Across I—Baby animal reaches a country. (4) 3— Also out to get prior support for offer. (8) 8— A single follower for new head? Not even that! (4) 9— Begin with tea-container in top act. (4-4) 11— Such status is a matter of degree. (12) 13— Compensation for broken drawer? (6) 14— Make maths a terrible disease. (6) 17— Clipping showing the effects of reductions in Fleet Street? (5-7) 20 — I.e. garden got back. (8) 21— Stupefy some of the most unshockable people. (4) 22— Blow up public school in one calendar day. (8) 23— Pagan deity is vain, we hear. (4) Down 1— Plot to put 100 at the top of the steeple. (8) 2— Orchestra observed cutting equipment. (7) 4— Cane used in making leather at tannery. (6) 5— Tries pique to get fringe benefit. (10) 6— Low and wide place occupied without title. (5) 7— Little Leonard’s glass. (4) 10—Gang is sore, and showing belligerence. (10) 12— On edge — could be alarming. (8) 15— Hides to be brought up. (7) 16— Stress kind of current coin. (6) 18— Correct title. (5) 19— Dry' article to throw off. (4) (Solution tomorrow) Yesterday’s solution Across; 1, Candlemaker; 9, Iron out; 10, Greta; 11, Manse; 12, Curtail; 13, Adored; 15, Rental; 18 Kitchen; 20, Sinew; 22, Norma; 23, Erector; 24, Money-lender Down: 2, Adorn; 3, Diocese; 4, Entice; 5, Anger; 6. Elegant: 7. Firm backing; 8, Wallflowers; 14, Ontario; 16, Eastern; 17, Anneal; 19, Heave; 21, Nitre.
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 20
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