. WSI2
Page 35 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 35
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