i Auctions RARE BOOK AUCTION MRS GLADYS GOODALL’S LIBRARY 1000 LOTS MAINLY NEW ZEALAND LITERATURE to be sold in “Gallerv Two.” ;169 GLOUCESTER STREET ' THURSDAY. JUNE 26, I ■ and I FRIDAY. JUNE 27, : at 9.30 a.m. each day. ALSO ) RARE ANTARCTIC i. ARTEFACTS | Ex Captain R. F. Scott’s ; 191(1 “TERRA NOVA” expedi- * lion. ALSO j PAINTINGS ’ By John Gully, Thos. Cane. Russell Clark. Delarue. (Baxter prints, “Cries of Lon!don‘* prints. i CATALOGUES 51.25 posted, .plus 25 cents if price list .wanted later. I R. G. BELL and CO. ] P.O. Box 13130. ’ PHONE 62-026. i Viewing from 9 a.m., June 23. ; ! I ! Properties for Sale i 'ST ALBANS, Ranfurly sF, | I first time offered, 3 bdrm; I character home completely (renovated with 1 tone carpet, panelling, quality wall-; papers and leadlights.i spacious lounge., separate' dining, dble garage $33,950' phone so.e agents, M. Turn- i er. St Albans Real Estate 799-396 any time MRELXZ.I9 ■ s a ■ IST ALBANS. Charming dble, I brick home in attractive area, near park, and Edgeware village. Three bdrms, two living rooms, excellent buying in this area at $lB,OOO. David Murray Real Estate. MREINZ. 556-102, a.h. Shirley Botting 554-048.; I 19 | ST ALBANS quiet tree lined street, spacious family ;• home on large section,! perm, material 3 or 41 bdrms, sunny living area, | open ’ fire, tidy order for ’ just $21,500. Ring Brvonv 556-160. a.h. 67-946 Edge‘ware Estates, MREINZ. ST ALBANS North, $24,950. Bright and sunny modern bungalow. Lounge, living room, 2 bedrooms plus sunroom. Govt. Vai. $25,200.
, Wonderful value. For ini' spection phone 794-784 any 5 time, Stephens Real Estate ? MREINZ. i, ST ALBANS, $23,000 . 2 bedroom weatherboard cottage, absolutely immaculate ini' side and out, beautifully V decorated most tastefully, e plain carpets and drapes. ‘> Contact Sandie O’Brien. 5531 084, or 62-824, Wing Real Estale, MREINZ. M ■ ■ ■ L ST MARTINS ($24,950, Gam blins Rd). A real suntrap. Established 40 perches. Prime land in this pictur- , esque street. Older style home with lounge sep. liv- , ing/dining room, 2 bdrms and sunroom. Owners on 1 transfer so possession could ; be given immediately. Ph. ‘ Bryan Dobson of Sherris 1 and Robertson, ‘‘yolir local ; agent.” 792-120, aJt. 39-808, , MREINZ. MIIS2I B B ■ ■ iST MARTINS residents. If ■ you are considering selling and are unsure of the top 1 market price for your home i telephone Bryan Dobson of , Sherris and Robertson, . “your local agent.” Benefit from his years of experi- : ence in selling property in your area. Ph. 792-120. a.h. • 39-808. MREINZ. MHS2I 19 ■ B ■ , SHIRLEY, St Albans. Perm, mat. home with attached weatherboard flat, house j can be 3 double bedrooms 1 and flat is one bedroom. ; Large living areas. Can be turned into one large home by removal of one doorway. Private and well fenced with double garage. Neat easily kept garden. $29,950. 1 Some finance available. Grant Real Estate. MREI- : NZ, Ph. 31-227. a.h. 370-050. ; _2J ! SHIRLEY character family home in good area, close to shops and buses. Compl e t e 1 y redecorated throughout, spacious lounge with open fire and bay Win- ; dow, sep. dining. 30 perch section, garage and wood shed. Well worth inspection for the asking price of $25,950. Ph. Dianne Stewart, 483-784. a.h. 31-163, Collins!, Real Estate, MREINZ. SHIRLEY $27,500. Desirable 3 bedroom, perm. mat. home. Large kitchen/dining area, cosy lounge, large triple car garage. Very sunny 26 perch section. Please phone Dave Heazlewood 50-102 a.h. 857-245 De Vere and Clothier MREINZ. 188 B B SHIRLEY, $25,500. Negotiable. This is really splendid, value for this perm, mater- j ial 3 dble bdrm home. This ] spacious home offers delightful sunnv lounge with open fire, excellent kitchendining area with plenty of cupboards, and the bathroom has been Lamlnex lined with mixer shower. Along with a large double garage this home is sited on a mature section in Joy St, close to all amenities. Cedric King of Pacific Real Estate, Ltd. MREINZ, Phone 791-000. a.h. 516-092. 19 SHIRLEY, $24,950. Brick . home, tile roof. Prestige Hope Street location, 3 bdrm sep lounge, handy' to shops etc. G.V. $25,000. Be • quick. I have the key. Telephone Bill Lloyd bus 488I 784, res 559-561 Collins I MREINZ . 19 !SHIRLEY, $28,500. Character; bungalow in good tidy con-1 dition throughout, 3 large 1 1 bdrm, sep. living room with built-in cabinets,! lounge has an open fire and] F’-ench doors to terrace,! kitchen is well set out with] 4 ring auto range. The 18ft; x 13ft garage will house two] small cars. Home is welli sited on a 612 sq m section! close to all schooling, shops! and buses. For further! information and appoint-; ment, phene Peake 62-769; I Binns, Barber and Keenan. Ltd, MREINZ, a.h. 841-233. SHORT of $3OOO for your de- ■? posit on a brand new home? Not sure how much you need? Don’t know where to start? We at Mer-| ritt Beaslej’ Homes have all J the answers. Phone i-ayl Hampton 799-278 night or day. 23 1 SOMERFIELD ST, sound older] style bungalow on good corner section. 2 double bed-!* rooms, lounge. living room,] dining alcove, good kitchen,! garage and garden sheds.; For sale at G.V. $20,090. j The Canterbury N.Z. Seed! Co. Ltd, MRMINZ 332-199; a.h. Andv Williams 519-153. i 21 u SOMERFIELD, $21,750 ’ 0.n.0/ v for this 3 bdrm home in quiet tree lined street close schools, bus and shops. Very comfortable living room with open fire and bay windows. Cosy kitchenette also with open fire. Single garage. Sole agents,; . Simes and Co.. 64-347. MRE-j, INZ. a.h. Wayne Beaton; 33-639. THl9i