Drainage report
Sir, — I am amazed at the decision by the Ministry of Works to keep its report on Mount Pleasant drainage problems secret. If, as the Drainage Board engineer says, the M.O.W. does not have “any actual jurisdiction” why then would it mount such as exercise in the first instance? The whole issue is obviously still very much “a hot potato” implicating many authorities but the order of responsibility remains, as always, cloudy. As a resident directly concerned and well versed in the last 10 years of drainage history, I would like to know what mistakes if any, have been made and by whom, and of any proposed corrections and future plans for the area. I cannot believe that I would be alone in my concern and request full information and a clarification of authoritative control. Perhaps the Minister of Works and Development and officials of the drainage and catchment boards will supply satisfactory answers to both. — Yours, etc., GRAHAME E. FELTON. June 6, 1980. [Mr M. J. Horne, secretary, Christchurch Drainage Board, replies: “At its meeting oh Thursday, June 12, the works committee considered a comprehensive report submitted by the board’s Chief Engineer dealing with the drainage of the whole Mount Pleasant catchment area, including proposed development of the hillside area. This report was considered in open meeting and copies were supplied to the news media. The report will be tabled at the board meeting which is scheduled for Tues. June 24, when recommendations being made by the committee will be considered. A copy of the report
will be forwarded to Mr Felton when the board’s decisions are known.”] .. [A copy of this letter was sent to the Minister of Works and Development, Mr W. L. Young and a reply is awaited. — Editor.]
Drainage report
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 16
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