Builders* Supplies '. PINUS framing, treatelTanS planed, gauged, $l6O cu m ' Ph. 67-937 or write to Tiff ber Supplier, Box 25035" Chch. 21 i Musical Instruments ORGANISTS. Trade up to the beautiful Gtanfiesta Deluxe by Welson. You win be de, lighted. Price $2595. -The Organ Exchange iWelson ' agents) is opp. Papanui Hotel, North Rd, Ph. 525, 963. XF2S PIANO (Yamaha Spinettei, to sell, in new cond. SI2GO 0.n.0. Private sale. Please ph. 884-956, for appointment to view. HS2I PIANO wanted, modern style reasonably small, good condition. Ph. 483-547. HS2I PIANOS, x tadios. guitars, kil musical instruments bought. Hutchinson White's Ph 794-600. MWH CRACKED cylinder heads, blocks or machine parts. Call Melalock lor a petv manent guaranteed repair. Christchurch 69-705 — Dunedin 51-700. WS Radios, Stereos, Cassettes AWA Series 9, $250. Ph.'3B3084. 21 CAR radio cassette Sanyo. Sell, excellent order. $BO Ph. 593-676. STEREO "Bell.” lovely sound, cost $BOO. only $2BO. Ph. 795729. 19 TWO Dynaco stereo speakers, solid walnut, satin oil finish. Contents 10in cone and 2 x Ilin tweeters, frequency 32 kllz-20 kHz. 35 Watt inis, made in Denmark, will sell lor S4OO 0.11.0. Call at Flat 3. SO Opawa Road between 4.30 and 6.30 p.m. 29 TECHNICS SMITHS CITY MARKET, your Technics centre, offer you the lull range of Technics equipment, available on the New Zealand market todav. Besides the -best placing m the “Top Brand” and “desirability of purchase” categories at the prestigious Berlin Audio Exhibition, Technics also received high valuation in each of the individual product categories of amplifiers, tuners, turntables and speaker systems We offer 10 per cent deposit and up to 3 years to pay, 5 months interest free terms and we glady trade-in your existing stereo or ( hi fi equipment. See the range of Technics at Smiths City Market, your Technics Centre. 550 COLOMBO STREET. PHONE 798-100. -» ; HS CAR RADIO SPECIAL HAVE a top quality, fully guaranteed car radio or radio / stereo / cassette player installed in your car. One price, no hidden costs, includes aerial, speaker, radio, etc., fitted by our professional mobile service, we come to you. Look at these unbeatable prices: 3 choices of manual radio from $BB installed. . . Top quality reliable push button at $ll3 installed. Medium power stereo/ radio/cassette at $255 installed. Hi-power radio / cassette, $285 installed. PHONE AUTO SOUND SERVICES, 60-448 FOR APPOINTMENT AND FULL DETAILS. THS Coal, Coke, Firewood A bag, boot, trailer, ex mill. Wood, coke, fast, slow coal, Monday-Friday or Saturday 9-5 p.m. 114 Sawyers Arms Road D A cord of split or unsplit Pine or Bluegum. Prompt delivery. Ph. 499-870. THS2I ATTENTION; Always open as usual. 7 days, Sundays. Trailers, car boots. Bin Pine slabs, dry. Fair Deal, 7 Jordan St (off Hastings St), Sydenham. Fred Rumble. 19 BAGGED wood, split pine ary off cuts. Blue Gum, Manuka, prompt deliverv Ph 488-839 or 487-635 » BLUEGUM split $5O cord. Ph. 487-536, c.o.d. 23 aO • • COAL tuns, all sizes, delivery and erection available. Ph. 66-815. Sydenham Concrete Products, _u GOOD burning Macrocarpa, $35 semi-split cord. Excellent for closed In fires. Ph. 498-146. PEARSONS for coke and coal Ph. 69-963 or call at 7 Clarkson Ave. Also open Sat. mornings. MWFS3O PINE blocks, $36 a cord, for prompt delivery, please Pm SPLIT pine $4O cord. Ph. 487536, c.o.d. 23 MANUKA FIREWOOD C, and L. Nimmo Bros HAVE a full supply of Manuka firewood cut to your specifications for this winter and the next. Prompt deliveries. Order now. $7O cord, $4O half cord. PHONE 388-505. D COAL • COKE PHONE 488-839 or 487-635 for prompt deEveries Fast Coal and space Heater Nirfs, also Coke 8 firewood and quality Anthracite GARAGES • DAIRIES AND AU RETAIL OUTLETS’ ORDER YOUR COSYCOAL COAL, KINDUNG. GARDES STAKES and OFFCUTS MADDENS & RICHARDS (1979) LTD 42 BLENHEIM ROAD Just over the overhead bridjs from Healey Park) | BRING YOUR CARS AND TRAILERS TO OUR YARD FOR BULK LOADS _
Page 22 Advertisements Column 9
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 22
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