3— Going down when at one. (2,3, 4) 8— Always find the night before, right. (4) 9 — Quite old, but in harmony. (7, 2) 10— Put in braces? (6) 11— Comfort with food? (5) 14— This proposal is a product of fertile minds. (5) 15— Hold your horses! (4) 16— Do they, roll out of the confectioner’s? (5) 18— One vehicle taken by terrible Russian. (4) 20— Big’ regal change. (5) ' 21— Bit of quiet, say? (5) 24— Lama in beastly form. (6) 25- may be returning immediately. (5, 4) 2.6—Standard measure of ammunition. (4). ’ ' ’ • < 27—A lightning report? (4, 5)Down 1— As shown in the trawler fleet’s books? (3, 6) 2— Help for the overworked cartographer? (6, 3) 4— Really .want some fine education. (4) 5— There’s an aperture in the wall in that chamber. (5) ? 6— Flying footballer? (6) 7— Negative both ways for a time; (4) 9—They offer a change for the driver. (5) 11— Tell off 100 who conceal themselves. (5) 12— Censure about demure joiner. (9) . 13—Could be a line I try, actually. (2,7) 17— Sneak in order to'send about fifty to the bottom. . (s)’ 19— When things go wrong? (6) •> ■ 22— In’America; ballot for political clique. (5) 23— Capital punishment? (4) 24jr>The;tards they hold in performance? (4) ; : . - (Solution tomorrow) . . L
/esterday’s solution Across: 1, Mars; 3,. Outdoors; 8, Name; 9, Abruptly; 11, Reverberates; 13, Indian; 14, Editor; 17, Magnetic pole; 20, Operetta; 21, Gobi; 22, Sea-level; 23, Mean. Down: =l, Monorail; 2, Removed; 4, Unbred; ...5, Drug addict; 6. Outre; 7, Styx; 10, Great niece; .12, Artesian; 15, Twosome; 16, Statue; 18, Arena; 19, Boss.
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 16
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