Public Notices IN THE MATTER of the Companies Act 1955 AND IN THE MATTER of HAWTHORNE AND DALEY, LTD (In liquidation) THE undersigned, the liquidator of Hawthorne and Daley, Ltd, which is being wound up by Court order, will be making a first distribution to unsecured creditors in the near future. Proofs of debt have already been called for and have been submitted in most cases. Final notice is now given that July 3, 1980, is hereby fixed as the day on or before which any creditors who have not already filed proofs of debt should file same or be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or as the case may be from objecting to the distribution. Dated this 19th day of June. 1980. K. R. SARJEANT, Liquidator. _____________ EXTENSION OF SUBMISSIONS-CSR-BAIGENTS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT — PULP MILL PROPOSAL THE Commissioner for the Environment has extended the public submission period on the Environmental Impact Report — "C.S.R. - Balgents Thermo Mechanical Pulp Mill Proposal,” published in early May, 1980 — until June 30. 1980. The extension is to allow members of the public to respond to a letter received by the Commissioner for the Environment from C.SJL - Balgents discussing the company’s future afforestation proposals. This follows a press release by the Minister of Lands on May 20, 1980, announcing that the Government had given approval in principle to C.S.R. - Balgents, to purchase up to 2000 ha of land per annum, for 30 years, subject to a number of conditions. Copies of the correspondence with the company, the C.S.R. - Baigent letter and the Minister of Lands, May 20, press release, are available on request from: COMMISSIONER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, P.O. BOX 10241, WELLINGTON, and COMMISSIONER OF CROWN LAND, P. 8., NELSON. KEN PIDDINGTON, Commissioner for the Environment. , \ CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL THE CHRISTCHURCH CITY BYLAW No. 108 '(1980) SUBDIVISION, LAND EXCAVATION AND FILLING PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Christchurch City Council, at an Ordinary Meeting held in the City Council Chambers, 194 Manchester Street, Christchurch 1, on Monday, the 16th day of June, 1980, passed a resolution to make a Bylaw, the short title of which will be “The Christchurch City Bylaw No. 108 (1980) — Subdivision, Land Excavation and Filling.” x , Hie object or purport of the proposed Bylaw is to regulate any excavation or landfill in order to ensure that there Is no risk of landslip resulting therefrom. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER PUBLICLY NOTIFIED that the foregoing resolution will be submitted to an Ordinary Meeting of the Council to be held In the Council Chambers, situate as aforesaid, at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, the 21st day of July, 1980, for confirmation by way of Special Order and that a full copy of the said proposed Bylaw is deposited at the office of the Deputy General Manager and City Engineer, 166 Gloucester Street, Christchurch 1, and is now open to the inspection of the public, without fee, during office hours from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., Monday to Friday. J. H. GRAY, General Manager and Town Clerk. R Florists AVENUE Florists, 218 Lliv wood Ave. Ph. 894-983. a.ti. 881-362. D BEVERLEY Florist for all floral arts Phone 63-07? n COX’S Flower and Plant Centre, Cathedral Square (next to the Bank N.Z.), Teleflorists and Indoor plant specialists. Ph. 63-379. D GEOFFREY Reese, Victoria Florists.. 1 Victoria Street. Phone 64-325. a.h. 31-588. O JUDITH Farrell Eras and Co., 521 Colombo St, Ph. 65-233 night and day for all floral requirements. MHS MAY’S Floral Studios, 33A Rlccarton Rd- Pb. 488-659. a.h. 389-175. _ D MERIVALE Village Florist, Ruth Bain. Phone 559-733; a.h. 528-571 MGF MERIVALE — Shakespeare’s Florist. Flowers for all occasions — for personal attention please phone 556-226, 849-249 all. D ODERING ana May for flowers of distinction. Ph. 486-659. aJi. 389-175. D RANGIORA, Lyndene Florists, 47 High Street, Ranglora. Deliveries to Kaiapoi dally. Phone 7751. a.h. Kalapol 8142. D GOUGH’S FOUR SEASONS FLOWERS .Phone 45-411. After hours 843-066.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 29
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