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Cars for Sale TOYOTA Crown, 1977. 24,000 km. finished in red with cream vinyl. Manv extras. This vehicle is like new throughout. $9995. Cable Price Syd.. 385 ColI ombo St, Ph. 797-843. aJi. 427- LMVD. STHI9 TOYOTA Corona 2000 SE S/W, 1977 (Dec.), finished in brown with light tan; trim. 67.000 km. Radio and ■ heater, ,4a new throughout. ] Price $6495. Cable Price! Toyota. Sydenham, 385 Col-] ombo St. Ph. 797-843, a.h. i 427-451, LMVD. STHI9' (TOYOTA Corolla van, Nov.; I 19<<. Private owner, fin-; j ished in white with tan trim • very tidy throughout 25 c " ( - i i deposit. Over 3. years. Price • $5795. Cable Price Toyota | 365 Colombo St. Svdenham ■ Ph. 797-843. LMVD. STHI9; ■TOYOTA Corona XT, 1979,1 finished in blue with ! ; creamy trim our own vehI icle. This car is as new | throughout. Price $9295. ] Cable Price Toyota 385 Colombo Street Svdenham. Ph. -1 737-843, a.h. 527-451. STHI9 TOYOTA Crown 1970 Auto. All factory extras, receipts for $9OO on motor 12,000 miles ago, $2995. Crester • ( Car Sales, Ph. 897-715, LMVD. THI9 I TOYOTA Corolla SR Coupe] j 1978. 26,000 km. radio, ■ ; heater, wheel trims, bodv ( I mouldings, sparkling tea. • ; As new, only $6995. Crester I Car Sales, Ph. 897-715, LM-1 VD. THI9I TOYOTA Corona 1969. Very I tidy, goes extremely well,: onlv $1895. Crester Car .- Sales, Ph. 697-715, LMVD. • THI9I TOYOTA Crown, 1972. auto-: matte, radio and heater,; receipts for motor overhaul. Taylor Motors. 110 j Lincoln Rd. Ph 384-964; a.h 880-174. LMVD. TIII9 ■ TOYOTA Corolla Estate. • Primrose with contrasting ] trim. Very popular model.! $3199 or $lOOO deposit; $24! p.w. Stephen Jones Ltd, Ph. I 66-094; a.h. 428-722. • TOYOTA Corolla. White with I blue trim. Excellent order • throughout. $2890. Stephen ] Jones Motors Ltd, 360 Cashel St. Ph. 66-094; a.h. I 428- ’ I TOYOTA Corolla Coupe 1976. 1 1 i 45,000 km, Sundown yellow} • 3 mths warranty. 55795.1 Smail Car World. 31 Moor- • house Ave. Ph. 7 Q O-004, a.h.; 35-071. 370-257. LMVD. i TOYOTA Corona 2000, 1976.; 77,000 kms radio and heater, i Excellent condition. $4999.; Fitzgerald Ave Car Court, j Ph. 66-811, LMVD. I TOYOTA Corona 1600, 1974.1 89.000 kms. A beauty. $3499. i Fitzgerald Ave Car Court, i Ph. 66-811, LMVD. I TOYOTA Corolla SR, Coupe, 1977, 1 local lady owner] fireball red, radio, cloth; trim etc. Only 36,000 km. I $6500 Cresswell Keeling, Motors 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489-853, a.h. 841-613. MVDL TOYOTA Corolla. 1977, blue, 36,000 miles, radio and heater, immac condition. $4850. Telephone 528-335. 21 TOYOTA Corolla SL Coupe, late ’73, 47,000 miles, immac • condition. Brian Thorne! Motors, 7 Dickens Street.: Telephone 382-661 LMVD. TOYOTA Corona 1600 1976, 51,000 km. white, burgundy trim. Full 6 seater. Any Inspection welcomed. Value here at $4500. Tench Bros ' Ltd. Telephone 790-831, a.h.. I 791-816. 60-953 LMVD. i TRANSIT Van semi custo-] mised reconditioned 289: Mustang motor and auto! trans, mags a great fun! machine for someone to fin-1 ish off with a wild paint' job, and only $3BOO or $1300! dep. Caprice Motor Court,! 55 Ferry Road. Telephone; 61-936 MVDL TRIUMPH Stag, 1974.' 60,000 km, automatic, power steering, hard and soft tops,; yellow paintwork arriving! Friday. $9990. Cresswe’i -. Keeling Motors, 74 ' Riccarton Road. Telephone 489-853 MVDL TRIUMPH Herald Estate, 1965. English assem. Receipts for over #6OO. A beauty. Onlv $1495. Cathedral Motors. KI Ferry Rd. Ph. 60-026. MVDL 20 TRIUMPH Spitfire, 1965. Red, runs well. $2890. Ph. 69-475. Chch Sports Car-Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. STHI9 TRIUMPH TR7. 1976. Blue, 1 32,000 miles. Look! SB9SO. Ph. 69-475, Chch Sports Car , Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave, J LMVD. STHI9 TRIUMPH GT6, 1971. Red, must be seen. $5990. Ph. 1 69-475, Chch Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. STHI9 TRIUMPH Spitfires and Stags 1 wanted urgently bv the South Island specialists. Ph. 69-475, Chch Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave. , LMVD. STHI9 TRIUMPH 2500 Auto 1974 Cream with tan trim. Prestige vehicle in im- 1 maculate order. $5690. Stephen Jones Motors, 360 Cashel St. Ph. 66-094 a.h 428-722. LMVD TRIUMPH Spitfire, 1972. 1 White, 55.000 miles, overdrive, mags. etc. Best in town $5490. Ph. 69-475. 1 Chch Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. STHI9 TRIUMPH 2000 Auto., 1972. Radio, heater, 49,000 miles. 1 extra tidy one. Only $4195. Watts Car Sales 897-715. LMVD. THIS , TRIUMPH 2000, 1969. 2 owners from new, A.A. test, any test. $2995. Inspect today. Cashel-Fitzgerald Mtrs. 1 LMAD. 19 TRIUMPH 2000, 1969. genuine 70.000 miles, heater, lovelv original deep turquoise with tan trim. Absolutelv im- 1 maculate. Value at $2795. J.R. Wholesale. 66 Fitzger- , aid Ave. Ph. 66-090. LMVD. 20 TRIUMPH 2000 Mk 2, auto., 1972. 67,000 miles, pretty light blue paintwork. An ex- ' J cellent car at a realistic price. $4200. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St, Ph. , 798-940, a.h. 45-967. 891-074. J 288-966. LMVD. 191 VALIANT VG Regal Safari, 1971, 318 VS auto., manv ex- 1 tras. faultless cond. 53099. Fitzgerald Ave Car Court, Phone 66-811. LMVD. VALIANT APS Regal seats,! 1 red paint on immaculate! example, R and H, $1299,1 $7BO dep. Avon Motors. 9 St John St. Ph. 849-331. LMVD I , VALIANT Safari auto $1999; or $l2OO dep. At -Morries. 231 Colombo Street. LMVD.! Telephone 33-131 a.h. 486-!! 459. VALIANT Ranger XL 1973 i Auto. Heater, Regal seating. immac. cond. Sparkling I i • metallic brown paintwork.; ] Great value at $2395. J. R.l Wholesale, 66 Fitzgerald! Ave. Ph. 66-090, LMVD. 1 Ave. Ph. 66-990, L.MVD. 20 VANGUARD Six. 1963, goes' , well, heater. $899, $540 dep.i J Avon Motors. 9 St John St Ph. 849-381, LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor s/w, 1963. J Immac. little car, heater, factory 4 speed Boor change. Original gold and white. Value at $1095. J.R. Wholesale, 66 Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 66-990. LMVD. 20 VAUXHALLS. Victor 1800. , 1970 $1999 or Sl2OO dep' t Cresta 33 1970 $1299 or S7BO dep, Viva 1971 4 door, 1 receipts for new s/blockl $2199 or $1320 dep, 1963 PB5999 or $6OO dep. At Mor- i 1 ries, 231 Colombo Street.! LMVD. Telephone 33-1311 a.h. 488-459. ! VAUXHALL . Chevette 1977,1 one owner 30,000 km. Fin- j ished in red with tan trim I fitted with sunshine roof, I radio and heater, wheel; bands, body moulding, • , tow bar and mudflaps. Thisi - vehicle can be sold on a 25% deposit over 3 years. Price55995. Cable Price Toyota t J 385 Colombo St. Ph. 797-848- 1 a.h. 527-451, LMVD. STHI9 i VAUXHALL Viva estate, 1972, > 64,000 miles, gold with black ] trim, very tidy motor car I only $2595, or $1560 dep.i Family Cars, 121 Fitzgerald; Avenue, Ph. 50-70 or 50-> 7«. 20 ‘
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Press, 19 June 1980, Page 25
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1,084Page 25 Advertisements Column 9 Press, 19 June 1980, Page 25
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Page 25 Advertisements Column 9 Press, 19 June 1980, Page 25
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