J* Y. r\Jjt••• • *’ IL ,r 8...,. ~ "C? " '■ ■w Oaklands Restaurant, pot U atSp. which ° n “ day ™ t ° raa '°’ leek ' UT 1 nr «II i 1 Entrees again allow a choice of three: fish liornny irust rioiei 9 fillets, beef Stroganoff, and mushrooms and bacon, m o tt V and there were four main courses—T-bone steak, A OWfT Street, ITOl’IlDy, ribeye steak, roast chicken, and ham steak Hawaii an Tel. 496-104. One advantage with table d’hote dining we have found is that there usually is less fuss when ■ you would like two entrees instead of an entree A. PETIT followed by a rhain course. This is what one of us • 'ii ' — did on this occasion, and tried the mushrooms and The Oaklands Restaurant emphasises in its bacon (extremely nice) and the beef Stroganoff advertising that it is a family restaurant, and the (ditto ditto). advertising is justified. The Hornby Trust Hotel is I had a ribeye steak, the wrong choice but one a pleasant community hotel, with a large natural which -1 should have foreseen: I like steak very catchment area, and fills a worth-while niche. rare, what the French call blue, and ribeye does not The family aspect is especially evident in the lend itself to this, it needs to be cooked for longer restaurant on Sunday nights, with a combination Apart from this—no complaints. of smorgasbord and disco dancing at $7 a head Desserts offer the choice of pavalova (sic), (children half price). They had 128 people last cheesecake, ice-cream sundae, and olde fashion Sunday: From Monday to Thursday dining is ala app]e piej the ] as f one obviously the only hot one. carte: breakfast starts at 7.15 a.m. and the dining- A cheese platter with a selection of New Zealand room closes about 10 p.m. cheeses is also available. On Friday.and Saturday nights it is “dine and The restaurant is a p i easa nt, comfortable room, dance,” and the menu table d’hote: $9 50 on Fri- - n .. autumn colours „ : browns and yellows in variday night and $lO on Saturday night. We chose a oug shadeS) with th 6 red table napkinS adding a Saturday. , , nice touch. It is, of course, fully licensed. but ™%r r “Z a "kl V e er Sh coST™ The restaurant appeared popular, with some Starters“consfi of chilled fruit juice, prawn large parties, and the dance door was consistently cocktail, or pate maison. The prawn cocktails were crowded. . fine The Winfield House Bar is a small but attracThere was a choice of two soups; French onion, tive place—ideal for a pre (or post) prandial.
t ife „Si Sbatesprart > SL? Itßw f ' GARDEN RESTAURANT • En i°y our d o l’ c i ous cuisine in a ./ romantic Elizabethan setting. you welcome. reservations advisable IBFAIB4b PAfANUI ROAD PH. 559-571 (Opp. fiterivale Poti Office) 8.Y.0. r’
& ' - THE- - ■ <L GUARDSMAN f' M RESTAURANT 4 I • FULLY LICENSED « . , » COSY COCKTAIL BAR • CHARGLO GRILL BAR • A LA CARTE DINING ROOM OPEN Lunch Weekdays 12-2p.m. Mon.-Sat. 5p.m.-11.30p.m. Sunday 5p.m.-10p.m. k i Enjoy the relaxed-country atmosphere and a mouth-watering meal at the Ploughmans Giill Family Bar. • Excellent Menu at Reasonable Prices Grills, Salads, Side Dishes, Appetisers, Desserts • Full Menu available for Lunches • ‘Ploughmans' Quick Lunches • All age groups catered for • Ffalf Portions at Half Prices for children • Complimentary Glass of Penfolds Wine or Cup of Coffee with each fneal • Handy distance from Christchurch • Full Range of Wines and Spirits MEAL HOURS Monday-Thursday 12. 00-2.bOpm; Friday-Saturday 12.00-2.Oophr, 0.30-9.3opiYi ~ FULL BAR FACILITIES Tavern Bar, Ploughman's Grill, r®' Bottle Store 1 CmiN SOUTH RD ROLLESTON. PHONE47B-7600
Page 16 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 16
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