Situations Vacant I PUBLIC RELATIONS SELLIN G/CLERIC AL OUR clients are involved within a very profitable liquor retail/wholesale outlet in; Riccarton. and they are look-, ing for an enthusiastic selfmotivated individual who; would enjoy selling indispersed with some clerical duties. A good salary is assured, | plus other- benefits also ap-, ply. 24-35 years? An excel-; lent opportunity for a go-; ahead individual. . I ' Phone— t ij Career Search, 67-042, . 79-83 Hereford Str,eet. MACHINIST REQUIRED WE require a part-time Machinist for our workroom. Variety of work available. Approx. 4 to 6 hours most days. PHONE 843-817 any time. WEST COAST HOSPITAL BOARD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN — GREY HOSPITAL i GREYMOUTH APPLICATIONS are Invited from suitably qualified Medical Officers for the above Tull time position at the Base Hospital in Greymouth. • ' Salary scale, $25,456/832,770. Travel and removal expenses may be paid. I Accommodation available [with some furnishings. i Conditions of appointment and application form can be .obtained from the Chief Executive, West Coast HosIpital Board, P.O. Box 387, Greymouth, with whom applications close on July 25, r 9B o. . R Situations Wanted LIGHT domestic, two days, by married woman, midI fifty, honest, reliable. Please reply Z 6316, ‘Tress.” WANTED the position of i office junior or receptionist, I bv a 17J vear old with 1 year and 3 months experi--1 ece. Ph. 886-576, 19 I FIREWOOD CUTTING j REQUIRED, with mobile saw. Contract or hourly rate. PHONE 881-495. 2O YOUNG MAN YOUNG MAN YOUNG MAN YOUNG MAN I MID-20S, requires a job, anything considered; had experience on all aspects earthmoving, scrapers, dozers, ' front end loaders, etc. Must be outdoor job. PHONE 486-501, URGENT! 19 Situations Wtd. Farm 16 year old girl wants live-in job on farm. 478-996 after 2 p.m. 19 Situations Vacant Farm SHEARER WANTED: Permahent experienced Shearer. Must have own transport. For further inquiries Phone 612 CHEVIOT, after 7 P-m. 211
Situations Vacant TYRE FITTER-MANAGER WE NEED SOMEONE to take charge of our Christchurch fitting bay because our present Manager is being transferred to our Rangiora Branch. Duties will include fitting and selling of all makes of. new tyres and retreads, etc. Experience is essential Top wages will be paid to the right person. There are always opportunities for advancement within the structure of our progressive firm. Apply in writing to: — ’ ; • THE MANAGER, APEX TYRES, LIMITED, P.O. Box 25026, Victoria, CHRISTCHURCH. HM23 VETERINARY REPRESENTATIVE PFIZER LABORATORIES, LIMITED IF YOU are involved in selling, school teaching or another people-orientated position at presen: but wish to-begin a career in an industry" vital to the country’s economy, we invite your apphcation for this • position in the Canterbury/ Marlborough area, which is becoming available July, 1980. ' . Dealing with the veterinary profession and others in the animal health field requires a well educated, intelligent, individual with, a high degree of motivation and . self-organisation. Previous sales experience in. the animal health industry would be an advantage - although equal consideration will be given ■ to applicants with selling experience in other fields. The successful applicant will join a hard-working effective team selling a weir recognised and widely used range of research-backed products. . The position, carries a negotiable salary, commensurate; with the responsibilities involved, a company car, expense allowance and free membership to a medical benefit scheme. Further details will be discussed during personal interview. Ideally, the successful candidate will be domiciled in Christchurch, however, relocation expenses will be reimbursed, should these be necessary. ..... . u Applications giving full details, should be addressed to:— ■ Agricultural Sales Manager, PFIZER LABORATORIES, LIMITED, P.O. Box 3998, Auckland.
Page 22 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 22
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