Shipping News Port improvement progressing well
The P6rt of Lyttelton’s development work is proceeding satisfactorily, according to the Lyttelton Harbour Board’s chief engineer, “..r J. B. Bushell. At the No. 2 jetty, used primarily to unload bulk cargoes such as phosphate, the poring of concrete decking totalling 484 square metres had been completed, he said, completing the work planned for that jetty at present. At the No. 6 jetty, dismantling work is nearly complete and. a large stockpile of beams, decking’ and piles has been removed from the wTiarf. Much of the decking is earmarked for the small craft harbour project and beams are being sold. At the No. -7 Jetty, designed for use b.v ' quarter-ramp vessels such as those proposed to begin service to Lyttelton by the Baltic Shipping Company, concrete decking has been poured and the rail track connection to No. 7 East., has been, completed. The' berth, was now- available for conventional shipping, Mr Bushell said.’
Work is progressing satisfactorily on - the extension of the No. 7 jetty with the preparation of niles for driving and the placing and grouting of precast concrete deck units.
At the low-level breastwork at No. 7 additional bents have been removed, backfilling is well under way, and a start has been made on placing protective (facing stone. West of. the jetty retaining wail, the 'placing of- fill and quarry rock . la’continuing. At the coal.’stockpile. area at Te Awaparahl.- Bay .about 300 metres of 11' feV underground cable has been laid and a L3l- - mast with ..nine 1000-waft high Intensity lights has been prepared and is ready/for erection at the extended rail siding to allow night working of the stockpile. ARRIVALS Nil. - DE.*A™J~.ZS Nil.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS Coastal Trader. Dunedin, today
(Gladstone Pier). British Security, Wellington, today (Oil Wharf). Union Lyttelton, Wellington, today (No. .3 East, shifting
to Gladstone Pier). Wellington Star, Suva, today
(Cashin Quay No. 3). Iron Baron, Napier, today (Cashin Quay No. 1). Union F/zbart, Wellington, to-
morrow. Mcssiniaki Thea. Bukom, July 12. Union Hobart, Dunedin, July 13. Amokura. Wellington, July 13. Anco Energie, Tauranga, July 13. Flinders Bay. Wellington, July 13. Coastal Trader, Auckland. July 14. Union Hobart, Dunedin, July 16. Marama, Wellington, July IG.
PROJECTED DETARTURES Coastal Trader. -Auckland today. Union Lyttelton. Dunedin, Mel
bourne, today. British Security, Wellington, to-
day. ■Wellington Star, Wellington
today. Strathmay, Australia, today. Union Hobart, Dunedin, tomor-
row. Iris, Japan, tomorrow. Samos Sun. Iran. Jtily 11. ’ Unity Reefer, Bluff, July 11. Anco Energie, Wellington, July 13. Messiniaki The 6, Auckland, July 13. : Amokura, Napier, July 14. . Coastal Trader, Dunedin, July 14. Union Hobart,: Wellington, Nelson. Sydney, July 15. Flinders Bay. Jeddah. July 15. Coastal Trader, Auckland, July 16.
VESSELS IN PORT Strathmay, Cashin Quay No. 1 Unity Reefer, Cashin Quay No. 2. Iris, No. 2 East. Samos Sun, No. 3 West. Holmdale. Dry Dock.