Cars for Sale DATSUN 1808, 1977, 33J)00km, 1 ,?2 nier - Finished in white with blue trim, very popular modeL This vehicle is in new cond. Price $5795. Cable Price Toyota, 43 Main North Rd, 529-861 a.h 852-886, LMVD. STHI9' DATSUN Cherry: 6 mths old, delivery km onlv by one 1 owner, 1709 km. Save hundreds of dollars at $7250. A C. Rhodes, Ltd, 334 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-699 a.h. Paul O’Connor 478-662. HSI4 DATSUN 260 C 1977. 2 owners, 38,000 km <24,000 miles). All luxury model extras, 6 cyl., auto transmission. Inspection advised at $10,485. A. C. Rhodes Datsun, 334 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-099 a.h. 478-662. • HSI4 DATSUN 1808 Automatic 1976. 2 owners, 57,000 km. Most appealing car with radio fitted and towbar, red with bone trim, $5995 with 6-month “Valid Value” warranty. A. C. Rhodes, Ltd, 334 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-009 a.h. 478-662. HSI4 DATSUN 1808 1977, new shape, 1 owner, 27.000 km. Orange. As new throughout. Inspection a must. $7700. 12 months or 20,000 km.- warranty. McLaren Motors, 108 St. Asaph St. Ph. 198-940, a.h. 288-966. 45-967, 891-074, LMVD. 19 DO you want a low mileage late model 1 private owner commercial vehicle? I have a 1978 Commer 2590 van for sale. Full windows, semi-camper conversion, plenty of storage. Ideal for fisherman, family man, etc. Excellent condition, barely run-in at 44,000 km. Must be the best value around at $5750. Full finance available to approved purchaser. Phone Southbridge 568 after 5 p.m. or write PZ7152, “Press.” STH 19 ESCORT 1300, factory G.T., 1968 model. Red with mag wheels, 90,000 miles, motor in good cond., heater, new W.O.F. Reliable ear. $1650. Phone 898-522 after 11 a.m ; ESCORT Van, 1300 GT, 1972. Mags, murals, carpet t/out. Receipts for motor, ■ flows, etc. $3495 or $2097 dep. Volkswagen Sales and Service, 59 Ferry Rd. Ph. 50703. LMVD. ESCORT 1300 L. 1975. 4 door, 1 private owner, showroom condition, $5399. See it now. Cashel-Fitzgerald Mtrs LMVD. io : ESCORT 1100, 1968, sparkling! white, red trim, absolutely: immaculate, inspect today.; Cathedral Motors, 61 Ferry' Road, 60-026, MVDI. FAIRMONT 302 VS 1970, XW. metallic bronze with luxury, interior would be the best: offered for sale, $3999. Dave Chapman Motor Centre, 219 Waltham Road. Ph. 50-379 a.h. 582-163 LMVD. FALCON Luxury VB, 1972 auto., power steering, mag wheels, vinyl top. Good, metal. $4495. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd, Ph. 384-964. a.h. 880-174. LMVD. THI9! FALCON 1962. Tidy, goes! very nicely, trade-in bar-: gain. Full price $495. ■ Crester Car Sales, Ph. 897-715, LMVD. THI9 FALCON XR S/W 1967 Auto. Deep Blue with white top. Blue Interior. Radial tyres, excel, cond. $lBOO. Cress-well-Keeling, 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489-853. a.h. 899-313. LMVD. FALCON XA, 1972, 2 owners, immaculate car for year,: 53500 Boats and Motors: Ltd, 514 Moorhouse Ave,; Ph. 60-214, a.h. 31-273, LMVD. 20 i FALCON XW 3.6 sw, 1970,. only 2. owners from new,, radials tyres etc. extremely; tidy throughout, $2195. R. B.; McGregor Ltd, 34 Yaldhurstl Road. Ph. 486-926 a.h. 596-i 537 LMVD. FALCON XY 1972 blue ice, black vinyl roof and trim, 50,000 miles, 2 owners, every extra, best available,! $3500. Cresswell Keeling, 74! Riccarton Road. Ph. 489-8531 a.h. 899-313 LMVD. i FALCON SW 1967, radio and< heater, verv tidy, through-! out, $1799, $lOBO dep. Avon] Motors. 9 St John Street.: Ph. 8491381 LMVD. , FIAT Bambina. 1961, only' 88,000 miles $399 or 5540 dep i at Morries, 231 Colombo Street, LMVD. FIAT 128 1974. 39,000 miles, A.A. report. A wee beauty, $3595. Crester Car Sales, Ph. 897-715, LMVD. THI9 FIAT 132 GL, 1975. 1 owner, 80.000 km. Deep brown colour. Suit the most discriminating of buyers. 12 months or 20,000 km; warranty $5BOO. McLaren Motors, 103 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940; a.h. 45-967; 891-074; 288-966. 19 FIAT 500. 1962, very good order, $9OO 0.n.0. Call 33 Percival Street, Beckenham. 19 FIAT 128, 1974. Heater, economy with performance.! $3495. Averill Autos, c/- : Crester Car Sales. Ph. 897715, a.h. 856-169, LMVD. THI9 FIAT 850 couoe. 1969. A beauty. 52390. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd. Phone 384-964. a.h. 880-174. LMVD. THI9 FIAT 128, 1972. Orange with Charcoal Trim. Very economical 4 door sedan. $2990. Stephen Jones Motors Ltd., 360 Cashel -St. Ph. 66-094, a.h. 428-722. FIAT 125: Excel, cond., 60,000 miles, 2 owners, only $2995. Kennedy’s, 255 Ferry Rd, LMVD. ■a • ■ FIRST stop! Make it Park Lane Motor Co. Ltd. Sports cars a speciality! We need them desperately! See Park Lane Motor Co. today! 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567. LMVD. D FORD LTD, 1975, 25,000 miles. Our managing directors own personal transport is the best LTD available and only $13,500. Boats and Motors Ltd, 514 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 60-214; a.h. 31-273, LMVD. 20 FORD Cortina' 1600 Estate, 1975. 2 owners, 70,000 km, pretty ming blue. $5200. 12 months or 20,000 km warranty. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940; a.hl 45-967. 891-074, 288-906. LMVD. 19 FORD Cortina GXL 2000 L Auto, Dec. 71 model finished in purpls witn cream vinyl top, <9,000 wiles r. & h. Very tidy throughout. Good buy at only $3795. Cable Price Tovota, 355 Colombo St. Svd Ph. 797-843. a.h. 527-451, LMVD. STHI9 FORD Escort 1.3 L, 4 door,: 1975, new shape, finished in white with tan trim, aO.OOO kms, one owner. Must be good buying at only Sal So. Cable Price Toyota, 4o North Rd. Ph. 529£61. a.h. 852-886, LMVD. STHi9 FORD VB, 1938, 2-door sedan. 1 owner since new. absolutelv original. By auction this Friday, 12 noon Smiths Citv Market, Ltd, 88 Montreal St. , r __ r „ TTn FORDS. Zephyr MKTV o $1599- or $960 demZephj. yuan, $1199 or s<2o den,. Cortina S/W 1963 new rings; fitted $1399 or SBJ) dep, Cortina 1500 1965, $1499, $9OO dep at Morries, 231 Colombo St. Telephone .>3-131 a.h. 486-459 LMVD. | FORD VB, 1938, 2 door sedan, 1 owner, by auction, tomor-l row Friday 12 noon Smiths City Market, Ltd, S 3 Mon-| treal St. FORD Cortina, 1600 L, 19 <6,! finished in red with tan; trim, 67,000 km, as new,| throughout, a two owner vehicle, price only 54995. Cable Price, 43 Main North ’ R*. Ph. 529-361. a.b. 852-886. LMVD. ■ STHI9 GALANT 1977, 1850 coupe, 40 000 km. 1 owner, radio, heater. $6BOO. Blackwells, Hornby. Ph- 499-144, LMVD. HILLMAN Hunter, 1971 (Nov.). Metallic blue, excellent condition t/out. Recent o/haul. $2495. Cathedral Motors, 61 Ferrv Rdl Ph. 60-026; a.h--35-129, MVDI. 20'