Raffle Results RICCARTON WORKING MEN’S CLUB REFURNISHING RAFFLE SERIES 22 Ist prize—$100: 1878. Ten $2 prizes: 1609 1043 1278 1875 1817 1820 1997 1930 1429 1403 HALSWELL A.F.C. 300 CLUB Fifth draw 220 252 271 McAlpines n.c. pipe BAND LOTTERY Sixth Draw Nos. 195. 227, 281, 234, 346. Prizes may be collected from Rangiora Mower Service. CHRISTCHURCH TRANSPORT RUGBY CLUB 200 CLUB LOTTERY Drawn 18.6.80 under Police Supervision. Ist: 159, B. Smith, $lOO. 2nd: 276, W. Puanaki, $6O. 3rd: 205. T. Jones, $4O.
Lost and Found ALSATIAN cross puppy lost Hoon Hay area, answers to name Peppy. Phone 39-393. Reward. BURMESE kitten: 8 months, brown/grey, lost .Monday, Horner St, Papanui. Reward. Phone 599-007. CANOE: wooden, Indian style, red colour, lost Riccarton Bush area. Ph. 43-429. GERMAN shepherd male lost Brighton area. Answers to Chico. Ph. 883-150. GERMAN shepherd: black, tan and white, small 3 year old bitch lost from Estuarv Road, answering to "Trina.” Ph. 887-487. LOST: Brown rimmed glasses Northlands, Monday. Phone after 4 p.m. 8037 Rangiora collect. LOST in Redcliffs area. Tuesday; black leather jacket. Please ring Sumner 6768. Reward. LOST: Sum of money in black purse Tuesday, vicinity Opawa Post Office. Ph. 898-524. Reward. LOST Thursday. June 12, between Constance Tee, Colombo Street, and Victoria Square, woollen flecked wide tie belt for coat. Phone 556-281. LOST: Set of keys in damaged key case, vicinity of Oxford Tee and Cashel St. Ph. 384-457. LOST: Spectacles in brown case, central city, Wednesday, June 18. Please phone 489-622. PURSE: Lost, small coloured leather purse in Armagh St, 3.30 Tuesday. Contains keys atld money, urgently required. Ph., 852-903. Reward. 21 REMOVED from New Brighton Saturday, June 14, Raleigh 20 cycle, purple with name on chain guard. If found ph. 883-355. 19 SPARE rim and wheel lost; 3 stud, 14in tyre Ph. 841-876. 21 TRAVELLING bag left Selwyn Street Tues. Reward. Finder please ph. 324-369. EYRE COUNTY COUNCIL NOTICE OF IMPOUNDED DOG NOTICE is hereby given that the following dog found at Clarkville, Eyre, has been impounded and unless claimed within 7 days and all fees paid, will be disposed of. Description of dog: 1 male black and tan Collie cross. M. S. CRAIGHEAD. County Clerk.
Heading for Queenstown or Blenheim? At Establishment Hotels you can still afford to enjoy yourself. JlgfeMlh lB tyuMill ''‘ ~j Fl P FHI ‘ m b FrZxLjfi Mountaineer Establishment, Queenstown Grosvenor Establishment, Blenheim ®Low-cost high quality accommodation •Fine food at modest cost ©Children staging in the same room as their parents stay free ® Emergency first aid and toiletry packs are available ® Establishments are found throughout New Zealand Whether you are on business or holiday, you can TOg still afford to enjoy yourself at Establishment Hotels. XSIISJ/JX We can keep our tariffs reasonable because our hotels are very popular with local people. Our f Licensed Restaurants provide an ideal place for F rn . , ’ • , meeting friends and dining out at a realistic price. So 1 f) j Book through j us a try wherever you see our symbol of the ‘lighted lamp’ you’ll find a warm welcome and know you can still afford to enjoy yourself. Within your reach
Page 21 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 21
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