McGRATH, Rsbacca Wilson (Becca) —On June 18, 1980, suddenly, at her residence, Kerr Street, Karitane, dearly loved sister of Rena, (Mrs Craig, Dunedin), loved sister and sister-in-law of Robert and Nancy, and loved aunt of Maureen, Irene, and Robby (all of Scotland), Hilda and Geoff, and great aunt of Helgi. Funeral to be held at Walkoualti Presbyterian Church, Tomorrow (Friday), at 2 p.m., foUowed by private cremation. In lieu of flowers’, donations to tha Heart Foundation would be appreciated. Messages to 48 Geelong Street, Waikouaiti; Forrest Funeral Services, Palmerston, Otago.
MOFFETT, Michael Samuel Wilson, of 19 Manor PlaceOn June 17, 1980, at Christchurch Hospital, loved husband of Caroline, and loved father of Thomas and Philip. Family flowers only, please. The Funeral service will be held in St Barnabas Anglican Church. Fendalton Road, This Day (Thursday), at 2 p.m. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd.
O'NEILL, Edward (Jock) — On June 16, 1980, at the Home of Compassion, dearly loved husband of the late LU, loved father of Betty (Mrs Randle, Otakl), and the late Kathleen (Mrs Gray), and loved granddad of Ray, Maureen, Susan, Ann-Marie, Lynda, Patricia, and his 10 great-grandchUdren; aged 93 years. (Suddenly.) R.LP. Messages to 35 Mountain View Terrace, Otakl. No flowers, by request. A Requiem Mass win be celebrated in the St Patrick’s Catholic Church. Fuller Street, Kaiapoi, Tomorrow (Friday), at 10.30 ajn., interment thereafter in the Kaiapoi Public Cemetery. Recitation of the Rosarv in the church, This Day (Thursday), at 7 P.m. Gulliver and Tyler, Ltd, Kaiapoi. OSBORNE. Vera Rawhltl (formerly Williams, nee Crofts), of 54 Judea Road, Tauranga, and formerly of LytteltonOn June 17, 1980, at Auckland, dearly loved widow of Buster Osborne (Turangi and Tauranga), and Eric Williams (Lyttelton), loved mother and mother-in-law of Terry and Christine Williams (Invercargill), George and Margaret Weddell (Melbourne), and the late Frank and Alfred, Bill and MoUy Osborne, Alble and Jill Osborne (Tauranga). Diane and Kerry Trethowen, Mary and Tom Nisbett (Turangi), Rayma, Lyn and Darryl (Sydney), Frank and Barbara (Parnassus), and a loved grandmother of her many grandchildren. Messages to 54 Isabella Street, InvercargiU. The Funeral service will be held in the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, Tomorrow (Friday), at 3.45 p.m. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd. PARKER, Cecil Vincent (late N.ZJi.), of 92 Marshall Street, and late of Greymouth—On June 18, 1980, at his home (suddenly), dearly loved husband of Isabel, loved father of June (Mrs Blacklock), Maurice and Joy, and loved grandfather of all his grandchildren and great-grand-children. R.IP. Messages to 366 Breezes Road. The Funeral service will be held in our Westpark Chapel, 467 Walrakei Road. Tomorrow (Friday), at 2.30 pjn., Interment thereafter in the Ruru Lawn Cemetery. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd. PARKER, Cedi Vincent — On June 18, 1980, loved friend of Glenys, and loved poppa of Robert, Debra, Leanne, Kim and Cherie, and loved great-granddad of Bonnie.
PARKER, Ceci! Vincent — On June 18, 1980, loved stepfather of John and Ann Dunn, and dearly loved poppa of Michelle and Justin.
PARKER, Cecil Vincent — On June 18, 1980, beloved poppa of, Christine and Larena Parker, James and Donna MacGougan, and Robert Blacklock.
RODGER, Mary Annie (Peg), of 50 Durham Street, Tapanul—On June 17, 1980, at Tapanul, dearly loved wife of Keith, and loved mother and mother-in-law of Florence and Jack Park (Crookston), Murray and Jo (Crookston), Nonle and John Smith (Edendale). Bob (Cromwell), John (Invercargill), and much loved nana of all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; in her 81st year. A service will be held at the All Saints Church, Tapanul, Tomorrow (Friday), at 2 pan., the Funeral leaving thereafter for the Tapanul Cemetery. Cut flowers preferred, please. McKinlay, Murray and CO., Funeral Directors, Gore.
SAGE, Frederick Albert Hamilton—On June 17, 1980, at Christchurch, loved husband of the late Beatrice, father of Anthony and brother of James. The Funeral service will be held in our chapel, 234 Lichfield Street, Tomorrow (Friday), at 10.30 ajn., interment thereafter in the Memorial Park Cemetery. J. Lamb and Son, Ltd.
SAUNDERS, Alex Harold — On June 17, 1980, at Walrau Hospital, Blenheim (suddenly), dearly loved husband of Susannah (Pat) Saunders, loved father and father-in-law of Valerie and Jim Drummond (Motueka), George and Pat (Balclutha), Georgina and Larry Gardiner (Motueka), Ngalre and Clive Drummond, Harold and Vai (Blenheim), lan and Kay (Queenstown), and a loved pop of all his grandchildren; in h’s 67th year. Messages to 58 South Street, Blenheim. His Funeral service will be held at St Christophers Anglican Church, Redwood Town, Tomorrow (Friday), at 1.30 pan., thereafter interment at Fairhall Cemetery. Geoffrey T. Sowman, Ltd, Blenheim.
SHUTTLEWORTH, Arthur Edmund (Ed), of 15 Rutland Street, Stoke — On June 17, 1980, at his home, dearly loved husband of Gladys, loved father and father-in-law of Tony and Elaine, Anne and Dan McLeod, Elizabeth Pike, and loved grandfather to all his grandchildren and great-grandchUdren. In lieu of flowers, donations to The Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 535, Nelson. The Funeral service will be held in our chapel, 103 Collingwood Street, Nelson, This Day (Thursday), commencing at 2.30 p.m. Shone and Shirley, Ltd, Funeral Directors, Nelson.