Holiday and Hotel Accommodation central motet. «bout $* weekly rates. 44$ Madras St. IV etc Ph 61-712. 64446. MWS Flats, inert term, modern, clean, colour TV. own phone evert thing supplied, linen, etc. Central citysBs p w Phone 7x2-410 Box 2114$ Chch. D HOLIDAY uemes eco caravans Phone 16$ Geraldine, oi write 20J T>:boi Street Geraldine MAY “SURFERS PARADISE": Prestige new 2 bdrm apartments. All mod cons. pool, sauna, close beach. 5A149 per wk al! inclusive. Manager, "Casa De! Sol.” </35 Old Burleigh Road. Sutters Paradise. 4217 (075) 38-8571 SWf> SURFERS PARADISE: Pres tige new 2 bdrm apartments, all mod. cons. Pool, sauna. close beach SAustl49 per week all inclusive. Manager. "Casa Del Sol." 7/35 Old Burleigh Road. Surfers Paradise 4217 (0751 33-8371. S\V9 WELLINGTON. Experienced travellers wanting firsteia»s accommodation a) commonsense tariff; stay with us; heart city: 5C rooms; 4 doors Landline: departure-arrival. Court er.ay Arms. 99 Courtenay Place. Ph 344-999 collect. l J Private c Hotel >'< Arm«xn street S MLN walk from Square. X jt the moat reasonable aceemmodaiion lo Christcnurcn Superior B ana B tor only 111 per night Colour TV. tea making facilities, cat park. Govt Tourist A-A approved PHONE 814W. CHRISTCHUKCH D
PORTAGE HOTEL BLISS is “The Portafe.” Catch fish, go boating, walk in the bush. Embark on scenic tours on water or land. Other activities include tennis, badminton, indoor bowls, pool, darts, table tennis, plus a host of indoor games for the whole family. Or — just relax and unwind in the peace, beauty and seclusion of the Kenepuru Sound. Easily accessible from Picton by water or road — reasonable tariffs and excellent meals. Enquire now about OFFSEASON bulk discount rates — minimum 10 or more. Ideal also for conferencei. weddings or social clubs. PHONE PICTON 181. Wit CHRISTCHURCH MELVILLE PRIVATE HOTEL 43 Gloucester Street PHONE mw (3mln from Square) TARIFF: Bed and BreaJcfari, Sil (no surcharge) Govt Tourist and A.A. approved Colour TV, ear park. All rooms h and c water. Te» and coffee making facilities. MWFS AMBASSADOR’S PRIVATE HOTEL CHRISTCHURCH 19 Mancheater Street. ONE minute from Railway. Colour television, tea and coSea making facilities. Offstreet parking. Clean comfortable. Bed and breakfast, $l2 per night. No aurehari*. PHONE 67-808. MWS - INVERCARGILL BEST WESTERN TAYESTA MOTEL, 343 Tay Strtet. Invercargill. Phone 764)74. For Business or Pleasure— Comfortable Warm Units— Good Service and Hospitality. For a nicer tomorrow Stay in a Best Western Tonight. Invercargill Phone 76-074. Telex 3737 Tayesta. WS CROYDON HOUSE Joyce ana Arthur Black welcome you to 63 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Phone 65-111. ATTRACTIVE accommoda. tion. Hot and cold water, all rooms. Car park. Tea-making facilities. Bed and full menu breakfast, $ll. City centre, ciusa to a!) amenities. ws : I — Bed and Breakfast ! at its Best — STONEHURST Pjltata Betel Mid LaixaryMetil foi'/aa Comfen ertSMM r»Mvs- . Sons s« H aroszsw V«ff Head Nois «nd Dna <Ez VWxha.' | CssrtFamSrlSMMi) iPHOME enythie j 241 GloueejUrStreet 'Tbe Closest to the Square.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 29
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