g3OMFF< & ; "ALLBATIIC>gb ;iX : SKIRTS T S2» v . .• ’ (ojhfieldi -.-Brighton Pier. •? Ph. 795-999 ; Ph. j)M.so3|£
At $1.99, $2.50, $2.99 now, you'll K never see them tattered, battered and reduced later. ®jrr *JT x How does Gardenway offer shrubs at prices so j low 7 Are they undersized plants, perhaps seedlinq shrubs hardly out of the containers they were ./7l sown in? Not likely! When you re in the "satisfaction guaranteed" business you don t take chances selling plants which can disappear M*STISL after the-first Southerly. Maybe they are last ‘ season's left overs, now heavily reduced. Wrong again! Chances are these shrubs came in las , ? week or the week before and are priced to sell < , 2 4. this week or next. * We don’t have acres at Gardenway branches but we don't have headaches either. n.z. Native corokia _ Lona aao we learned to cope with doing more business in a small space. Gettinq9prices right the first time saves us space, time and trouble and ensures that you buy nursery fresh, fully fledged stock at reasonable prices. gr ° und J ove R r CoP p°|T as HnHi rfiha varieaated form) $2.50. Rosemary, Lavender, Mint Busfv Californian Lilac, New Zealand native Myrtle, New dainty Flax Elfin, Hardy-Corokias. ■ $2.99 — —— —>. ' ? >/" Gardenway y. open 7 days ■ ''';
Page 15 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 19 June 1980, Page 15
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